PKP class SM30

PKP class SM30

Infobox Locomotive Auto
name = SM30
powertype = Diesel-electric

caption = Class SM30 or SP30 locomotive
builder = Fablok
serialnumber =
buildmodel = Ls300
builddate = 1957-1970
totalproduction = ca. 900
whytetype =
aarwheels =
uicclass = Bo'Bo'
gauge = RailGauge|sg
bogies = 2
leadingsize =
driversize =
wheeldiameter = 850 mm
trailingsize =
wheelbase =
length = 10140 mm
width = 3130 mm
height = 4300 mm
framesize =
weightondrivers =
weight = 36 t.
locotenderweight =
fueltype =


consumption =
watercons =
electricsystem =
collectionmethod =
primemover = Wola V-300
Wola 2DVSa-350
enginetype = four-stroke
tractionmotors = LT-31
aspiration =
displacement =
boiler =
boilerpressure =
feedwaterheater =
firearea =
tubearea =
fluearea =
tubesandflues =
fireboxarea =
totalsurface =
superheatertype =
superheaterarea =
cylindercount = 12
cylindersize =
rearcylindersize =
hpcylindersize =
lpcylindersize =
valvegear =
transmission = electrical
topspeed = 60 km/h
poweroutput = 257 kW
tractiveeffort = 73,55 kN
factorofadhesion =
locobrakes = Knorr
hand brake
trainbrakes =
safety =
railroad = PKP
railroadclass = SM30
numinclass = 302
roadnumber =
officialname =
nicknames =
locale =
deliverydate = 1957
firstrundate =
lastrundate =
retiredate =
restoredate =
scrapdate =
currentowner =
disposition =|

SM30 is a Polish series of diesel shunting locomotives used by PKP. [cite web|url=|title=Rozwój spalinowych pojazdów trakcyjnych w Polsce|author=|date=2003-2007|accessdate=2007-08-31]


SM30 locomotives is the first Polish diesel locomotive equipped with electrical transmission. The prototype was constructed in Fablok, Chrzanów between 1956 and 1957. Over 900 items had been built before 1970, 300 of them found place in PKP, the rest, with Ls300 designation worked in the industry.

In the 1970s 109 items of SM30 locomotive were equipped with 500V heating device, and as a result the name of those machines was changed to SP30 (able to pull passenger trains).cite web| url=| title=Chester Home Page| author=Jarek D. Stwarz| date=1997-2002| accessdate=2007-09-03] Those machines stayed in regular service until late 1980s. In 2000 all of them were again, after dismounting heating systems, returned to SM30 series.cite web| url=| title=LKK Team| author=Marcin Mularczyk| date=2006-2007| accessdate=2007-09-03]

Technical data

SM30 is a Bo-Bo locomotive, what means it runs on two bogies, each equipped with two axles. The general construction of this engine is relatively simple. Being the pineer machine in Polish railway industry it incorporated many solutions from other branches of industry. I. e. the first engine to be mounted, Wola V-300, was taken from tank construction, main DC current alternator was in fact stationery alternator and traction motors were taken from trams. As the first Polish locomotive with electrical transmission it proved high efficiency of that solution.

The locomotive frame is constructed of steel rolled formers. Ball stub-axles are mounted to strend girders, that make welded box construction. Aggregate, composed of diesel engine and main alternator, is mounted on parallel girders. The engine is connected to main alternator with an elastic clutch. Four traction motors (two on each bogie) are mounted with a tram system. Traction motors can be powered in series connection, parallel connection and parallel connection with field reduction of 40 to 60%.

Traction motors are series devices with 60 kW hour power. Main alternator (PABOM-186a type) is a DC machine with 600 V. voltage and 367 A. intensity. Its power rating whilst working with 1500 rpm. is 220 kW. During engine starting the main alternator serves as electric starter, powered from the battery. For the purposes of enlighting the locomotive and charging batteries an additional alternator (Pw-114a type) is used.

SM30 locomotives had two types of diesel engine mounted. Wola V-300 and 3DVSRa-350 12 cylinder engines had powers, respectively: 300 Hp and 350 Hp. Neutral gear rotation is 600 rpm. and rated rev is 1500 rpm. [cite web|url=|title=Chester Home Page|author=Jarek D. Stwarz|date=1997-2002|accessdate=2007-08-30]


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