Mark Schweizer

Mark Schweizer

Mark Schweizer (born 1956) is an American musician, composer, writer, and music professor. A native of Florida, Schweizer received music degrees from Stetson University in Deland and the University of Arizona including a doctorate in vocal performance. He returned to teach at Stetson University, followed by eight years at Louisiana College in Pineville. He has taught also at Austin Peay State University, Murray State University, Hopkinsville Community College and the University of the South.

As a bass-baritone, Schweizer has performed with regional opera companies across the country, in solo recital, and in oratorio including appearing as the bass soloist with Robert Shaw and the Atlanta Symphony in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

Schweizer is the president and editor of St. James Music Press in Tryon, North Carolina.

He is also the author of the St. Germaine mystery series (The Alto Wore Tweed, The Baritone Wore Chiffon, The Tenor Wore Tapshoes), "The Soprano Wore Falsettos", "The Bass Wore Scales", and "The Mezzo Wore Mink" and three others.

Schweizer has been active as a composer, arranger, editor, and librettist. As a composer, his work consists primarily of choral works for sacred use, including church operas and musicals. Besides libretti written for himself to set, he has also written libretti for operas with composers Richard Shephard and Carson Cooman.

Other pursuits

He has also hosted a classical music radio show, attempted to cash in on the pot-bellied pig boom of the 1980s, built a log cabin, and directed stage productions.[1]

Personal life

Schweizer and his wife have two children and two grandchildren.[1]


  1. ^ a b From "About The Author" in his novel The Alto Wore Tweed (2002)

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