Des Imagistes

Des Imagistes
Des Imagistes
Author Ezra Pound (ed.)
Country New York and London
Subject(s) Imagism
Publisher The Glebe; Charles and Albert Boni; Poetry Bookshop
Publication date February 1914

Des Imagistes, edited by Ezra Pound and published in 1914, was the first anthology of the Imagism movement. It was published in The Glebe in February 1914, and later that year as a book by Charles and Albert Boni in New York, and Harold Monro's Poetry Bookshop in London.[1]

The eleven authors featured were: Richard Aldington, Skipwith Cannell, John Cournos, H. D., F. S. Flint, Ford Madox Ford, James Joyce, Amy Lowell, Ezra Pound, Allen Upward, William Carlos Williams

Aldington later wrote regarding the title: "What Ezra thought that meant remains a mystery, unless the word "Anthologie" was assumed to precede it. Amy Lowell's anthologies were called Some Imagist Poets, so she may have supposed that Ezra thought "Des Imagistes" meant "Quelques Imagistes." The use of French for the name of this poetry collection by English, Irish and American authors is attributed to Pound's liking for foreign-language titles."[2]


  1. ^ Monfort, Nick et al. "Des Imagistes",, accessed October 20, 2010.
  2. ^ *Aldington, Richard. Life for Life's Sake, The Viking Press, 1941, p. 137.

Further reading

  • Des Imagistes - web edition of the book
  • Des Imagistes - .pdf of original book publication in New York by Albert and Charles Boni, bearing the inscription, Lloyd R. Morris, 1914.
  • Churchill, Suzanne. "Making Space for Others: A History of a Modernist Little Magazine" in Journal of Modern Literature, Volume: 22. Issue: 1. 1998.

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