Niels Krabbe

Niels Krabbe

Niels Kaare Krabbe (born 1 July 1951) is an ornithologist and bird conservationist based at the Vertebrate Department of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, researching various aspects of ornithology, especially bioacoustics and conservation; systematics and altitudinal replacements of Scytalopus tapaculos. Niels has spent many years in the Andes, especially Ecuador, and wrote the passerine section of Birds of the High Andes (1990) and the accounts of most Andean species in Threatened Birds of the Americas (1992). For a decade he has worked with Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco on conservation of Ecuadorian birds, paying special attention to the Pale-headed Brush-Finch (Atlapetes pallidiceps), which he searched for several years and finally found a small population of in 1998. The species was then on the verge of extinction with only 10-22 pairs remaining, but owing to the conservation efforts it is now recuperating, with 82 pairs counted in 2007.His most recent trip discovered a new species of Megascops screech-owl for science at the El Dorado Bird Reserve, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Bird species described by Niels Krabbe

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