Ronald Graham

Ronald Graham

Ronald Lewis Graham (born October 31, 1935) is a mathematician credited by the American Mathematical Society with being "one of the principal architects of the rapid development worldwide of discrete mathematics in recent years" [ [ AMS document about the 2003 Steele Prizes] (PDF format)] . He has done important work in scheduling theory, computational geometry, Ramsey theory, and quasi-randomness.

He holds the posts of Chief Scientist at the California Institute for Telecommunication and Information Technology (also known as Cal-(IT)2), and Irwin and Joan Jacobs Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).

He was born in Taft, California. In 1962, he got his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley.

A 1977 paper of his discussed a problem in Ramsey theory, and gave a large number as an upper bound for its solution. This number has since become famous as the largest number ever used in a serious mathematical proof (and is listed in the "Guinness Book of Records" as such), and is now known as Graham's number.

Graham popularized the concept of the Erdős number, named after the highly prolific Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős (1913 - 1996). A mathematician's Erdős number is the minimum number of links away from Erdős they are, where mathematician A is linked to mathematician B if they have co-authored a paper. Graham's Erdős number is 1. He co-authored nearly 30 papers with Erdős, and was also a good friend. Erdős often stayed with him, and let him look after his mathematical papers and even his money for him.

Between 1993 and 1994 Graham served as the president of the American Mathematical Society. Graham was also featured in "Ripley's Believe It or Not" for being not only "one of the world's foremost mathematicians", but also "a highly skilled trampolinist and juggler", and past president of the International Jugglers' Association.

In 2003, Graham won the American Mathematical Society's annual Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. The prize was awarded on January 16 that year, at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1999 he was inducted as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. Graham, prolific mathematician and industrious human being, has won many other prizes over the years; he was one of the laureates of the prestigious Pólya Prize the first year it was ever awarded, and among the first to win the Euler Medal. The Mathematical Association of America has also awarded him both the Lester R. Ford prize which was "...established in 1964 to recognize authors of articles of expository excellence published in "The American Mathematical Monthly"..." [ [ MAA's Lester R. Ford Award Page] ] , and the Carl Allendoerfer prize which was established in 1976 for the same reasons, however for a different magazine, the "Mathematics Magazine" [ [ MAA's Carl B. Allendoerfer Award Page] ] .

He has published about 320 papers and five books, including "Concrete Mathematics" with Donald Knuth. [ [ Papers of Ron Graham] ]

He is married to Fan Chung Graham (known professionally as Fan Chung), who is the Akamai Professor in Internet Mathematics at the University of California, San Diego. He has four childrenthree daughters, Che, Laura, Christy and a son, Marcfrom an earlier marriage.

ee also

*Graham scan


External links

* [ Graham's UCSD Faculty Research Profile]
* [ About Ron Graham] - a page summarizing some aspects of Graham's life and mathematics - part of [ Fan Chung's website]
* " [ Math expert coolly juggles scientific puzzles and six or seven balls] " - a article on Graham, by Bruce V. Bigelow, dated March 18, 2003
* [ AMS news release] telling of Graham's winning of the 2003 Steele Prize

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