List of German Federal Navy ships

List of German Federal Navy ships

The list of German Federal Navy ships includes all ships commissioned into service with the Bundesmarine, the German navy which served West Germany during the Cold War from its foundation in 1956 through the unification of Germany in 1990, when it was renamed Deutsche Marine. Dates listed are - with some exceptions - the years a given vessel was "in commission".

See also the list of naval ships of Germany for naval ships throughout Germany's history.

Surface combatants

*Training cruiser
**Type 440 (Deutschland class training cruiser)
***German naval ship Deutschland (A59)

**Type 119 (Fletcher class) (Z1 class destroyer)
***D170 "Z1" (former USS Anthony (DD-515)) 1959—1972
***D171 "Z2" (former USS Ringgold (DD-500)) 1959—1981
***D172 "Z3" (former USS Wadsworth (DD-516)) 1959—1980
***D178 "Z4" (former USS Claxton (DD-571)) 1959—1981
***D179 "Z5" (former USS Dyson (DD-572)) 1960—1982
***D180 "Z6" (former USS Charles Ausburne (DD-570)) 1960—1967
**Type 101 (Hamburg class destroyer)
***D181 "Hamburg" 1964-1994
***D182 "Schleswig-Holstein" 1964-1994
***D183 "Bayern" 1965-1993
***D184 "Hessen" 1968-1990
**Type 103 (Lütjens class destroyer)
***D185 "Lütjens" 1969-2003
***D186 "Mölders" 1969-2003
***D187 "Rommel" 1970-1998

**Type 120 (Köln class)
***F220 "Köln" 1961—1982
***F221 "Emden" 1961—1983
***F222 "Augsburg" 1962—1988
***F223 "Karlsruhe" 1962-1984
***F224 "Lübeck" 1963—1988
***F225 "Braunschweig" 1964—1989
**Type 138 (former Royal Navy Hunt class destroyer escorts and Modified Black Swan class sloops)
***F212 "Gneisenau" (former HMS Oakley) 1958—1977
***F213 "Scharnhorst" (former HMS Mermaid) 1959—1988
***F214 "Hipper" (former HMS Actaeon) 1959—1967
***F215 "Graf Spee" (former HMS Flamingo) 1959—1967
***F216 "Scheer" 9former HMS Hart) 1959—1971
***F217 "Raule" (former HMS Albrighton) 1959-1971
***F218 "Brommy" (former HMS Eggesford) 1959—1979
**Type 122 (Bremen class frigate)
***F207 "Bremen" 1982-
***F208 "Niedersachsen" 1982-
***F209 "Rheinland-Pfälz" 1983-
***F210 "Emden" 1983-
***F211 "Köln" 1983-
***F212 "Karlsruhe" 1984-
***F213 "Augsburg" 1989-
***F214 "Lübeck" 1990-

Amphibious Warfare

*Landing ships
**Type 550 (Krokodil class medium landing ships)
***L750 "Krokodil" (former USS LSM 537) 1958-1976
***L751 "Eidechse" (former USS LSM 491) 1958-1976
***L752 "Salamander" (former USS LSM5 53) 1958-1970
***L753 "Viper" (former USS LSM 558) 1958-1970
**Type 551 (Otter class fire support landing ships)
***L754 "Otter" (former USS Smyrna River (LSMR 532)) 1958-1971
***L755 "Natter" (former USS Thames River (LSMR 534) 1958-1971
**LST 1-1152 class tank landing ship
***ex-"LST 987" (former USS Millard County (LST-987) 1961-1964
***ex-"LST 1041" (former USS Montgomery County (LST-1041) 1961-1964
*Landing craft
**Type 520 Butt class utility landing craft
***L760 "Flunder"
***L761 "Karpfen"
***L762 "Lachs"
***L763 "Plötze"
***L764 "Rochen"
***L765 "Schlei"
***L766 "Stör"
***L767 "Tümmler"
***L768 "Wels"
***L769 "Zander"
***L788 "Butt"
***L789 "Brasse"
***L790 "Barbe"
***L791 "Delphin"
***L792 "Dorsch"
***L793 "Felchen"
***L794 "Forelle"
***L795 "Inger"
***L796 "Makrele"
***L797 "Muräne"
***L798 "Renke"
***L799 "Salm"
**LCM 1 class mechanized landing craft
***28 craft: "LCM 1 - 28"
**LCA 1 class assault landing craft
***10 craft: "LCA 1 - 10"
**LCU 1 class tank landing craft
***"LCU 1" (ex-L7981; former USS LCU 779/LSU 779/LCT 779) 1958-1968

