- Sacramentarians
Sacramentarians, the name given to those who during the Reformation controversies not only denied the
Roman Catholic transubstantiation , but also theLutheran sacramental union .They comprised two parties:
#the followers of Capito, Carlstadt and Bucer, who at thediet of Augsburg presented the "Confessio Tetrapolitana" fromStrassburg ,Konstanz ,Lindau andMemmingen
#the followers of the Swiss reformer Zwingli, who to the same diet presented his private confession of faith.The doctrinal standpoint was the same--an admission of a spiritual presence of Christ which the devout soul can receive and enjoy, but a total rejection of any physical or corporeal presence.
After holding their own view for some years the four cities accepted the
Confession of Augsburg , and were merged in the general body of Lutherans; but Zwingli's position was incorporated in theHelvetic Confession . It is a curious inversion of terms that in recent years has led to the name Sacramentarians being applied to those who hold a high or extreme view of the efficacy of thesacraments .----
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