- Hilbert's seventeenth problem
Hilbert's seventeenth problem is one of the 23
Hilbert problems set out in a celebrated list compiled in 1900 byDavid Hilbert . It entails expression ofdefinite rational function s asquotient s ofsum s of squares. Original Hilbert's question was:Given a multivariate polynomial that takes only non-negative values over the reals, can it be represented as a sum of squares of rational functions?
This was solved in the affirmative, in 1927, by
Emil Artin .An algorithm was later found by Delzell: see his article [http://www.springerlink.com/content/m18152477392j1t2/ "A continuous, constructive solution to Hilbert's 17th problem."]
A generalization to the matrix case (matrices with rational function entries that are always positive semidefinite are sums of symmetric squares) was given by Gondard, Ribenboim [http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=432613] and Procesi, Schacher [http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=432612] , with an elementary proof given by Hillar and Nie [http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0610388] .
The formulation of the question takes into account that there are polynomials, for example
which are non-negative over reals and yet which cannot be represented as a sum of squares of other polynomials. This example was taken from:
Marie-Francoise Roy. The role of Hilbert’s problems in real algebraic geometry.Proceedings of the ninth EWM Meeting, Loccum, Germany 1999.
Explicit sufficient conditions for a polynomial f to be a sum of squares of other polynomials were found ( [http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2007/02/1587.html] , [http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~vicki/pub/sos.pdf] ). However every real nonnegative polynomial f can be approximated as closely as desired (in the l_1-norm of its coefficient vector) by a sequence of polynomials f_epsilon} that are sums of squares of polynomials [http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1330215.1330223&coll=GUIDE&dl=] .
It is an open question what is the smallest number
such that any n-variate, non-negative polynomial of degree d can be written as sum of at most
rational functions over the reals.
The best known result (
as of 2008 ) is:v(n,d)leq2^n;
for details see:
A. Pfister. Zur Darstellung definiter Funktionen als Summe von Quadraten. Invent.Math. 4 (1967), 229–237
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