Small Surface Combatants

*Submarine chaser
**Type 179 (Le Fougeueux class submarine chaser)
***"UW12" (former USS P1618 1957-1970
**Type 420 Thetis class corvette
***P6052 "Thetis" 1960-??
***P6053 "Hermes" 1960-??
***P6054 "Najade" 1961-??
***P6055 "Triton" 1961-??
***P6056 "Theseus" 1962-??
**Hans Burkner class corvette
***A1449 "Hans Burkner" 1963-??
*Fast attack craft
**Type 140/141 (Jaguar class fast attack craft/Seeadler class fast attack craft)
***P6058 "Iltis" (S 2) 1957—1978
***P6059 "Jaguar" (S 1) 1957-1976
***P6060 "Leopard" (S 5) 1958-1975
***P6061 "Luchs" (S 4) 1958-1975
***P6062 "Wolf" (S 3) 1958—1975
***P6063 "Tiger" (S 23) 1958-1976
***P6064 "Panther" (S 24) 1958-1978
***P6065 "Löwe" (S 12) 1959—1975
***P6066 "Fuchs" (S 13) 1959—1978
***P6067 "Marder" (S 14) 1959—1975
***P6068 "Seeadler" (S 6) 1958-1977
***P6069 "Albatros" (S 7) 1959-1977
***P6070 "Kondor" (S 8) 1959-1977
***P6071 "Greif" (S 9) 1959-1976
***P6072 "Falke" (S 10) 1959-1976
***P6073 "Geier" (S 11) 1959-1976
***P6074 "Bussard" (S 25) 1959-1976
***P6075 "Habicht" (S 26) 1959-1977
***P6076 "Sperber" (S 27) 1959-1976
***P6077 "Kormoran" (S 28) 1959-1977
***P6082 "Weihe" (S 15) 1959—1973
***P6083 "Kranich" (S 16) 1959—1974
***P6084 "Alk" (S 29) 1960-1976
***P6085 "Storch" (S 17) 1960—1975
***P6086 "Pelikan" (S 30) 1960-1975
***P6087 "Häher" (S 18) 1960—1976
***P6088 "Elster" (S 19) 1960—1978
***P6089 "Reiher" (S 20) 1960—1976
***P6090 "Pinguin" (S 22) 1961-1975
***P6091 "Dommel" (S 21) 1961—1978
**Type 142 (Zobel class fast attack craft)
***P6092 "Zobel" (S 31) 1961—1982
***P6093 "Wiesel" (S 32) 1962—1984
***P6094 "Dachs" (S 33) 1962—1983
***P6095 "Hermelin" (S 38) 1962-1983
***P6096 "Nerz" (S 34) 1963—1982
***P6097 "Puma" (S 39) 1962-1981
***P6098 "Gepard" (S 35) 1963—1982
***P6099 "Hyäne" (S 40) 1963-1984
***P6100 "Frettchen" (S 36) 1963—1983
***P6101 "Ozelot" (S 37) 1963—1984
**Type 149 (Silbermöwe class fast attack craft)
***P6052 "Silbermöwe" (ex-"Silver Gull") 1956—1968
***P6053 "Sturmmöwe" (ex-"Storm Gull" ) 1956—1968
***P6054 "Wildschwan" (ex-"Wild Sawn") 1956-1968
***P6055 "Eismöwe" (ex-S 1) 1956—1968
***P6056 "Raubmöwe" (ex-S 2) 1956—1968
***P6057 "Seeschwalbe" 1957—1974
**Former Kriegsmarine S-boat fast attack craft
***"UW10" (former Kriegsmarine S 130) 1957-1993
***"UW11" (former Kriegsmarine S 208 1957-1964
***S116 (Kriegsmarine name retained) 1957-1965
**Type 152 Hugin class fast attack craft (Nasty type, from Norway)
***P6191 "Hugin" 1960—1964
***P6192 "Munin" 1960—1964
**Type 153 fast attack craft (Vosper type, from Britain)
***P6193 "Pfeil" 1962—1967
***P6194 "Strahl" 1962—1967
**Type 143 ( [Albatros class fast attack craft] ) - Later upgraded to Type 143B
***P6111 "Albatros" (S 61) 1974-
***P6112 "Falke" (S 62) 1974-
***P6113 "Geier" (S 63) 1974-
***P6114 "Bussard" (S 64) 1975-
***P6115 "Sperber" (S 65) 1974-
***P6116 "Greif" (S 66) 1975-
***P6117 "Kondor" (S 67) 1975-
***P6118 "Seeadler" (S 68) 1976-
***P6119 "Habicht" (S 69) 1975-
***P6120 "Kormoran" (S 70) 1976-
**Type 143A (Gepard class fast attack craft)
***P6121 "Gepard" (S 71) 1982-
***P6122 "Puma" (S 72) 1982-
***P6123 "Hermelin" (S 73) 1983-
***P6124 "Nerz" (S 74) 1982-
***P6125 "Zobel" (S 75) 1982-
***P6126 "Frettchen" (S 76) 1983-
***P6127 "Dachs" (S 77) 1983-
***P6128 "Ozelot" (S 78) 1984-
***P6129 "Wiesel" (S 79) 1984-
***P6130 "Hyäne" (S 80) 1984-
*Motor launches
**Former Kriegsmarine R-boat motor launch
***Y870 "UW 4" (Former Kriegsmarine R 101) 1956-1981
***W47 "UW 5" (Former Kriegsmarine R 150) 1956-1979
***W48 "UW 6" (Former Kriegsmarine R 408) 1956-1977
***W52 "OT 1" (i) (Former Kriegsmarine R 406) 1956-1960
***W61 "AT 1" (i) (Former Kriegsmarine R 266) 1957-1968
***W62 "AT 2" (Former Kriegsmarine R 407) 1957-1963
***W-- "OT 1" (ii) (Converted motor minesweeper "Jupiter" (M1065), former Kriegsmarine R 137)
***W-- "AT 1" (ii) (Converted motor minesweeper "Regulus" (M1055), former Kriegsmarine R 142)
*Patrol trawlers
**Type 139 patrol trawler (Former British Isles class trawler)
***A50 "Eider" (Former HMS Flint (T287)
***A51 "Trave" (Former HMS Dochet (T286)
**KW1 class patrol trawler (Former Kriegsmarine KFK type patrol trawler)
***W1 "KW 1" (Former Kriegsmarine V 1441) 1956-1968
***Y828 "KW 2" (Former Kriegsmarine M 3253) 1956-1975
***Y829 "KW 3" (Former Kriegsmarine K 566) 1956-??
***W4 "KW 4" (Former Kriegsmarine ??) 1956-1964
***W5 "KW 5" (Former Kriegsmarine ??) 1956-1964
***Y836 "KW 6" (Former Kriegsmarine ??) 1956-1976
***W7 "KW 7" (Former Kriegsmarine ??) 1956-1967
***Y831 "KW 8" (Former Kriegsmarine ??) 1956-1975
***W9 "KW 9" (Former Kriegsmarine ??) 1956-1964
***W10 "KW 10" (Former Kriegsmarine ??) 1956-1964
*Patrol craft
**KW11 class patrol craft (Former Frontier Guard craft)
***"KW 11" (ex-"P 1") 1956-??
***"KW 12" (ex-"P 2") 1956-??
***"KW 13" (ex-"P 3") 1956-??
***"KW 14" (ex-"P 4") 1956-??
**Type 369 KW15 class patrol craft (Former Labor Service Unit craft)
***Y827 "KW 15" (ex-"USN 54") 1956-??
***Y830 "KW 16" (ex-"USN 55") 1956-??
***Y845 "KW 17" (ex-"USN 56") 1956-??
***Y832 "KW 18" (ex-"USN 57") 1956-??
***Y833 "KW 19" (ex-"USN 58") 1956-1981
***Y846 "KW 20" (ex-"USN 59") 1956-??
**BG1 class patrol craft (former Type 369 KW 15 class patrol craft)
***BG1 ---- (ex-"KW 15")
***BG2 ---- (ex-"KW 16")
***BG3 ---- (ex-"KW 17")
***BG4 ---- (ex-"KW 19")
**BG11 type Neustadt class patrol craft
***BG11 "Neustadt" 1969-
***BG12 "Bad Bramstadt" 1969-
***BG13 "Uelzen" 1969-
***BG14 "Duderstadt" 1969-
***BG15 "Eschwege" 1969-
***BG16 "Alsfeld" 1970-
***BG17 "Bayreuth" 1970-
***BG18 "Rosenheim" 1970-
*Air sea rescue boats
**Type 909 FL5 class air sea rescue boat
***FL5 -- (ex-"KW 11", former "P 1")
***FL6 -- (ex-"KW 12", former "P 2")
***FL7 -- (ex-"KW 13", former "P 3")
***FL8 -- (ex-"KW 14", former "P 4")

