

Ethnic group

poptime=250,000-2 million
popplace=Afghanistan, specifically in Ghor, Farah, Herat, and Badghis Provinces
langs=Dari (Persian), some Nikudari
rels=Sunni Islam
related=Hazaras, Oirats, Mongols and Iranian peoples

Aimak (or Aimaq) is a term designating Persian-speaking nomadic or semi-nomadic tribes of mixed Iranian and Mongolian stock inhabiting the north and north-west highlands of Afghanistan (immediately to the north of Herat) and in the Khorasan Province of Iran. [cite encyclopedia |last= Janata|first=A. |editor= Ehsan Yarshater|encyclopedia= Encyclopædia Iranica|title= AYMĀQ|url= |Edition= Online Edition|publisher= Columbia University|location= United States]

They are closely related to the Hazara, andin varying degreesto the Tajiks. They live in western Hazarajat in the provinces of Ghor, Farah, Herat, Badghis, Faryab, Jowzjan and Sar-e Pol. The name is Mongolian for tribe (compare Aimag).

They were originally known as "chahar" or (the four) Eimaks, because there were four principal tribes: the Taimani (the predominating element in the population of Ghor), the Ferozkhoi, the Temuri, and the Jamshidi.

Estimates of the Aimak population vary between 250,000 and 2 million. They are Sunni Muslims, in contrast to the Hazara, who are Shiahs.

The Chahar Aimaqs are of Turco-Mongolian origin, judging by their physical appearance and their housing (Mongolian-style yurts) but speak a Persian dialect (Dari). ["Afghanistan". Encyclopædia Britannica. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2008.]

The best estimates of the Aimak population in Afghanistan hover around 1-2 million. The tally is made difficult since, as a consequence of centuries of oppression of the Hazara people in Afghanistan, some Aimagh Hazaras are classified by the state as Tajik, or Persian instead of Aimaks.


Further reading

* Macgregor, "Central Asia", (Calcutta, 1871)

ee also

* Nikudari
* Qara'unas

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