Marshall Davis Ewell

Marshall Davis Ewell

Marshall Davis Ewell (August 18, 1844 – 1928) was an American lawyer.

Ewell was born at Oxford, Michigan in 1844. He graduated from the University of Michigan Law School in 1868. He founded Kent College of Law, which merged with Chicago College of Law in 1887 to become Chicago-Kent College of Law. In 1969, Chicago-Kent became part of Illinois Institute of Technology.

Ewell wrote numerous publications and he edited Blackwell on Tax Titles, Evans on Agency, and Lindley on Partnership. He was the author of:

  • Leading Cases on Disabilities (1876)
  • Treatise on the Law of Fixtures (1876; second edition, 1905)
  • Essentials of the Law (1882)
  • Manual of Medical jurisprudence (1887; second edition, 1909)
  • Essentials of Commercial Law, with Whigam and Skinner (1913)

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