ubsurface combatants

**Type 240 submarine
***S170 "Hai" (former Kriegsmarine U2365) 1956-1966
***S171 "Hecht" (former Kriegsmarine U2367) 1957-1969
**Type 241 submarine
***Y888 "Wilhelm Bauer" (former Kriegsmarine U2549) 1960-1983
**Type 201 submarine
***S180 "U-1" 1962-1966
***S181 "U-2" 1962-1963
***S182 "U-3" 1963-1967
**Type 202 submarine (experimental)
***S172 "Hans Techel" 1965-1966
***S173 "Friedrich Schürer" 1965-1966
**Type 205 submarine
***S183 "U-4" 1962-1974
***S184 "U-5" 1962-1974
***S185 "U-6" 1963-1974
***S186 "U-7" 1963-1974
***S187 "U-8" 1963-1974
***S188 "U-9" 1966-1993
***S189 "U-10" 1967-1993
***S190 "U-11" 1968-??
***S191 "U-12" 1968-??
***S180 "U-1" 1967-1991
***S181 "U-2" 1966-1992
**Type 206 submarine - later upgraded to Type 206A submarine
***S192 "U-13" 1973-
***S193 "U-14" 1973-
***S194 "U-15" 1973-
***S195 "U-16" 1973-
***S196 "U-17" 1973-
***S197 "U-18" 1973-
***S198 "U-19" 1973-
***S199 "U-20" 1973-
***S170 "U-21" 1974-
***S171 "U-22" 1974-
***S172 "U-23" 1974-
***S173 "U-24" 1974-
***S174 "U-25" 1974-
***S175 "U-26" 1974-
***S176 "U-27" 1974-
***S177 "U-28" 1975-
***S178 "U-29" 1974-
***S179 "U-30" 1975-

