List of plants in The English Physitian (1652 book)

List of plants in The English Physitian (1652 book)

Below is the list of plants, listed under the section "Catalogue of the Herbs and Plants, in this Treatise, appropriated to their several PLANETS" in the 1652 medical text "The English Physitian: or an Astrologo-physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of This Nation" by Nicholas Culpeper.

Under Saturn

*Red Beets
*Bifoyl, or Twayblade
*Bistort, or Snakeweed
*Wild Campions
*Cleavers, or Goosgrass
*Clowns Woundwort
*Cudweed, or Cottonweed
*Sciatica Cresses
*Osmond Royal
*Stinking Gladwin
*Sarazens Confound
*Spleenwort, or Cetrach
*Tutsan, or Parkleaves

Under Jupiter

*White Beets
*Sweet Cicely
*Costmary, or Alecost
*Dog, or Quich-grass
*Hart's Tongue, or Asplenium scolopendrium
*Housleek, or Sengreen
*Sweet Maudlin
*Red Roses
*Sauce alone, or Jack by the Hedg
*Our Ladies Thistles

Under Mars

*Sweet Basil
*Butcher's Broom
*Broom (shrub)
*Cuckoopint, or Wake-Robin
*Cotton thistle
*Flax-weed, or Toadflax
*Hedge mustard
*Pepperwort, or Dittander
*Carduus Benedictus, in the Epistle
*Rhadish, or Raddish
*Horse Rhadish, or Horseradish
*Bastard Rhubarb
*Star thistle
*Wolly Thistle
*Treacle Mustard
*Mithridate Mustard
*Wold, Weld, or Dyers Weed (Mignonette)

Under the Sun

*Chamomel, or Chamomile
*St. Johns wort
*St. Peters wort
*Rosa Solis
*Rhue, or Rue
*Turnsole, or Heliotropium
*Viper's Bugloss
*Walnut tree

Under Venus

*Alehoof, or Ground-Ivy
*Black Alder tree
*Apple Tree
*Stinking Arrach
*Arch-Angel, or Dead Nettles (Deadnettle)
*Lady's Bedstraw
*Birch tree
*Bishop's weed
*Bugle, or Carpet bugle
*Cherry tree
*Winter Cherries, or Ashwagandha
*Cichpease, or Chickpea
*Cowslips, or Primula veris
*Elder, or Elderberry
*Dwarf Elder
*Herb Robert
*Herb Truelove
*Kidneywort, or Anemone hepatica
*Lady's Mantle
*Marsh Mallows, or Althaea officinalis
*Mercury (plant)
*Nep, or Catmint
*Peach tree
*Pear tree
*Plantane, or Plantain
*Plum tree
*Primroses, or Primula vulgaris
*Rocket, or Arugula
*Winter Rocket
*Damask Roses, or Rosa damascena
*Wood Sage
*Sopewort (Soapwort), or Bruisewort (Comfrey)
*Wood Sorrel
*Sow Thistles, or Sonchus
*Garden Tansy
*Wild Tansy (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), or Silverweed
*Vine-tree, or Lauraceae

Under Mercury

*Calamintha, or Mountain Mint
*Hogs Fennel
*Hazel Nut tree
*Houndstongue, or Cynoglossum officinale
*Liquoris, or Liquorice
*Wall-Rhue, or Asplenium
*Maiden's Hair, or Ginkgo
*Golden Maidenhair
*Sweet Marjoram
*Mulberry tree
*Cow Parsnip
*Pellitory of the Wall, or Lichwort
*Ground Pine, or Chamepitys
*Rest-harrow, or Chamock
*Summer Savory and Winter Savory
*Smallage, or Celery
*Meadow Trefoil, or Lotus (genus)
*Garden Valerian (Valerian (herb))
*Woodbind, or Honeysuckles

Under the Moon

*Adder's Tongue, or Ophioglossum
*Sea Coleworts, or Sea Cabbage
*Yellow Waterflag
*Flower-de-luce, or Iris (plant)
*Water Lily
*Loosestrife, with, and without spiked Heads
*Rattle-grass, or Yellow rattle
*White Roses
*White Saxifrage, or Saxifraga paniculata
*Burnet Saxifrage
*Wall-flowers, Winter-gilliflowers, or Dame's Rocket

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