PKP class SM31

PKP class SM31

Infobox Locomotive
name = SM31
powertype = Diesel-electric

caption = SM31-120 locomotive in Zabrze
builder = flagicon|POL Fablok
serialnumber =
buildmodel = 411D
builddate = 1976-1985
totalproduction = ca. 200
whytetype =
aarwheels =
uicclass = Co-Co
gauge = 1435 mm
bogies = 2
leadingsize =
driversize =
wheeldiameter = 1100 mm
trailingsize =
wheelbase =
length = 17 m
width =
height =
framesize =
weightondrivers =
weight = 116.4 t
locotenderweight =
fueltype = diesel


consumption =
watercons =
electricsystem =
collectionmethod =
primemover = a8C22W
enginetype = four-stroke
tractionmotors =
aspiration =
displacement =
boiler =
boilerpressure =
feedwaterheater =
firearea =
tubearea =
fluearea =
tubesandflues =
fireboxarea =
totalsurface =
superheatertype =
superheaterarea =
cylindercount = 8
cylindersize =
rearcylindersize =
hpcylindersize =
lpcylindersize =
valvegear =
transmission = electrical
topspeed = 80 km/h
poweroutput = 880 kW
tractiveeffort =
factorofadhesion =
locobrakes = Oerlikon
trainbrakes =
safety =
railroad = PKP
railroadclass = flagicon|POL SM31
numinclass = 168
roadnumber =
officialname =
nicknames = Trumna
locale =
deliverydate = 1976
firstrundate =
lastrundate =
retiredate =
restoredate =
scrapdate =
currentowner =
disposition =|

SM31 (production model 411D) is a Polish series of diesel shunting locomotives used by PKP and industry. [cite web|url=|title=Chester Home Page|author=Jarek D. Stwarz|date=1997-2002|accessdate=2007-09-03]


SM31 class had been designed for shunting heavy freight trains in large freight stations, works and harbours. The design was elaborated in Fablok in 1973, mainly on the basis of SM42 locomotive. Production of this series lasted between 1976 and 1981, as well as between 1983 and 1985. In this period PKP bought 167 items of this series machines. [cite web|url=|title=Regionalny Portal Kolejowy|author=|date=2006-2007|accessdate=2007-09-04] A total number of ca. 200 locomotives was produced, with the rest of them servicing Polish industry, chiefly mining. [cite web|url=|title=Serwis Kolejowy|author=Przemysław Gołembiecki, Tomasz Gacki|date=2003|accessdate=2007-09-04] Also first two prototypes (SM31-001 and SM31-002) were sold to industrial works, and the last one locomotive for PKP was re-bought from the industry (SM31-170). [cite web|url=|title=Regionalny Portal Kolejowy|author=|date=2006-2007|accessdate=2007-09-04]

As the main purpose of this series was shunting heavy freight trains, after its introduction PKP possessed shunters suited for all purposes. For extremely light trains mainly SM03 locomotives were used. Medium light trains were shunted by SM30 series, medium weight trains were left for SM42 engines. The last thing to be done was the introduction of heavy shunter able to work in severe climatic conditions, what did not happen before SM48 were brought to Poland. [cite web|url=|title=Chester Home Page|author=Jarek D. Stwarz|date=1997-2002|accessdate=2007-09-04]

Today SM31 locomotives are mainly to be found on Upper Silesia railway tracks, pulling heavy freight trains from works to marshalling yards in Łazy, Jaworzno, Szczakowa, Tarnowskie Góry and Rybnik. Other engines are deployed at the stations of Łódź, Nowy Sącz, Poznań, Szczecin and Wrocław. [cite web|url=|title=Regionalny Portal Kolejowy|author=|date=2006-2007|accessdate=2007-09-04]

Technical data

SM31 is a Co-Co locomotive, what means it runs on two bogies, each equipped with three axles. Bogies are similar in construction to those used in SU45 and SU46 locomotives. This gives SM31 locomotive good performance on highland tracks. [cite web|url=|title=Regionalny Portal Kolejowy|author=|date=2006-2007|accessdate=2007-09-04] Being a typical shunter, SM31 has one crew compartment of the same height as machine and electric compartments. [cite web|url=|title=Chester Home Page|author=Jarek D. Stwarz|date=1997-2002|accessdate=2007-09-13] The engine (V8 compression-ignition engine) is in fact a developed version of SM42 locomotive engine, with its total power raised by ca. 50%. The engine propels main alternator, which gives power to six 196 kW traction motors. [cite web|url=|title=Chester Home Page|author=Jarek D. Stwarz|date=1997-2002|accessdate=2007-09-13]


Trumna (En.: "Coffin") - from locomotive's angular shape. [cite web|url=|title=Serwis Kolejowy|author=Przemysław Gołembiecki, Tomasz Gacki|date=2003|accessdate=2007-09-03]


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