

Sangria ( _es. sangría; _pt. sangria) is a wine punch typical of Spain and Portugal (the word means "bloody" in both languages). It typically consists of
*red wine,
*chopped or sliced fruit (often orange, lemon, apple, and/or peach; occasionally kiwifruit or banana),
*a sweetener such as honey, sugar, or orange juice,
*a small amount of added brandy, triple sec, or other spirits,
*"gaseosa" (carbonated water).


Because of the variation in recipes, sangria's alcoholic content can vary greatly. The ingredients in sangria vary, particularly in the type of fruit used, the kind of spirits added (if any), and the presence or lack of carbonation.

White wine can be used instead of red, in which case the result is called "sangria blanca". In some parts of southern Spain, sangria is called "zurra" and is made with peaches or nectarines [] . In most recipes, wine is the dominant ingredient and acts as a base. In some regions of Portugal, cinnamon is also added with the sweetener, so that it can spice up the flavour.

Preparation consists of cutting the fruit in thin slices or small cubes, then mixing in advance all ingredients except for ice and carbonated sodas. After several hours in a refrigerator to allow time for the fruit flavors to blend with the rest of the ingredients, the ice and any last-minute ingredients are added and the drinks are poured.In both Spain and Portugal, sangria is served throughout the country during summer, and around the year in the southern and eastern parts of the countries.

Bottled sangria can be bought in some countries, but this is considered by some to be less entertaining than making it oneself. In the parlance of EU administrators, such products are referred to as "aromatised wines".

Sangaree is a similar drink associated with the West Indies and the name sangaree is an archaic English name for sangria itself.John Ayto. "The Glutton's Glossary: A Dictionary of Food and Drink Terms". Routledge, 1990. p. 259.]

A non-alcoholic version of sangria, under the brand name Sangria Señorial, is made from wine grapes, carbonated water, essence of lemon, and cane sugar.


Sangria is a popular drink among tourists at bars, pubs and restaurants in Southern Spain. In this setting, sangria is often served in 1-litre pitchers or other containers large enough to hold a bottle of wine plus the added ingredients. A lid or other strainer for the container helps prevent the fruit and ice cubes from falling into the glass. Among the Spanish, sangria is most typically served at informal social gatherings, much like punch, from a punchbowl. Sangria is often served with a wooden spoon, used to get fruit out of the bottom of the punchbowl or pitcher. Sangria is also served in Mexico, and Mexican restaurants.


External links

* [ 50+ Sangria Recipes] Over 50 Sangria recipes from the most basic to popular party favorites
* [ Attitudes Towards Sangria Among the Spanish] Why you shouldn't order sangria in a bar in Spain.
* [ Easy Sangria Recipe] Recipe for Spanish Sangria from

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