- Hilbert–Pólya conjecture
mathematics , the Hilbert–Pólya conjecture is a possible approach to theRiemann hypothesis , by means ofspectral theory .Initial hunches
David Hilbert andGeorge Pólya speculated that real number values of "t" such that:frac12 + it
is a zero of the
Riemann zeta function might be theeigenvalues of aHermitian operator , sometimes called the Riemann operator, and that this would be a way of proving the Riemann hypothesis. This would necessarily be anunbounded operator .1950s and the Selberg trace formula
At the time, there was little basis for such speculation. However Selberg in the early 1950s proved a duality between the
length spectrum of aRiemann surface and theeigenvalue s of itsLaplacian . This so-calledSelberg trace formula bore a striking resemblance to the explicit formulae, which gave credibility to the speculation of Hilbert and Pólya.1970s and random matrices
Hugh Montgomery investigated and found that the statistical distribution of the zeros on the critical line has a certain property, now called
Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture . The zeros tend not to cluster too closely together, but to repel. Visiting at theInstitute for Advanced Study in 1972, he showed this result toFreeman Dyson , one of the founders of the theory ofrandom matrices , which is of importance in physics — theeigenstate s of a Hamiltonian, for example theenergy level s of anatomic nucleus , satisfy such statistics.Dyson saw that the statistical distribution found by Montgomery was exactly the same as the pair correlation distribution for the eigenvalues of a random
Hermitian matrix . Subsequent work has strongly borne out this discovery, and the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function is now believed to satisfy the same statistics as the eigenvalues of a random Hermitian matrix, the statistics of the so-calledGaussian Unitary Ensemble . Thus the conjecture of Pólya and Hilbert now has a more solid basis, though it has not yet led to a proof of the Riemann hypothesis.Recent times
In a development that has given substantive force to this approach to the Riemann hypothesis through
functional analysis ,Alain Connes has formulated a "trace formula " that is actually equivalent to ageneralized Riemann hypothesis . This has therefore strengthened the analogy with the Selberg trace formula to the point where it gives precise statements.Possible connection with quantum mechanics
A possible connection of Hilbert–Pólya operator with
quantum mechanics was given by Pólya. The Hilbert–Pólya conjecture operator is of the form scriptstyle 1/2+iH where scriptstyle H is theHamiltonian of a particle of mass m that is moving under the influence of a potential scriptstyle V(x). The Riemann conjecture is equivalent to the assertion that the Hamiltonian isHermitian , or equivalently that scriptstyle V is real.Using perturbation theory to first order, the energy of the "n"th eigenstate is related to the
expectation value of the potential::E_{n}=E_{n}^{0}+ langle phi^{0}_n vert V vert varphi^{0}_n angle
where scriptstyle E^{0}_n and scriptstyle varphi^{0}_n are the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the free particle Hamiltonian. This equation can be take to be a
Fredholm integral equation of first kind , with the energies scriptstyle E_n. Such integral equations may be solved by means of theresolvent kernel , so that the potential may be written as:V(x)=Aint_{-infty}^{infty} (g(k)+overline{g(k)}-E_{k}^{0}),R(x,k),dk
where scriptstyle R(x,k) is the resolvent kernel, scriptstyle A is a real constant and
:g(k)=i sum_{n=0}^{infty} left(frac{1}{2}- ho_n ight)delta(k-n)
where scriptstyle delta(k-n) is the
Dirac delta function , and the scriptstyle ho_n are the "non-trivial" roots of the zeta function scriptstyle zeta ( ho_n)=0 .Michael Berry and Jon Keating have speculated that the Hamiltonian "H" is actually somequantization of the classical Hamiltonian "xp", where "p" is thecanonical momentum associated with "x" harv|Berry|Keating|1999a. The simplest Hermitian operator corresponding to "xp" is:H = frac1{2} (xp+px) = - i left( x frac{mathrm{d{mathrm{d} x} + frac1{2} ight).This refinement of the Hilbert–Pólya conjecture is known as the "Berry conjecture" (or the "Berry–Keating conjecture"). As of 2008, it is still quite inconcrete, as it is not clear on which space this operator should act in order to get the correct dynamics, nor how to regularize it in order to get the expected logarithmic corrections.Possible connection with
statistical mechanics Using the
explicit formula for theChebyshev function setting "x" = exp("u") we have:sum_{n}e^{-eta E_{n=Z(eta)=e^{u/2}-e^{-u/2} frac{dpsi _{0{du}-frac{e^{u/2{e^{3u}-e^{u,
where "Z" is a partition function, hence Z(eta)=operatorname{Tr} [e^{-eta H}] is the trace of the exponential of certain Hamiltonian where "beta" is a pure imaginary quantity.
Using the definition of "Z" in terms of an integral over ("x", "p") we have the next non-linear integral equation for the potential:
:Z(u)Au^{1/2}=int_{-infty}^{infty} cos(uV(x)+ frac{pi}{4}),dx with eta =iu.
So the Hilbert–Pólya operator is a Hamiltonian, whose "energies" are precisely the imaginary part of the numbers satisfying zeta( ho)=0 . Hence Riemann Operator (Hamiltonian representation) would be
:hat H = -frac{d^{2{dx^{2+V(hat x).
* M. V. Berry and J. P. Keating, " [http://www.phy.bris.ac.uk/people/berry_mv/the_papers/Berry307.pdf The Riemann Zeros and Eigenvalue Asymptotics] ", (1999b) SIAM Review Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 236–266.
* B. Aneva, " [http://www.maths.ex.ac.uk/~mwatkins/zeta/aneva.pdf Symmetry of the Riemann operator] ", (1999) Physics Letters B450, pp. 388–396.
* Zeev Rudnick and Peter Sarnak, " [http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~rudnick/papers/zeta.dvi.gz Zeros of Principal L-functions and Random Matrix Theory] ",(1996) Duke Journal of Mathematics, 81 pp. 269–322.
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