Peoples Education Society College of Engineering

Peoples Education Society College of Engineering

The Peoples' Education Society College of Engineering (PESCE), is an institution located in the picturesque surroundings of Mandya, Karnataka, India.


P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya is one of the pioneer Engineering Colleges in India. Presently it is affiliated to the Visveswaraiah Technological University and is recognised by the All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi. Previously it is affiliated to the University of Mysore. It is an institution functioning under the grant-in-aid scheme of Government of Karnatka. The College was established in the year 1962 by People's Education Society currently known as People's Education Trust (R), with the help of philanthropic farmers of Mandya District. The sole objective of the college was to promote Technical Education among the students of Rural Areas. The Society was founded by late Sri K.V. Shankaregowda, former Education Minister of Government of Karnataka. He was a person with a missionary zeal and long cherised ambition to promote and disseminate knowledge, serving generally the cause of Education.

P.E.S. College of Engineering was established on an expanse of 62 Acres with only three branches of Engineering viz., Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. In 1971 the Electronics and Communication branch was commenced. Automobile Engineering and Industrial and production Engineering branches were started in 1980. In 1983 the branch of Computer Science was started and that of Environmental Engineering in the year 1987. In addition to the above 8 branches in undergraduate Engineering, the Institute now offers Post Graduate Courses, Master of Technology in Environmental Engineering, Master of Computer Application and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Computing.

Each branch of Engineering has a separate building and well equipped Laboratories to impart meaningful training to the students in recent developments in Technology. College has well maintained Hostels, two for boys and one for girls for providing Boarding and Lodging facilities for about 600 students. The College has an open Air Theatre in the Campus to promote cultural Activities.



DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERINGThe Civil Department has its own Library of 2,307 volumes pertaining to Civil and Environmental Engineering subjects. The department has a separate computer centre with Local Area Network (LAN) system. The centre is provided with 20 Personal Computers.

DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGThe Department has a separate CAD/CAM laboratory with around 10 Computers. It has a separate library with around 700 books on various subjects which help the students.

List of Major Equipments available.

Air CompressorRuston Horizontal EngineRuston Vertical EngineAir BlowerGovernorsBalancing of MassesHeat Transfer LabLathesSmithy. Forging facilitiesFoundry and Casting Machines.Junker's Calorimeter.Flash and Fire Point Tester.Redwood Viscometer.Saybolts Viscometer.Micropal-4D-ROBOT ManipulatorCNC Trainer LatheCNC Bench Lathe (Prominent)CNC Bench Lathe (Denford)Robot (Denford)DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGThe centre has 70 terminals with a wide range of computing capabilities. The Computer Lab has 40 terminals in LAN running on NOVELL Netware 3.X. The other 30 terminals are connected to HCL-HP make meteor system running with SCO UNIX with all common Languages.

The important courses offered are Operating Systems, Novell netware, Image processing, MP, Software Engg., Data Communication, DBMS and Information System Design.

DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERINGThe Department comprises many labs with state of the art equipments :

Basic Electronics LabDigital Electronics LabMicroprocessor Lab (8085 and 8086)Power Electronics LabSignal Processing work-station.ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTThe support facilities include Electrical Workshops, Power System Laboratories. The Equipments Comprise of the Alternators, Amly Dyne Sets, Assorted Capacity DC Shunt and Compound Machines, Synchronous Motor Set, H.V. Lab Equipments, Oscilloscopes of Assorted Variety, Measuring Bridges, Thyrister Models, Digital Tuning Interval Meters, Digital IC Testers, Interface Cards, MP Trainer Kits, Power Systems, LED Interface Kits, Chopper Models, Firing Circuit Models, Computer Accessories and Peripherals.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING.The Department has very good laboratory facilities with advanced equipments to expose the students towards the latest techniques in measurement and analysis.

