Cloud point

Cloud point

The cloud point of a fluid is the temperature at which dissolved solids are no longer completely soluble, precipitating as a second phase giving the fluid a cloudy appearance. This term is relevant to several applications with different consequences.

In the petroleum industry, cloud point refers to the temperature below which wax in diesel or biowax in biodiesels form a cloudy appearance. The presence of solidified waxes thickens the oil and clogs fuel filters and injectors in engines. The wax also accumulates on cold surfaces (e.g. pipeline or heat exchanger fouling) and forms an emulsion with water. Therefore, cloud point indicates the tendency of the oil to plug filters or small orifices at cold operating temperatures.[1][dead link]

In crude or heavy oils, cloud point is synonymous with wax appearance temperature (WAT) and wax precipitation temperature (WPT).

The cloud point of a nonionic surfactant or glycol solution is the temperature where the mixture starts to phase separate and two phases appear, thus becoming cloudy. This behavior is characteristic of non-ionic surfactants containing polyoxyethylene chains, which exhibit reverse solubility versus temperature behavior in water and therefore "cloud out" at some point as the temperature is raised. Glycols demonstrating this behavior are known as "cloud-point glycols" and are used as shale inhibitors (see Talk). The cloud point is affected by salinity, being generally lower in more saline fluids.


Measuring cloud point of petroleum products

The test oil is required to be transparent in layers 40mm in thickness (in accordance with ASTM D2500). The wax crystals typically first form at the lower circumferential wall with the appearance of a whitish or milky cloud. The cloud point is the temperature at which these crystals first appear.

The test sample is first poured into a test jar to a level approximately half full. A cork carrying the test thermometer is used to close the jar. The thermometer bulb is positioned to rest at the bottom of the jar. The entire test subject is then placed in a constant temperature cooling bath on top of a gasket to prevent excessive cooling.

At every 1°C, the sample is taken out and inspected for cloud then quickly replaced. Successively lower temperature cooling baths may be used depending on the cloud point. Lower temperature cooling bath must have temperature stability not less than 1.5 K for this test.

See also


External links

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