Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket

Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket

In mathematics, the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket is an extension of the Lie bracket of vector fields to vector-valued differential forms on a differentiable manifold. It is useful in the study of connections, notably the Ehresmann connection, as well as in the more general study of projections in the tangent bundle.It was introduced by Alfred Frölicher and Albert Nijenhuis (1956) and is related to the work of Schouten (1940).

It is related to but not the same as the Nijenhuis-Richardson bracket and the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket.


Let Ω*("M") be the sheaf of exterior algebras of differential forms on a smooth manifold "M". This is a graded algebra in which forms are graded by degree::Omega^*(M) = igoplus_{k=0}^infty Omega^k(M).A graded derivation of degree ℓ is a mapping:D:Omega^*(M) oOmega^*(M)which is linear with respect to constants and satisfies:D(alphawedgeeta) = D(alpha)wedgeeta + (-1)^{elldeg(alpha)}alphawedge D(eta).Thus, in particular, the interior product with a vector defines a graded derivation of degree ℓ = −1, whereas the exterior derivative is a graded derivation of degree ℓ = 1.

The vector space of all derivations of degree ℓ is denoted by DerΩ*("M"). The direct sum of these spaces is a graded vector space whose homogeneous components consist of all graded derivations of a given degree; it is denoted:mathrm{Der}, Omega^*(M) = igoplus_{k=-infty}^infty mathrm{Der}_k, Omega^*(M).This forms a graded Lie algebra under the anticommutator of derivations defined on homogeneous derivations "D"1 and "D"2 of degrees "d"1 and "d"2, respectively, by: [D_1,D_2] = D_1circ D_2 - (-1)^{d_1d_2}D_2circ D_1.

Any vector-valued differential form "K" in Ω"k"("M", T"M") with values in the tangent bundle of "M" defines a graded derivation of degree "k" − 1, denote by "i""K", and called the insertion operator. For ω ∈ Ω("M"),:i_K,omega(X_1,...,X_{k+ell-1})=frac{1}{k!(ell-1)!}sum_{sigmain{S}_{k+ell-1 extrm{sign}{sigma(1)},...,X_{sigma(k)}),X_{sigma(k+1)},...X_{sigma(k+ell-1)})The Nijenhuis-Lie derivative along "K" ∈ Ωk("M", T"M") is defined by:mathcal{L}_K = [d,i_K] =d,{circ}, i_K-(-1)^{k-1}i_K{circ}, dwhere "d" is the exterior derivative and "i"K is the insertion operator.

The Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket is defined to be the unique vector-valued differential form

: [cdot, cdot] : Omega^k(M,mathrm{T}M) imes Omega^ell(M,mathrm{T}M) o Omega^{k+ell}(M,mathrm{T}M) : (K, L) mapsto [K, L] such that

:mathcal{L}_{ [K, L] } = [mathcal{L}_K, mathcal{L}_L]

If "k" = 0, so that "K" ∈ Ω0("M", T"M")is a vector field, the usual homotopy formula for the Lie derivative is recovered:mathcal{L}_K = [d,i_K] =d ,{circ}, i_K+i_K ,{circ}, d. An explicit formula for the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket of phiotimes X and psiotimes Y (for forms φ and ψ and vector fields "X" and "Y") is given by:left. ight. [phi otimes X,psi otimes Y] = phiwedgepsiotimes [X,Y] + phiwedgemathcal{L}_X psiotimes Y - mathcal{L}_Y phiwedgepsi otimes X +(-1)^{deg(phi)}(dphi wedge i_X(psi)otimes Y +i_Y(phi) wedge dpsi otimes X)

Derivations of the ring of forms

Every derivation of Ω*("M") can be written as :i_L + mathcal{L}_Kfor unique elements "K" and "L" of Ω*("M", T"M"). The Lie bracket of these derivations is given as follows.
*The derivations of the form mathcal{L}_K form the Lie superalgebra of all derivations commuting with "d". The bracket is given by :: [mathcal{L}_{K_1},mathcal{L}_{K_2}] = mathcal{L}_{ [K_1,K_2] } :where the bracket on the right is the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket. In particular the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket defines a graded Lie algebra structure on Omega(M,mathrm{T}M), which extends the Lie bracket of vector fields.
*The derivations of the form i_L form the Lie superalgebra of all derivations vanishing on functions Ω0("M"). The bracket is given by :: [i_{L_1},i_{L_2}] = i_{ [L_1,L_2] ^and} :where the bracket on the right is the Nijenhuis-Richardson bracket.
*The bracket of derivations of different types is given by:: [mathcal{L}_{K}, i_L] = i_{ [K,L] } - (-1)^{kl}mathcal{L}_{i_LK}: for "K" in Ωk("M", T"M"), "L" in Ωl+1("M", T"M").


The Nijenhuis tensor of an almost complex structure "J", is the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket of "J" with itself. An almost complex structure is a complex structure if and only if the Nijenhuis tensor is zero.

With the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket it is possible to define the curvature and cocurvature of a vector-valued 1-form which is a projection. This generalizes the concept of the curvature of a connection.

There is a common generalization of the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket and the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket; for details see the article on the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket.


*Frölicher, A. and Nijenhuis, A., "Theory of vector valued differential forms. Part I.", Indagationes Math 18 (1956) 338-360.
*Frölicher, A. and Nijenhuis, A., "Invariance of vector form operations under mapings", Comm. Math. Helv. 34 (1960), 227-248.
*springer|id=F/f120230|author=P. W. Michor|title=Frölicher–Nijenhuis bracket
*J.A. Schouten, "Über Differentialkonkomitanten zweier kontravarianten Grössen" Indag. Math. , 2 (1940) pp. 449–452

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