Gel point

Gel point

The Gel point in polymer chemistry is the point at which an infinite polymer network first appears. Assuming that it is possible to measure the extent of reaction, "p", defined as the fraction of monomers that appear in cross-links, the gel point can be determined. [Paul, Hiemenz C., and Lodge P. Timothy. Polymer Chemistry. Second ed. Boca Raton: CRC P, 2007. 381-389] The critical extent of reaction for the gel point to be formed is given by:

:p_c = frac{1}{N-1} approx frac{1}{N} For example, a polymer with N200 is able to reach the gel point with only 0.5% of monomers reacting. This shows the ease at which polymers are able to form infinite networks.The critical extent of reaction for gelation can be determined as a function of the properties of the monomer mixture,r, ρ, and f:

:p_c = frac{1}{(r+rp(f-2))^{0.5


ee also

*Pour point
*Cold filter plugging point

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