Black Rod

Black Rod

The Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, generally shortened to just Black Rod, is an official in the parliaments of a number of Commonwealth countries. The position originates in the House of Lords of the British Parliament. His equivalent in the House of Commons is the Sergeant-at-Arms.


The office was created in 1350 by royal letters patent, though the current title dates from 1522. The position was adopted by other members of the Commonwealth when they copied the British Westminster system. The title is derived from the staff of office, an ebony staff topped with a golden lion, which is the main symbol of the office's authority.

Black Rod in the United Kingdom


Black Rod is formally appointed by the Crown based on a recruitment search performed by the Clerk of the Parliaments, to whom he reports. Prior to 2002 the office was held by a retired senior officer from the British Army, the Royal Navy or the Royal Air Force and was rotated between each service. It is now advertised openly. Black Rod is an officer of the English Order of the Garter, and takes the rank of knight bachelor. The present Black Rod is Lieutenant-General Sir Michael Willcocks. His deputy is the Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod.

Official duties

Black Rod has a number of official duties: he is the personal attendant of the Sovereign in the Lords; as secretary to the Lord Great Chamberlain is responsible as the usher and doorkeeper at meetings of the Order of the Garter (stemming from the Garter Statute 1522); and, as the Sergeant-at-Arms and Keeper of the Doors of the House he is concerned in the admission of strangers to the House of Lords.Black Rod further has the task of arresting any Lord guilty of breach of privilege or other Parliamentary offence, such as contempt or disorder, or the disturbance of the House's proceedings. He is also responsible, as the representative of the Administration and Works Committee, for more important services; the black rod is used to tap the governor's shoulder as a blessing from the Queen and security of the Palace of Westminster. Either Black Rod or his deputy, the Yeoman Usher, is required to be present when the House of Lords, upper house of Parliament, is in session, and plays a role in the induction of all new Lords Temporal into the House (but not of bishops as new Lords Spiritual).

Ceremonial duties

The Mace

Black Rod is in theory responsible for carrying the Mace into and out of the chamber for the Speaker of the House of Lords (formerly the Lord Chancellor, now the Lord Speaker), though this role is delegated to the Yeoman Usher and Deputy Serjeant-at-Arms, or on judicial occasions, to the Lord Speaker's deputy, the Assistant Serjeant-at-Arms.

tate Opening of Parliament

Black Rod is best known for his part in the ceremonies surrounding the State Opening of Parliament and the Throne speech. He summons the Commons to attend the speech and leads them to the Lords. As part of the ritual, as Black Rod approaches the doors to the chamber of the House of Commons to make his summons, they are slammed in his face. This is to symbolise the Commons' independence of the Sovereign. Black Rod then strikes the door three times with his staff, and in reply to the challenge "Who is there?" answers "Black Rod". He is then admitted and issues the summons of the monarch to attend. This ritual is derived from the attempt by Charles I of England to arrest five members in 1642, in what was seen as a breach of privilege, though strictly the King was entitled to enter the chamber. After that incident, the House of Commons has maintained its right to question the right of the monarch's representative to enter their chamber, though they can not bar him from entering with lawful authority.

In recent years, Black Rod has 'suffered' a friendly jibe on this annual occasion from the outspoken Labour MP Dennis Skinner.

cottish Parliament

Before the Acts of Union 1707 united the English and Scottish parliaments, there was a Gentleman Usher of the White Rod who had a similar role in the Scottish Parliament. [] This office no longer exists.

:"See also Gentleman Usher for other colours."

Black Rod in other Commonwealth countries

As in the United Kingdom, Black Rod is responsible for arresting any senator or intruder who disrupts the proceedings.


See Usher of the Black Rod of the Senate of Canada


The Australian Senate has Ms Andrea Griffiths as Usher of the Black Rod and Mr Nick Tate as Deputy Usher of the Black Rod. One of these is present for the induction of all Senators. Each bicameral Australian state (that is, all but Queensland) also has its own Black Rod.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, where the Legislative Council was abolished in 1951, the Usher of the Black Rod continues to summon MPs to the chamber for the Throne Speech. It is not a full-time position. Colonel William (Bill) Nathan, OBE ED, was Usher of the Black Rod 1993 to 2005, and a successor has been appointed.

