- Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi
region =scholar
era = Medieval era
color = #B0C4DE
image_caption =
name = : Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi
birth = :392 AH / 1002CE
death = :463 AH / 1071 CE
school_tradition = :Shafi'i
main_interests =
influences =
influenced =
notable_ideas =Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (1002-1071 CE) (
392 AH -463 AH [ [http://www.abc.se/~m9783/o/khtb_e.html Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi (Ra) ] ] ) ( _ar. الخطيب البغدادي) was aSunni Muslim scholar andhistorian .Name
Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn `Ali ibn Thabit ibn Ahmad ibn Mahdi al-Shafi`i A.K.A al-Khatib al-Baghdadi or the lecturer from
Baghdad unni view
Al-Dhahabi praised him as::"the most peerless imam, erudite scholar and mufti, meticulous hadith master, scholar of his time in hadith, prolific author, and seal of the hadith masters*(What is meant by seal here is that his excellence was unequalled after him in his field. It is a hyperbolic praise.)
Al-Qinnawji said: :"He was a jurist whose preference went to hadith and history." (Abjad al-`Ulum (3:96))However, he deemed weak narrations where Muhammad was quoted as predicting
Abu Hanifa , and for this,Allama Yusuf , aHanbali scholar, quoted in his workTanwir as-sahifa from Hafiz 'Allama Yusuf ibn 'Abd al-Barr (b. 978 and d. 1071 in Shatiba),Qadi ofLisbon ,Portugal ::"Do not slander Abu Hanifa and do not believe those who slander him! I swear byAllah uta'ala that I know not a person superior to him, having morewara ', or being more learned than he. "Do not believe what al-Khatib al-Baghdadi said! He was antipathetic towards the 'ulama'. He slanderedAbu Hanifa ,Imam Ahmad and their disciples. The 'ulama' of Islam refuted al-Khatib and censured him." [ [http://www.geocities.com/~abdulwahid/abuhanifah/al-imam.html Al-Imam Al-Azam Abu Hanifa ] ]Works
*History of Baghdad (Arabic: "
Tarikh Baghdad ")ee also
List of Islamic scholars References
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.