

A covenant is a solemn agreement to engage in or refrain from a specified action. It is commonly found in religious contexts, where it refers to sacred agreements between a god and human beings. It may also refer to:



  • Covenant (biblical)
  • Covenant (Latter Day Saints), in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a sacred agreement between God and a person or group of people.
  • Covenant (religion) – a formal alliance or agreement made by God with a religious community or with humanity in general. An example of a covenant relationship in Judaism and Christianity is that between Abraham and God, in which God made a covenant with Abraham that He would bless Abraham's descendants making them more numerous than the stars.
  • Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, in the Bahá'í Faith
  • Covenant theology, a form of Calvinist philosophy which views all of history under the aspect of God's covenants
  • Covenantal Theology (Roman Catholic)
  • Mosaic covenant, the eternal covenant between God and Israel, of which the Shabbat is declared to be the sign forever.
  • New Covenant, a Christian concept, that Jesus Christ was the mediator of a New Covenant, fulfilling the Mosaic covenant.

Law and government


  • Loan covenant, a set of conditions that may be placed by a lender on a borrower in a commercial loan.

Places and institutions


  • The Covenant (novel), a novel by James Michener set in South Africa that takes place between prehistory and the 1980s
  • Covenant (World of Darkness), ideological establishments consisting mostly of Vampires in the fictional World of Darkness universe
  • Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, the protagonist of a series of fantasy novels by Stephen R. Donaldson'

Film and television


Video games

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  • Covenant — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Este artículo trata sobre el Universo de Halo. Para la agrupación musical, véase Covenant (Banda). Contenido 1 Historia 1.1 Odio al Homo sapiens …   Wikipedia Español

  • covenant — cov·e·nant / kə və nənt/ n 1: an official agreement or compact an international covenant on human rights 2 a: a contract in its entirety or a promise within a contract for the performance or nonperformance of a particular act a covenant not to… …   Law dictionary

  • COVENANT — COVENANT, a general obligation concerning two parties. It was confirmed either by an oath (Gen. 21:22ff.; 26:26ff.; Deut. 29:9ff.; Josh. 9:15–20; II Kings 11:4; Ezek. 16:8; 17:33ff.), by a solemn meal (Gen. 26:30; 31:54; Ex. 24:11; II Sam. 2:20) …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • COVENANT — COVENA Terme désignant une forme typique de la vie politique et religieuse écossaise qui réapparut dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle, alors que l’engagement pris par les nobles écossais en 1557 en l’absence de John Knox et en un temps où la …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Covenant — Cov e*nant (k?v ? nant), n. [OF. covenant, fr. F. & OF. convenir to agree, L. convenire. See {Convene}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A mutual agreement of two or more persons or parties, or one of the stipulations in such an agreement. [1913 Webster] Then… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • covenant — [kuv′ə nənt] n. [OFr, agreement, orig., prp. of covenir < L convenire: see CONVENE] 1. a binding and solemn agreement to do or keep from doing a specified thing; compact 2. an agreement among members of a church to defend and maintain its… …   English World dictionary

  • Covenant — Cov e*nant, v. t. To grant or promise by covenant. [1913 Webster] My covenant of peace that I covenanted with you. Wyclif. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Covenant —   [ kʌvənənt; englisch »Bund«, zu lateinisch convenire »zusammenkommen«] der, s/ s,    1) ohne Plural, in den evangelischen ref. Kirchen auf das Alte Testament zurückgreifende theologische Beschreibung des Verhältnisses zwischen Gott und den… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • covenant — c.1300, from O.Fr. covenant agreement, originally prp. of covenir agree, meet, from L. convenire come together (see CONVENE (Cf. convene)). Applied in Scripture to God s arrangements with man, as a translation of L. testamentum, Gk. diatheke,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Covenant — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Elektro, Future Pop Gründung 1986 Website http://w …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • covenant — s. m. Na Escócia, associação formada com vista a uma ação comum. (O covenant mais célebre foi o de 1638, que se opôs à introdução do anglicanismo na Escócia.) • Plural: covenants.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa que significa pacto …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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