Mine warfare

* Minelayers
**Type 370 (Bamberg class minelayer)
***N120 "Bochum" (former USS Rice County (LST 1089)) 1961-1976
***N121 "Bottrup" (former USS Saline County (LST 1101)) 1961-1976
***A1403 "Bamberg" (former USS Greer County (LST 799)) 1961-1970
**Type 762 (Sachsenwald class mine transport/minelayer)
***A1437 "Sachsenwald" 1967-??
***A1438 "Steigerwald" 1967-??
* Ocean Minesweepers
**Type 319 (Former Kriegsmarine M class minesweeper)
***F207 "Biene" (Former Kriegsmarine M 205, Type 1935) 1956-1974
***F208 "Bremse" (Former Kriegsmarine M 253, Type 1935) 1956-1976
***F209 "Brummer" (Former Kriegsmarine M 85), Type 1935) 1956-1974
***F210 "Hummel" (Former Kriegsmarine M 81, Type 1935) 1956-1976
***F211 "Wespe" (Former Kriegsmarine M 24, Type 1935) 1956-1973
***M187 "Seehund" (Former Kriegsmarine M 388, Type 1940) 1956-1973
***M188 "Seeigel" (Former Kriegsmarine M 460, Type 1940) 1956-1973
***M189 "Seelöwe" (Former Kriegsmarine M 441, Type 1940) 1956-1969
***M190 "Seepferd" (Former Kriegsmarine M 294, Type 1940) 1956-1966
***M191 "Seeschlange" (Former Kriegsmarine M611, Type 1943) 1956-1967
***M192 "Seestern" (Former Kriegsmarine M 278, Type 1940) 1956-1966
* Coastal Minesweepers
**Type 320 (Lindau class minesweeper)
***Later upgraded to Type 331B minehunter:
****M1070 "Göttingen" 1958-
****M1071 "Koblenz" 1958-
****M1072 "Lindau" 1958-
****M1074 "Tübingen" 1958-
****M1075 "Wetzlar" 1958-
****M1077 "Weilheim" 1959-
****M1078 "Cuxhaven" 1959-
****M1080 "Marburg" 1959-
****M1085 "Minden" 1960-
****M1087 "Völklingen" 1960-
***Later upgraded to Type 351 control ship (for 'Troika' minesweeping drones):
****M1073 "Schleswig" 1958-
****M1076 "Paderborn" 1958-
****M1079 "Düren" 1959-
****M1081 "Konstanz" 1959-
****M1082 "Wolfsburg" 1959-
****M1083 "Ulm" 1959-
***Later upgraded to Type 331A minehunter:
****M1084 "Flensburg" 1959-
****M1086 "Fulda" 1960-
**Type 321 (Vegesack class minesweeper)
***M1250 "Vegesack" 1959—1975
***M1251 "Hameln" 1959—1975
***M1252 "Detmold" 1960-1975
***M1253 "Worms" 1960—1975
***M1254 "Siegen" 1960—1975
***M1255 "Passau" 1960—1978
* Inshore minesweepers
**Type 340 (Krebs class minesweeper)
***M1050 "Mira" 1960-1978
***M1051 "Castor" 1962-1990
***M1052 "Krebs" 1959—1976
***M1053 "Orion" 1961-1979
***M1054 "Pollux" 1961-1992
***M1055 "Sirius" 1961-1990
***M1056 "Rigel" 1962-1990
***M1057 "Regulus" 1962-1990
***M1058 "Mars" 1960-1992
***M1059 "Spica" 1960—1992
**Type 341 (Schütze class minesweeper)
***M1060 "Skorpion" 1963-??
***M1061 "Stier" 1958-??
***M1062 "Schütze" 1958-??
***M1063 "Waage" 1963-??
***M1064 "Deneb" 1961-??
***M1065 "Jupiter" 1961-??
***M1066 "Pegasus" 1962-1974
***M1067 "Altair" 1961-??
***M1068 "Algol" 1963-1973
***M1069 "Wega" 1962-??
***M1090 "Perseus" 1960-??
***M1091 "Steinbock" 1958-??
***M1092 "Pluto" 1960-??
***M1093 "Neptun" 1960-??
***M1094 "Widder" 1959-??
***M1095 "Herkules" 1960-??
***M1096 "Fische" 1959-??
***M1097 "Gemma" 1959-??
***M1098 "Capella" 1960-1976
***M1099 "Uranus" 1960-1973
**Type 390 (Holnis class minesweeper)
***M---- Holnis 1966-??
**Type 391 (Niobe class minesweeper)
***M---- Niobe 1957-??
**Type 392 (Hansa class minesweepers)
***M---- Hansa 1958-??
**Type 393 (Ariadne class minesweeper)
***M2650 "Ariadne" 1960-??
***M2651 "Freya" 1960-??
***M2652 "Vineta" 1960-??
***M2653 "Hertha" 1961-??
***M2654 "Nymphe" 1962-??
***M2655 "Nixe" 1962-??
***M2656 "Amazone" 1963-??
***M2657 "Gazelle" 1963-??
**Type 394 (Frauenlob class minesweeper)
***M2658 "Frauenlob" 1965-??
***M2659 "Mautilus" 1965-??
***M2660 "Gefion" 1965-??
***M2661 "Medusa" 1966-??
***M2662 "Undine" 1966-??
***M2663 "Minerva" 1966-??
***M2664 "Diana" 1967-??
***M2665 "Loreley" 1967-??
***M2666 "Atlantis" 1967-??
***M2667 "Acheron" 1968-??
*Motor minesweepers
**Type 359 motor minesweeper (Former Kriegsmarine R-boat motor minesweeper - Most later redesignated as Type 730 accommodation minesweepers)
***M1050 "Capella" (Former Kriegsmarine R 133) 1956-1972
***M1051 "Castor" (Former Kriegsmarine R 138) 1956-1958
***M1052 "Mars" (Former Kriegsmarine R 136) 1956-1967
***M1053 "Orion" (Former Kriegsmarine R 132) 1956-1968
***M1054 "Pollux" (Former Kriegsmarine R 140) 1956-1970
***M1055 "Regulus" (Former Kriegsmarine R 142) 1956-1968
***M1056 "Rigel" (Former Kriegsmarine R 135) 1956-1967
***M1057 "Saturn" (Former Kriegsmarine R 146) 1956-1972
***M1058 "Sirius" (Former Kriegsmarine R 144) 1956-1971
***M1059 "Spica" (Former Kriegsmarine R 247) 1956-1970
***M1060 "Aldebaran" (Former Kriegsmarine R 91) 1956-1972
***M1061 "Algol" (Former Kriegsmarine R 99) 1956-1970
***M1062 "Arkturus" (Former Kriegsmarine R 128) 1956-1968
***M1063 "Altair" (Former Kriegsmarine R 76) 1956-1970
***M1064 "Deneb" (Former Kriegsmarine R 127) 1956-1968
***M1065 "Jupiter" (Former Kriegsmarine R 137) 1956-1969
***M1066 "Merkur" (Former Kriegsmarine R 134) 1956-1970
***M1067 "Pegasus" (Former Kriegsmarine R 68) 1956-1970
***M1068 "Skorpion" (Former Kriegsmarine R 120) 1956-1974
***M1069 "Wega" (Former Kriegsmarine R 67) 1956-1966

