Powder-down patch — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder — Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder down — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder hose — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder hoy — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder magazine — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder mine — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder monkey — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder post — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Powder puff — Powder Pow der, n. [OE. poudre, pouldre, F. poudre, OF. also poldre, puldre, L. pulvis, pulveris: cf. pollen fine flour, mill dust, E. pollen. Cf. {Polverine}, {Pulverize}.] 1. The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English