- States of Flanders
, the States always were an important power before the rulers of the country.
After the
county of Flanders and allSeventeen Provinces of the Netherlands came under the rule of the dukes of Burgundy, the States of Flanders were the first host of the States-General of the Netherlands, on January 9, 1464 inBruges .In 1579–1580, during the
Eighty Years' War , the cities and the States of Flanders joined Dutch independence declaration (Union of Utrecht andAct of Abjuration ), but Spanish troops reconquered most of the Flemish territory and restored Spanish Catholic rule (except forZeelandic Flanders ).On January 4, 1790, the States of Flanders again declared independence, this time from Austrian imperial rule, and seven days later, on January 11, 1790, joined the
United States of Belgium . All Southern Netherlands "States" disappeared four years later, during French revolutionary occupation.
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