Dwight Macdonald

Dwight Macdonald

Dwight Macdonald (24 March 1906 – 19 December 1982) was an American writer, editor, film critic, social critic, philosopher, and political radical.


Early life and career

Macdonald was born in New York City and was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and Yale University. His first job was as a trainee executive for Macy's but he soon moved to Time, where he was offered a position by fellow Yale alumnus Henry Luce. From 1929 Macdonald was an associate editor at Luce's ambitious Fortune. Like many writers on Fortune, his politics were radicalized by the Great Depression. He resigned from the magazine in 1936 over an editorial dispute, when the magazine's executives severely edited the last installment of his extended four-part attack on U.S. Steel.

In 1934, he married Nancy Gardiner Rodman (1910–1996), sister of Selden Rodman.

Politics and literature

Macdonald went on to edit Partisan Review from 1937 to 1943 but quit to start his own rival journal Politics from 1944 through 1949.[1] As an editor, he helped foster diverse voices such as Lionel Trilling, Mary McCarthy, George Orwell, Bruno Bettelheim, and C. Wright Mills. All along, he contributed to The New Yorker as a staff writer and to Esquire as film critic, gradually becoming famous enough to supply movie reviews on The Today Show in the 1960s.


Macdonald broke with Trotsky, by raising the question of the Kronstadt rebellion, which Trotsky and the other Bolsheviks had brutally repressed. He then moved towards democratic socialism. [2] He was opposed to totalitarianism, opposed both to fascism and to communism, whose defeat he viewed as necessary. He denounced Stalin's Soviet Union for first urging the Poles to rebel in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, and then halting the Red Army outside of the borders of Warsaw as the German Army crushed the Poles, liquidating its leadership.[3][4][5][6]

At the same time, he was critical of the methods that democratically elected governments were using to oppose totalitarianism. During World War II he complained of increasing fatigue and depression as he observed the progress of the war, particularly the commonplace bombing of civilians and whole cities. The fire bombing of Dresden and the dehumanization of mistreatment of German civilians horrified him. He feared that modern technology and mass civilization were becoming increasingly dangerous to civilization. His political beliefs moved towards pacifism and individualist anarchism towards the end of World War II.[3][6]

However, in 1952, Macdonald said in a debate with Norman Mailer that, if forced to choose, he "chose the west" and was opposed to Stalinism and Soviet communism as the greatest threats to civilization. He repeated this position in a revised version (published in 1953) of a 1946 essay, "The Root is Man." [7] However, he later repudiated this sort either/or position.[8] In 1955 he became associate editor (for one year) of the magazine Encounter sponsored by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and participated in conferences sponsored by the Congress.[3][9]

Mas-cult and mid-cult

During the later 1950s and the 1960s, MacDonald wrote cultural criticism, particularly of the rise of mass media and middle-brow culture, such as Thornton Wilder's Our Town, the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, and the Great Books of the Western World.[10][11]

Renewed radicalism

Primarily a writer for The New Yorker, Macdonald also published more than thirty essays and reviews in The New York Review of Books. His most famous and influential review, of Michael Harrington's The Other America helped to spur the Kennedy Administration's War on Poverty.[12] A reprint of Macdonald's Politics elicited a brief introduction by Hannah Arendt in the New York Review of Books on 1 August 1968.

Later still, he opposed the Vietnam War and defended many student radicals of the 1960s like the Columbia University students who organized a sit in, during which university property and a professor's research was destroyed. In 1968, he signed the pledge of the “Writers and Editors War Tax Protest”, vowing to refuse to pay taxes in protest against the Vietnam War.[13]


Leon Trotsky is alleged to have said, "Everyone has the right to be stupid, but comrade Macdonald abuses the privilege" - a remark that reportedly delighted Macdonald. Some, such as John Lukacs, reckon that Macdonald probably invented the remark and attributed it to Trotsky. Macdonald's biographer Michael Wreszin was unable to find any source for the epigram except Macdonald himself.

During the Columbia University protests of 1968, Macdonald expressed disappointment about the many red flags on campus that symbolized revolution. He complained that there were no black flags to reflect "my anarchist tastes."