Auxiliary ships

* Tenders
**Type 401 (Rhein class fast attack tender craft tender)
***A58 "Rhein" 1960-??
***A61 "Elbe" 1960-??
***A62 "Weser" 1960-1976
***A63 "Main" 1960-??
***A64 "Ruhr" 1960-1976
***A66 "Neckar" 1961-??
***A68 "Werra" 1963-??
***A69 "Donau" 1961-??
**Type 402 (Mosel class fast minesweeper tender)
***A54 "Isar" 1962-1982
***A65 "Saar" 1961-??
***A67 "Mosel" 1961-??
**Type 403 (Lahn class submarine tender)
***A55 "Lahn" 1962-??
***A56 "Lech" 1962-??
* Repair ships
**Type 726 (Odin class repair ship)
***A512 "Odin" (former USS Ulysses (ARB 9/LST 967)) 1962-??
***A513 "Wotan" (former USS Diomedes (ARB 11/LST 1119)) 1962-??
* Replenishment ships/oilers
**Type 701 (Lüneburg class replenishment ship)
***A1411 "Lüneburg"
***A1412 "Coburg"
***A1413 "Freiburg"
***A1415 "Glücksburg"
***A1416 "Saarburg"
***A1417 "Offenburg"
***A1418 "Meersburg"
**Type 706 (Schwarzwald class replenishment ship)
***A1400 "Schwarzwald"


*Robert Gardiner (ed. dir.), "Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1947-1982", Part I. London: Conway Maritime Press, 1983.
*Francis E. McMurtrie and Raymond V.B. Blackman (eds.), "Jane's Fighting Ships 1949-50". New York: The McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1949.
*Eberhard Möller and Werner Brack, The Encyclopedia of U-boats. From 1904 to the present. London: Greenhill Books, 2004.

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