

Al-Baghdadi or just Baghdadi is an Arabic meaning "from Baghdad". It is usually added at the end of names as a specifier.

People with the surname include:
*Wajih Baghdadi []
*Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (392 AH-463 AH), Shafi'i scholar
*Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghdaadi (1080-1164/1165 AD), physicist and philosopher
*Muwaffaq al-Din `Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (d. 629/1231), physician who wrote "al-Mujarrad li lughat al-hadith" []
*Ibn Tahir al-Baghdadi, mathematician
*Ibn Sa'd al-Baghdadi
*Junayd Baghdadi (830-910 AH) was one of the great early mystics, or Sufis, of Islam
*Muhammad bin Hasan al-Baghdadi (d 1239) was the author of an early Arab cookbook
*Mahmud al-Alusi al-Baghdadi (1217 AH- 1270 AH)
*Khairuddin Abul Barakat No‘man bin Mahmud Al-Alusi Al-Hanafi Al-Baghdadi (d. 1317/1899) [] .
*Ahmad Al-Baghdadi a reformist Kuwaiti
*Imam Abu Ubaid Qasim Bin Salam Baghdadi(d224) []
*Muhammad ibn Sulayman al­Baghdadi []
*Allamah Yusuf Shams ad-din al-Baghdadi, Ibn al-Jawzi's grandson []
*Ibn Khashab Baghdadi (d. 567 AH), wrote Taarikhe' Mawaleedul Aimmah wa Wafaatehim []
*Ibn Abi Salij Baghdadi (d. 326 AH), a contemporary of the deputies of Imam Mahdi, wrote Mawaleedo Wafaatul Aimmah []
*Allamah Murtada Baghdadi, wrote Hurmatu Halq al-Lahyah []

Places include:
*Baghdadi, Iraq
*Baghdadi, a neighborhood of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

Organizations include:
*Baghdadi Jews, one of 3 types of Jews in India
*Ile-Baghdadi Shahsavans, a confederation of Turkic tribes living in different areas of Markazi and Tehran provinces.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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