Warsow (game)

Warsow (game)

Infobox VG
title = Warsow

caption = A screenshot of Warsow 0.4
developer = Warsow team
publisher =
distributor = Chasseur de Bots
designer =
engine = Qfusion
version = 0.42
released = 2008-02-28 0.42 (latest)
2005-06-08 0.04a (first public v.)
license = Freeware with GNU GPL code and proprietary multimedia resources
genre = First-person shooter
modes = Online multiplayer, Single player
ratings =
platforms = Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OS
media = Downloadable
requirements =
input = Keyboard, mouse

"Warsow", often abbreviated as "WSW" or "W§W" (the latter following its logo), is a multiplayer first-person shooter computer game first publicly released on June 8 2005. The game is actively developed by a crew of freelance software developers and artists. "Warsow" prides itself on high-quality content standards with thorough testing by selected members of the communitycite web | url=http://www.warsow.net/wiki/index.php?title=Credits | title=Warsow Wiki: Credits | accessdate=2007-02-09] . "Warsow"’s codebase is free software, distributed under the terms of the GPL; it is built upon Qfusion, an advanced modification of the Quake II engine. The artwork and other media are licensed under the proprietary "Warsow Content License", which allows the contributors of this media to use the work in a "personal portfolio" but not in any other game"license.txt" as found in the [http://www.warsow.net/?page=download Warsow 0.42 SDK] Retrieved on 2008-06-04] . Because of this Warsow is freeware, not open source.

"Warsow" is loosely based on the E-novel "Chasseur de bots" by Fabrice Demurgercite web | url=http://www.chasseurdebots.org/ | title=Chasseur de bots | accessdate=2007-02-09 | first=Fabrice | last=Demurger] . The novel is the basis of the game's cyberpunk visual style, which is achieved by combining cel-shaded cartoon-like graphics with dark, flashy and dirty textures. Since visual clarity is important in maintaining competitive gameplay, "Warsow" tries to keep effects minimalistic, clear and visible.

Competitive play

While "Warsow" is still beta software, it has been accepted as a competition-worthy game by several large online leagues such as the Electronic Sports Leaguecite web | url=http://www.esl.eu/eu/warsow/ | title=ESL Warsow | accessdate=2007-02-09] and ClanBase cite web | url=http://www.clanbase.com/news_league.php?lid=2746 | title=ClanBase Warsow Duel OpenCup Fall 2006 | accessdate=2007-02-09] cite web | url=http://www.clanbase.com/news_league.php?lid=2810 | title=ClanBase Warsow TDM Hosted Cup | accessdate=2007-02-09] cite web | url=http://www.clanbase.com/ladders.php?gid=63 | title=ClanBase Warsow Ladders | accessdate=2007-02-09] .In addition to acceptance by large leagues, many specialized "Warsow" cups have emerged. Well-known examples are "Bamboocha", a Europe-based Warsow Duel Tourneycite web | url=http://www.bamboocha.worldbyte.net/ | title=Bamboocha Warsow Duel Tourney | accessdate=2007-02-09] , and "ESW : WARSOW", a Japanese Warsow cupcite web | url=http://www.esports-gamers.com/ | title=ESW | accessdate=2007-02-09 | language=Japanese] . In 2007, several LAN tournaments featuring "Warsow" have emerged such as Crossfire [http://www.devotii.com Devotii] Challenge 3cite web | url=http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=7394 | title=CDC3 Annoucement | accessdate=2007-08-31] , Warsow.nl LANcite web | url=http://lovesow.net/warsownl-lan-was-great/ | title=Warsow.NL LAN | accessdate=2007-08-31] , and E-SPORTS STADIUM 2007cite web | url=http://esportsstadium.com/ | title=E-sports Stadium 2007 | accessdate=2007-08-31] .

Additionally, "Warsow" has been featured on the German TV-channel GIGA Television several timescite web | url=http://www.giga.de/2/vod/tag/warsow/ | title=GIGA 2 Warsow VOD archive | accessdate=2007-02-09 | language=German] , namely in "GIGA eSports" and its sub-shows "Skill Sunday" and "Free For All" and the Pay TV ITV station "GIGA 2", also produced by Turtle Entertainment.


The very competitive gameplay of "Warsow" focuses heavily on movement and trickjumpingcite web | url=http://www.warsow.net/?page=concept | title=Warsow concept | accessdate=2007-02-09 | first=Fabrice | last=Demurger] . Many of the tricks in "Warsow", which originate from the "Quake" series, include circle-jumping, bunny hopping, strafe-jumping, double jumping, ramp-sliding, and rocket jumping. "Warsow" also gives players the ability to dash, dodge or wall jump, tricks that were originally possible in the "Unreal" series. It uses a seperate button for most of the special movements, making it easier to use them while doing other things at the same time.cite web | url=http://www.warsow.net/wiki/index.php?title=Movement | title=Warsow Wiki: Movement | accessdate=2007-02-09] The various movement tricks combine to add an extra dimension to the gameplay; as the player's proficiency at moving increases, they are able to collect health, armour and weapons more quickly, more effectively overpower enemies with their speed. The variety and flexibility of the physics has spawned an entire community dedicated to competing on the various "Race" maps that the game offers cite web | url=http://www.warsow-race.net/ | title=Warsow Racenet | accessdate=2007-08-31 | language=German] .

"Warsow" also has a unique power-up system for weapons. In addition to regular ammunition, ammo boxes found on the map contain "strong" ammunition. Strong ammo either increases a weapon's power or modifies its behaviour to make it more effective. Weapons are restricted to using strong ammunition until depleted, at which point it would switch back to using regular ammunition. Unlike "Unreal" and "Quake", "Warsow" weapons do not have an "alternate fire" option (pressing a different button to use different attacks with the same weapon).


; Duel : A battle between two individual players to score the most frags within a certain time limit, traditionally 10 minutes.; Duel Arena : Battle between two players, but with a queue that exchanges the lowest-ranked player with another player after each frag (the winner stays); Free for All : A traditional free for all deathmatch. Weapon respawns are almost instant to compensate for the chaos and to give each player a chance at getting a weapon.; Team Deathmatch : Players are divided into two teams. The object is to have the highest number of frags, which is the sum of the frags of each individual player on a team, at the end of the predetermined time, usually 20 minutes.; Capture the flag : Plays similar to traditional Capture the Flag usually, but with one important difference: when a player picks up a flag, a countdown timer while holding the flag. Once the countdown timer expires, the flag is returned. In order to extend the timer, a teammate must stand on top of the enemies flag stand. This timer option can be disabled in the hosting server's configuration setup though.; Race : Based on the DeFRaG modification for Quake III: Arena, players are challenged to race to the end of a map in the shortest amount of time possible.; Clan Arena : Based on "Rocket Arena" for "Quake". Features different player classes and different weights within classes.; Instagib : Based on the Instagib mutator from Unreal Tournament. There are no weapons or health pickups around the map, and each player is given a hitscan one-shot-kill rifle. This is less of a gametype and more of a game option, as this can be used with any of the above gametypes (Instagib Deathmatch, Instagib Capture the Flag, et cetera).


External links

* [http://www.warsow.net Warsow.net] – official website
* [http://www.warsownews.net warsownews.net] – news site with articles, beginner guides, tournament calendar, demos, huds, mods, maps etc
* [http://www.warsow.net/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page Official Warsow Wiki]
* [http://www.1337demos.com/ 1337demos.com] - Community page for viewing and uploading demo recordings

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