Black Rods (UK) from 1361

*c.13611387: Walter Whitehorse
*13871399: John Cray
*13991410: Thomas Sy
*14101413: John Sheffield
*14131415: John Athelbrigg
*14151418: William Hargroave
*14181423: John Clifford
*14231428: John Carsons
*14281459: William Pope
*14381459: Robert Manfield (joint)
*14591461: John Penycok
*14611471: "vacant"?
*14711485: William Evington
*14831485: Edward Hardgill (joint)
*14851489: Robert Marleton
*14891513: Ralph Assheton
*14951513: Hugh Dennys (joint)
*15131526: Sir William Compton
*15261536: Sir Henry Norreys
*15361543: Anthony Knyvett
*15431554: Sir Philip Hoby
*15541565: John Norreys
*15541591: Sir William Norreys (joint)
*15911593: Anthony Wingfield
*15931598: Simon Bowyer
*15981620: Richard Coningsby
*16051620: George Pollard (joint)
*16201642: James Maxwell
*16421661: James Maxwell and Alexander Thayne (Parliamentary)
*16451661: Peter Newton (Royalist)
*16611671: Sir John Ayton
*16711683: Sir Edward Carteret
*16831694: Sir Thomas Duppa
*169425 August 1698: Sir Fleetwood Sheppard
*5 December 16981 June 1710: Admiral Sir David Mitchell
*17101718: Sir William Oldes
*17181727: Sir William Saunderson, 1st Baronet
*17271747: Sir Charles Dalton
*17471760: Sir Henry Bellenden
*17606 September 1765: Sir Septimus Robinson
*17651812: Sir Francis Molyneux, 7th Baronet
*181225 July 1832: Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt
*25 July 18328 February 1877: Admiral Sir Augustus Clifford, 1st Baronet
*3 May 187723 June 1883: Sir William Knollys
*24 July 18837 October 1895: Sir James Drummond
*11 February 1896 to 23 July 1904 - Sir Michael Biddulph
*August 190416 December 1919: Sir Henry Stephenson
*January 192014 May 1941: Lieutenant-General Sir William Pulteney
*October 194115 August 1944: Air Chief Marshal Sir William Mitchell
*January 194518 January 1949: Vice Admiral Sir Geoffrey Blake
*18 January 194918 June 1963: Lieutenant-General Sir Brian Horrocks
*18 June 1963October 1970: Air Chief Marshal Sir George Mills
*October 197018 January 1978: Admiral Sir Frank Twiss
*18 January 1978January 1985: Lieutenant-General Sir David House
*January 1985January 1992: Air Chief Marshal Sir John Gingell
*January 19928 May 1995: Admiral Sir Richard Thomas
*9 May 19958 May 2001: General Sir Edward Jones
*9 May 2001present: Lieutenant-General Sir Michael Willcocks

Black Rods (Canada) from 1867

*18671875 René Kimber
*18751901 René Edouard Kimber
*19021904 Molyneux St. John
*19041925 Ernest John Chambers
*19251946 Andrew Ruthven Thompson
*19471970 Charles Rock Lamoureux
*19701979 A. Guy Vandelac
*19791984 Thomas Guy Bowie
*19841985 Claude G. Lajoie
*19851989 René M. Jalbert
*19891990 Rene Gutknecht
*19901997 Jean Doré
*19972001 Mary C. McLaren
*20012002 Blair Armitage (Interim)
*20022008 Terrance J. Christopher
*2008 Blair Armitage (Interim)
*2008- Kevin S. MacLeod


*cite web | url='469' | title=Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod | accessdate=2007-08-04

External links

* ['469' The British Parliament's information about the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod]
* [ The Canadian Parliament's information about Black Rod]
* [ The Australian Parliamentary Education Office's information about the Usher of the Black Rod]

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  • Black Rod — (a) the usher to the Chapter of the Garter, so called from the black rod which he carries. He is of the king s chamber, and also usher to the House of Lords. [Eng.] (b) An usher in the legislature of British colonies. Cowell. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Black rod — Rod Rod, n. [The same word as rood. See {Rood}.] 1. A straight and slender stick; a wand; hence, any slender bar, as of wood or metal (applied to various purposes). Specifically: (a) An instrument of punishment or correction; figuratively,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Black Rod — n. 1. in England, the chief usher to the Order of the Garter and the House of Lords: so called from his symbol of office, an ebony rod: in full, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod 2. a similar official in other Commonwealth parliaments …   English World dictionary

  • Black Rod — (in full Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod) ► NOUN ▪ (in the UK) the chief usher of the Lord Chamberlain s department of the royal household, who is also usher to the House of Lords …   English terms dictionary

  • Black Rod — the title of one of the officials who takes part in the ceremony for opening the British Parliament each year. His job is to go to the House of Commons and tell its members to come to the House of Lords so that they can hear the Queen s speech …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Black Rod — Black′ Rod′ n. gov (in England) an official of the Order of the Garter and chief ceremonial usher of the House of Lords • Etymology: 1625–35 …   From formal English to slang

  • Black Rod — Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, allgemein einfach als Black Rod bezeichnet, ist der Titel eines ranghohen Beamten in einer Anzahl von Parlamenten in Großbritannien und weiteren Commonwealth Staaten. Auf Deutsch kann der Titel in etwa mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Black Rod — 1. (in England) an official of the Order of the Garter and chief ceremonial usher of the House of Lords: so called from the rod carried as the symbol of office. 2. a similar official in British colonial and Commonwealth legislatures. [1625 35] *… …   Universalium

  • Black Rod — /blæk ˈrɒd/ (say blak rod) noun 1. the officer of the Australian Senate staff whose role is to carry out the president s directions concerning the conduct of the Senate and the supervision of the part of Parliament House occupied by the Senate. 2 …  

  • Black Rod — Huissier du bâton noir L huissier du bâton noir (Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, couramment appelé « Black Rod »), est une personnalité officielle du monde parlementaire dans plusieurs pays du Commonwealth, dont le Canada. La fonction …   Wikipédia en Français

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