- John Tate
John Torrence Tate Jr., born
March 13 ,1925 inMinneapolis, Minnesota , is an Americanmathematician , distinguished for many fundamental contributions inalgebraic number theory and related areas inalgebraic geometry . He wrote a Ph.D. at Princeton in 1950 as a student ofEmil Artin , was atHarvard University 1954-1990, and is now at theUniversity of Texas at Austin .Tate's thesis, on the analytic properties of the class of
L-function s introduced byErich Hecke , is one of the relatively few such dissertations that have become a by-word. In it the methods, novel for that time, of Fourier analysis on groups of "adeles", were worked out to recover Hecke's results.Subsequently Tate worked with
Emil Artin to give a treatment ofclass field theory based oncohomology of groups , explaining the content as theGalois cohomology of idele classes, and introducedTate cohomology group s. In the following decades Tate extended the reach of Galois cohomology:Poitou-Tate duality ,abelian varieties , theTate-Shafarevich group , and relations withalgebraic K-theory .He made a number of individual and important contributions to p-adic theory: the Lubin-Tate local theory of
complex multiplication offormal group s;rigid analytic space s; the 'Tate curve ' parametrisation for certain p-adicelliptic curve s; p-divisible (Tate-Barsotti) groups. Many of his results were not immediately published and were written up byJean-Pierre Serre . They collaborated on a major published paper ongood reduction of abelian varieties.The
Tate conjecture s are the equivalent forétale cohomology of theHodge conjecture . They relate to the Galois action on the l-adic cohomology of an algebraic variety, identifying a space of 'Tate cycle s' (the fixed cycles for a suitablyTate-twist ed action) that conjecturally picks out the algebraic cycles. A special case of the conjectures, which are open in the general case, was involved in the proof of theMordell conjecture byGerd Faltings .Tate has had a profound influence on the development of number theory through his role as aPhD advisor. His students include Joe Buhler,
Benedict Gross , Robert Kottwitz, James Milne,Carl Pomerance ,Ken Ribet andJoseph H. Silverman .He was awarded a
Wolf Prize in Mathematics in 2002/3.ee also
Sato-Tate conjecture
*Sato-Tate measure
*Tate module
*Néron–Tate height elected publications
*J. Tate, "Fourier analysis in number fields and Hecke's zeta functions" (Tate's 1950 thesis), reprinted in "Algebraic Number Theory" by J. W. S. Cassels, A. Frohlich ISBN 0-12-163251-2
External links
* [http://www.ma.utexas.edu/text/webpages/tate.html Tate's home page]
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