Metrology and Material Testing (MMT) LabIndustrial Engineering Lab.DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERINGIt is equipped with the latest equipments like: Rank Grinder, Reboring Machine, Fuel Injecting Pump Calibrating Machine, Break Drum Skimming Lathe, Chassis Dynamometer. I.C. Engine Test rig (Computerised), Tata 407 Engine Test rig. Horini test rig. Engine Analyser, Wheel Balancer, Optical Type Wheel Alignment, Sound Level Meter, Gas Chromatographer, Smoke Meter, Heat Light Meter. Dismantting capability of different types of engines and assembling.

DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGThe Department offers various specialized courses in major fields like Water and Wastewater Technology, Atmospheric Engineering, Solid Wastes, Rural and Urban Sanitation and Hygiene along with Management courses like Environmental System Optimization and Environmental Impact Assessment. Departmental Laboratories are well equipped with Sophisticated Equipments like Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Gas Chromatograph, Iron Analyzer, Stack and with Monitoring Kits. Auto Exhaust Analyzer, Chemical Analytical Instruments, Powerful Microscopes, Digital Colony Counters for Microbiological Analysis etc.

Student Services


The College Library has an area of nearly 10,000 sq. ft. and accommodate about 100 student for reference work at any time. The Library has nearly 32,000 volumes of books and maintains open access facility for students and staff members. The reference section itself has more than 6000 volumes.

The Library has a reprographic section to meet the requirements of students and staff. It subscribes to nearly 100 different technical journals of both national and international repute.

It has a Computer Centre on a Local Area Network with 3 AT'S. The reference section operates from 9.00 PM on all Working days.


The College has a well-planned outdoor stadium of nearly 8000 m². It has a separate indoor stadium constructed at a cost of 100 lakhs. The college has a National Standard Basket Ball Court. In addition, the college has Tennis, Kho-Kho, Ball Badminton Court. Sports activities are regulated through the sports committee of the college with the help of a qualified sports Instructor.It also has a world class cricket stadium.

Students Council

The council is formed under presidentship of the Principal, the student welfare officer regulates the council's activities. Each branch of Engineering has their representative in the Council. From these representative the General and Cultural Secretary are elected. The council is involved in conducting an inter collegiate Youth Festival in commemoration of the founder of the college, known as "Shankara Gowda Memorial-"Jnana Cauvery". In addition to the Student council activities, the student's council sponsors the SHANKARA GOWDA memorial Flood Light Cricket Tournament every year attracting participants from college all over the state. Our Students have represented the college in several Sports meets at the University Level.

The College has a well organised National Service Scheme unit. The NSS unit, over the years, has conducted numerous social service camps around Mandya and nearby Villages. That apart weekend programmes in the campus are also conducted. They have been successful in laying roads and sewer lines, raising funds, spreading awareness in the area of Drug abuse, Aids etc. In addition to this the college also has an adventure club.

Co-operative Society

The college has a well stocked co-operative society to serve the needs of student and staff and is kept open during the working hours of the college.

The stores is managed by a board of directors elected from the student and staff members.


The College brings out a magazine "YANTRIK" once in 2 years. The magazine provides an opportunity to the staff and students to bring forth their creative capabilities. In addition the magazine also has technical and non-fictional articles. It includes a separate section in Kannada too.


The College which has celebrated it's Silver Jubilee in the recent past has produced thousands of Engineering graduates working all over the country and aboard. To give them an idea what is happening in and around their almamater an Alumni Association was formed. This association has turned out to be a meeting place for all the old students of the college. Among the active chapters are those at Bangalore, Hyderabed and USA. The Alumni association has a website of their own.


The Institution is being managed by a Governing Council with members drawn from University of Mysore, Government of Karnataka, Government of India and all India Council for Technical Education, as per statutory requirement. Presently, Sri H. D. Chowdaiah, MLC who is the Chairman of the People's Education Trust, which manages 6 Education Institutions, is the chairman of Governing Council of the College. Sri K. S. Sachidananda, MLC the Secretary of People's Education Trust, and Sri. H. Honnappa, M.L.C. Jt. Secretary, People's Education Trust (R), are also the members of the Governing Council.

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