Nijenhuis bracket

Nijenhuis bracket

In mathematics there are four different but related brackets named after Albert Nijenhuis, giving Lie superalgebra structures to various spaces of tensors:

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  • Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket — In differential geometry, the Schouten Nijenhuis bracket, also known as the Schouten bracket, is a type of graded Lie bracket defined on multivector fields on a smooth manifold extending the Lie bracket of vector fields. There are two different… …   Wikipedia

  • Schouten–Nijenhuis bracket — In differential geometry, the Schouten–Nijenhuis bracket, also known as the Schouten bracket, is a type of graded Lie bracket defined on multivector fields on a smooth manifold extending the Lie bracket of vector fields. There are two different… …   Wikipedia

  • Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket — In mathematics, the Frölicher Nijenhuis bracket is an extension of the Lie bracket of vector fields to vector valued differential forms on a differentiable manifold. It is useful in the study of connections, notably the Ehresmann connection, as… …   Wikipedia

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  • Nijenhuis-Richardson bracket — In mathematics, the algebraic bracket or Nijenhuis Richardson bracket is a graded Lie algebra structure on the space of alternating multilinear forms of a vector space to itself, introduced by A. Nijenhuis and R. Richardson (1966, 1967). It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Nijenhuis–Richardson bracket — In mathematics, the algebraic bracket or Nijenhuis–Richardson bracket is a graded Lie algebra structure on the space of alternating multilinear forms of a vector space to itself, introduced by A. Nijenhuis and R. W. Richardson, Jr (1966, 1967).… …   Wikipedia

  • Bracket (mathematics) — In mathematics, various typographical forms of brackets are frequently used in mathematical notation such as parentheses ( ), square brackets [ ] , curly brackets { }, and angle brackets < >. In the typical use, a mathematical expression is… …   Wikipedia

  • Albert Nijenhuis — is a Dutch mathematician at the University of Washington and the University of Pennsylvania working on combinatorics and differential geometry, who introduced the Frölicher Nijenhuis bracket, the Nijenhuis Richardson bracket, the Schouten… …   Wikipedia

  • Courant bracket — In a field of mathematics known as differential geometry, the Courant bracket is a generalization of the Lie bracket from an operation on the tangent bundle to an operation on the direct sum of the tangent bundle and the vector bundle of p forms …   Wikipedia

  • Lie derivative — In mathematics, the Lie derivative, named after Sophus Lie by Władysław Ślebodziński, evaluates the change of one vector field along the flow of another vector field.The Lie derivative is a derivation on the algebra of tensor fields over a… …   Wikipedia

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