

name = Redstarts

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Common Redstart, "Phoenicurus phoenicurus"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Muscicapidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera and species
subdivision = See text.

Redstarts are a group of small Old World birds. They were formerly classified in the thrush family (Turdidae), but are more often now treated as part of the Old World flycatcher family (Muscicapidae). There are two main groups: the true redstarts of the genus "Phoenicurus" and the more aberrant and not too closely related White-capped, Plumbeous, Luzon, and White-bellied Redstarts.

These are insectivorous ground feeding birds, many of which have the red tail ("start" is the modern English reflex of Middle English "stert", Old English "steort", tail of an animal), which gives the group its name. Most northern species are strong migrants.

New World redstarts of the genera "Setophaga" and "Myioborus" are not closely related; they are New World warblers of the family Parulidae. Members of the latter genus are sometimes called "whitestarts".

*Genus "Phoenicurus"
**Rufous-backed Redstart, "Phoenicurus erythronota"
**Blue-capped Redstart, "Phoenicurus caeruleocephalus"
**Blue-fronted Redstart, "Phoenicurus frontalis"
**Ala Shan Redstart, "Phoenicurus alaschanicus"
**Common Redstart, "Phoenicurus phoenicurus"
**White-throated Redstart, "Phoenicurus schisticeps"
**Hodgson's Redstart, "Phoenicurus hodgsoni"
**Daurian Redstart, "Phoenicurus auroreus"
**White-winged Redstart, "Phoenicurus erythrogaster"
**Moussier's Redstart, "Phoenicurus moussieri"
**Black Redstart, "Phoenicurus ochruros"

*Genus "Chaimarrornis"
**White-capped Redstart, "Chaimarrornis leucocephalus"

*Genus "Rhyacornis"
**Plumbeous Redstart, "Rhyacornis fuliginosus"
**Luzon Redstart, "Rhyacornis bicolor"

*Genus "Hodgsonius"
**White-bellied Redstart, "Hodgsonius phaenicuroides"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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