

A linstock (also called a lintstock) is a metre-long staff with a fork at one end to hold a lighted slow match, [] The name was adapted from the Dutch "lontstok", "match stick". [] Linstocks were used for discharging cannons in the early days of artillery; the linstock allowed the gunnner to stand further from the cannon [1911] as it was dangerous applying the lighted match to the touch hole. [] This was located in the breech and filled with fine black powder; when ignited it caused the gun to fire. []

Linstocks had serpentine jaws to grip the slow match and a sharp point at the base to stick in the ground. [] In emergencies gunners could use the spear blade as a weapon to defend the cannon. []

Like most early modern military equipment the linstock had a second function; 16th century examples had measurements in inches and a protractor engraved on the blade to allow the gun captain to check the angle.

By the 18th century flintlock firing devices had been introduced, rendering the artillery linstock obsolete [] though the linstock remained in service in many places where the older form of ignition was used, including America during the War of Independence and parts of Europe during the Napoleonic Wars. [,early-nineteenth-century,492791.html] During the War of 1812 and American Civil War gun crews were issued linstocks [] which were used when the flintlock and percussion cap-ignited primers failed. []

ee also

*Touch hole


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  • Linstock — Lin stock (l[i^]n st[o^]k), n. [Corrupt. fr. luntstock, D. lontstok; lont lunt + stok stock, stick. See {Link} a torch, {Lunt}, and {Stock}.] A pointed forked staff, shod with iron at the foot, to hold a lighted match for firing cannon. [Written… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • linstock — forked staff used for firing a cannon, 1570s, from Du. lonstok, from lont match + stok stick …   Etymology dictionary

  • linstock — [lin′stäk΄] n. [altered (by assoc. with LINT, used as tinder) < Du lontstok < lont, a match, lunt + stok, a stick] a long stick formerly used to hold a lighted match for firing a cannon …   English World dictionary

  • linstock — (a forked staff to hold a lighted match) see the cobbler to his last and the gunner to his linstock …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • linstock — noun Etymology: Dutch lontstok, from lont match + stok stick Date: 1575 a staff having a pointed foot (as for sticking into the ground) and a forked tip and formerly used to hold a lighted match for firing cannon …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • linstock — /lin stok /, n. a staff with one end forked to hold a match, formerly used in firing cannon. [1565 75; earlier lyntstock < D lontstock match stick, with LINT r. lont by assoc. with the material commonly used as tinder] * * * …   Universalium

  • linstock — noun historical a long pole used to hold a match for firing a cannon. Origin C16: from earlier lintstock, from Du. lontstok, from lont match + stok stick …   English new terms dictionary

  • linstock — lin·stock …   English syllables

  • linstock — lin•stock [[t]ˈlɪnˌstɒk[/t]] n. mil a staff with one end forked to hold a match, formerly used in firing cannon • Etymology: 1565–75; < D lontstock matchstick …   From formal English to slang

  • linstock — n. hist. a match holder used to fire cannon. Etymology: earlier lintstock f. Du. lontstok f. lont match + stok stick, with assim. to LINT …   Useful english dictionary

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