  • Fascism and the American Scene (1938) pamphlet
  • The war's greatest scandal; the story of Jim Crow in uniform (1943) pamphlet, research by Nancy Macdonald
  • The Responsibility of Peoples: An Essay on War Guilt (1944)
  • Henry Wallace: The Man and the Myth (1948)
  • The Root Is Man: Two Essays in Politics (1953)
  • The Ford Foundation: The Men and the Millions - an Unauthorized Biography (1955)
  • The Responsibility of Peoples, and Other Essays in Political Criticism (1957)
  • Memoirs of a Revolutionist: Essays in Political Criticism (1960) This was later republished with the title Politics Past.
  • Neither Victims nor Executioners by Albert Camus (1960) translator
  • Parodies: An Anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm - and After (1960) editor
  • Against The American Grain: Essays on the Effects of Mass Culture (1962)
  • Our Invisible Poor (1963)
  • Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (1965) editor
  • Politics Past (1970)
  • Dwight Macdonald on Movies (1971)
  • Discriminations: Essays and Afterthoughts 1938-1974 (1974)
  • My Past and Thoughts : The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen (1982) editor
  • A Moral Temper: The Letters of Dwight Macdonald (2001) edited by Michael Wreszin

See also


  1. ^ TIME April 4, 1994 Volume 143, No. 14 - "Biographical sketch of Dwight Macdonald" by John Elson (Accessed 4 December 2008)
  2. ^ Mattson, Kevin. 2002. Intellectuals in Action: The Origins of the New Left and Radical Liberalism, 1945-1970. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002. p. 34
  3. ^ a b c "Dwight and Left: The centenary of Dwight Macdonald’s birth should inspire more Americans to read their most crotchety, snobby, and brilliant critic." John Rodden and Jack Rossi. The American Prospect. February 20, 2006
  4. ^
    • Dwight Macdonald, 'Warsaw', Politics, 1, 9 (October 1944), 257-9
    • 1, 10 (November 1944), 297-8
    • 1, 11 (December 1944), 327-8.
  5. ^ 'My Kind of Guy': George Orwell and Dwight Macdonald, 1941-49 David R. Costello Journal of Contemporary History Vol. 40, No. 1 (Jan., 2005), pp. 79-94 URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/30036310
  6. ^ a b Memoirs of a Revolutionist: Essays in Political Criticism (1960). This was later republished with the title Politics Past.
  7. ^ Dwight Macdonald, The Root is Man, Alhambra, CA, 1953.
  8. ^ "Ronald Radosh's Macdonald," Michael Wreszin, New York Times, 18 September 1988
  9. ^ Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea, Irving Kristol (New York 1995), p. 461
  10. ^ *Against The American Grain: Essays on the Effects of Mass Culture (1962)
    • Dwight Macdonald on Movies (1971)
    • Discriminations: Essays and Afterthoughts 1938-1974 (1974)
  11. ^ Dwight Macdonald (1952-11-29 with later appendix). "The Book-of-the-Millennium Club". The New Yorker. http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/macdonald-great-books.html. Retrieved 2007-05-29. "I also wonder how many of the over 100,000 customers who have by now caved in under the pressure of Mr. Harden and his banner-bearing colleagues are doing much browsing in these upland pastures?" 
  12. ^ MacDonald, Dwight (January 19 1963). "Our invisible poor". The New Yorker. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1963/01/19/1963_01_19_082_TNY_CARDS_000075671#ixzz1SNI25qvI. 
    • Reprinted in collection:
    Macdonald, Dwight (1985) [1974]. "Our invisible poor". Discriminations: Essays and afterthoughts 1938-1974 (reprint ed.). Da Capo Press. ISBN 030680252X, ISBN 978-0306802522. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1963/01/19/1963_01_19_082_TNY_CARDS_000075671#ixzz1SNI25qvI. 
  13. ^ “Writers and Editors War Tax Protest” January 30, 1968 New York Post


  • Bloom, Alexander. Prodigal Sons: The New York Intellectuals & Their World, Oxford University Press, 1986. ISBN 978-0-19-505177-3
  • Sumner, Gregory D. (1996) Dwight Macdonald and the Politics Circle: The Challenge of Cosmopolitan Democracy
  • Whitfield , Stephen J. (1984) A Critical American: The Politics of Dwight Macdonald
  • Wreszin, Michael (1994) A Rebel in Defense of Tradition: The Life and Politics of Dwight MacDonald
  • Wreszin, Michael. editor (2003) Interviews with Dwight Macdonald

External links

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  • Dwight Macdonald — (1906 1982) est un journaliste, écrivain et critique social et politique américain. Figure journalistique du New Yorker, Macdonald a également publié plus de trente essais et compte rendus dans The New York Review of Books, accompagnant la revue… …   Wikipédia en Français

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