Jean-Jacques Lequeu

Jean-Jacques Lequeu

Jean-Jacques Lequeu (Rouen, September 14 175728 March 1826) was a French draughtsman and architect.

Born in Rouen, he won a scholarship to go to Paris, but following the French revolution his architectural career never took off.

He spent time preparing the "Architecture Civile", a book intended for publication, but which was never published. Most of his drawings can be found at the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Some of them are pornographic and are kept in the "Enfer" of the library. Most of these drawings have been reproduced in Duboy's book.

See also

* Architecture parlante
* Claude Nicolas Ledoux
* Étienne-Louis Boullée


*Philippe Duboy. "Lequeu : An Architectural Enigma". MIT Press; ASIN: 0262040867 (November 29, 1986)
*Emil Kaufmann. "Three Revolutionary Architects: Boullée, Ledoux, and Lequeu." American Philosophical Society, 1952.
*Jean-Claude Lemagny. "Visionary Architects: Boullée, Ledoux, Lequeu". Hennessey & Ingalls; ISBN 0-940512-35-1; (July 2002)

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