Hilbert matrix

Hilbert matrix

In linear algebra, a Hilbert matrix is a matrix with the unit fraction elements

: H_{ij} = frac{1}{i+j-1}.

For example, this is the 5 × 5 Hilbert matrix:

:H = egin{bmatrix} 1 & frac{1}{2} & frac{1}{3} & frac{1}{4} & frac{1}{5} \ [4pt] frac{1}{2} & frac{1}{3} & frac{1}{4} & frac{1}{5} & frac{1}{6} \ [4pt] frac{1}{3} & frac{1}{4} & frac{1}{5} & frac{1}{6} & frac{1}{7} \ [4pt] frac{1}{4} & frac{1}{5} & frac{1}{6} & frac{1}{7} & frac{1}{8} \ [4pt] frac{1}{5} & frac{1}{6} & frac{1}{7} & frac{1}{8} & frac{1}{9} end{bmatrix}.

The Hilbert matrix can be regarded as derived from the integral

: H_{ij} = int_{0}^{1} x^{i+j-2} , dx,

that is, as a Gramian matrix for powers of "x". It is a Hankel matrix.

The Hilbert matrices are canonical examples of ill-conditioned matrices, making them notoriously difficult to use in numerical computation. For example, the 2-norm condition number of the matrix above is about 4.8 · 105.

Historical note

In Hilbert's oeuvre, the Hilbert matrix figures in his article "Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Legendreschen Polynoms" (published in the journal Acta Mathematica, vol. 18, 155-159, 1894).

That article addresses the following question in approximation theory: "Assume that "I" = ["a", "b"] is a real interval. Is it then possible to find a non-zero polynomial "P" with integral coefficients, such that the integral

:int_{a}^b P(x)^2 dx

is smaller than any given bound varepsilon>0, taken arbitrarily small?" Using the asymptotics of the determinant of the Hilbert matrix he proves that this is possible if the length "b" − "a" of the interval is smaller than 4.

He derives the exact formula

:det(H)=c_n^{;4over {c_{2n}

for the determinant of the "n" × "n" Hilbert matrix. Here "c""n" is

:prod_{i=1}^{n-1} i^{n-i}=prod_{i=1}^{n-1} i!.,

Hilbert also mentions the curious fact that the determinant of the Hilbert matrix is the reciprocal of an integer (see sequence [http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/A005249 A005249] ) which he expresses as the discriminant of a certain hypergeometric polynomial related to the Legendre polynomial. This fact also follows from the identity

: {1 over det (H)}=c_{2nover {c_n^{;4}=n!cdot prod_{i=1}^{2n-1} {i choose [i/2] }

Using Euler–MacLaurin summation on the logarithm of the "c""n" he obtains the raw asymptotic result


where the error term "r""n" is o("n""2"). A more precise asymptotic result (which can be established using Stirling's approximation of the factorial) is

:det(H)=a_n, n^{-1/4}(2pi)^n ,4^{-n^2}

where "a""n" converges to the constant e^{1/4} 2^{1/12} A^{ - 3} approx 0.6450 as n ightarrowinfty, where A is the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant.


The Hilbert matrix is symmetric and positive definite.

The determinant can be expressed in closed form, as a special case of the Cauchy determinant. The Hilbert matrix is also totally positive (meaning the determinant of every submatrix is positive). The inverse can also be expressed in closed form; its entries are

:(H^{-1})_{ij}=(-1)^{i+j}(i+j-1){n+i-1 choose n-j}{n+j-1 choose n-i}{i+j-2 choose i-1}^2

where "n" is the order of the matrix. It follows that the entries of the inverse matrix are all integer.

The condition number grows as O((1+sqrt{2})^{4n}/sqrt{n}).


* David Hilbert, "Collected papers", vol. II, article 21.
* Beckermann, Bernhard. "The condition number of real Vandermonde, Krylov and positive definite Hankel matrices" in Numerische Mathematik. 85(4), 553--577, 2000.
* Choi, M.-D. "Tricks or Treats with the Hilbert Matrix" in "American Mathematical Monthly". 90, 301–312, 1983.
* Todd, John. "The Condition Number of the Finite Segment of the Hilbert Matrix" in "National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Series. 39, 109–116, 1954.
* Wilf, H.S. "Finite Sections of Some Classical Inequalities". Heidelberg: Springer, 1970.

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