- Lagrangian Grassmannian
In mathematics, the Lagrangian Grassmannian is the smooth manifold of Lagrangian subspaces of a real symplectic vector space V. Its dimension is n(n+1)/2 (where the dimension of V is 2n). It may be identified with the homogeneous space
- U(n)/O(n)
where U(n) is the unitary group and O(n) the orthogonal group. After Vladimir Arnold it is denoted by Λ(n).
A complex Lagrangian Grassmannian is the complex homogeneous manifold of Lagrangian subspaces of a complex symplectic vector space V of dimension 2n. It may be identified with the homogeneous space of complex dimension n(n+1)/2
- Sp(n)/U(n)
where Sp(n) is the complex symplectic group.
The stable topology of the Lagrangian Grassmannian and complex Lagrangian Grassmannian is completely understood, as these spaces appear in the Bott periodicity theorem:
, and
– they are thus exactly the homotopy groups of the stable orthogonal group, up to a shift in indexing (dimension).
In particular, the fundamental group of U / O is infinite cyclic, with a distinguished generator given by the square of the determinant of a unitary matrix, as a mapping to the unit circle. Its first homology group is therefore also infinite cyclic, as is its first cohomology group. Arnold showed that this leads to a description of the Maslov index, introduced by V. P. Maslov.
For a Lagrangian submanifold M of V, in fact, there is a mapping
- M → Λ(n)
which classifies its tangent space at each point (cf. Gauss map). The Maslov index is the pullback via this mapping, in
- H1(M, Z)
of the distinguished generator of
- H1(Λ(n), Z).
Maslov index
A path of symplectomorphisms of a symplectic vector space may be assigned a Maslov index; it will be an integer if the path is a loop, and a half-integer in general.
If this path arises from trivializing the symplectic vector bundle over a periodic orbit of a Hamiltonian vector field on a symplectic manifold or the Reeb vector field on a contact manifold, it is known as the Conley-Zehnder index. It computes the spectral flow of the Cauchy-Riemann-type operators that arise in Floer homology.
It appeared originally in the study of the WKB approximation and appears frequently in the study of quantization[disambiguation needed
] and in symplectic geometry and topology. It can be described as above in terms of a Maslov index for linear Lagrangian submanifolds.
- V. I. Arnold, Characteristic class entering in quantization conditions, Funktsional'nyi Analiz i Ego Prilozheniya , 1967, 1,1, 1-14, doi:10.1007/BF01075861.
- V. P. Maslov, Théorie des perturbations et méthodes asymptotiques. 1972
- Ranicki, Andrew, The Maslov index home page, http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/maslov.htm Assorted source material relating to the Maslov index.
Categories:- Symplectic geometry
- Topology of homogeneous spaces
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