Gérard Berry

Gérard Berry

Gérard Philippe Berry (born 1948) is a French computer scientist, member of French Academy of Sciences (Académie des sciences), French Academy of Technologies (Académie des technologies), and Academia Europaea. He is also teacher at the Collège de France. Berry's work, which spans over more than 30 years, brought important contributions to three main fields:
* lambda calculus and functional programming
* parallel and real-time programming languages
* design automation for synchronous digital circuits

Berry is best known as the conceptor of the Esterel programming language and is currently the Chief Scientist Officer of Esterel Technologies.


* [http://www.esterel-technologies.com/company/management-team/gerard-berry.html Short biography and publications] — Esterel Technologies corporate web site
* [http://www.academie-sciences.fr/membres/B/Berry_Gerard_bio.htm Short presentation] — French Academy of Sciences web site:
* [http://annales.org/archives/x/gerardberry.html Biography] — Annales des Mines
* [http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?dateTexte=&cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000471127&fastPos=1&fastReqId=179277482&oldAction=rechExpTexteJorf Decree JORF #176, 08/01/2007, p12944, text #54] : Pr. Berry appointed Associate Professor at College de France

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