List of diseases (C)

List of diseases (C)

A list of diseases in the English wikipedia.


* C syndrome
* C1 esterase deficiency (angioedema)



* Cacchi-Ricci disease
* CACH syndrome
* Cafe au lait spots syndrome
* Caffey disease
* CAHMR syndrome
* Calcinosis cutis (see also CREST syndrome)
* Calciphylaxis
* Calculi
* Calderon Gonzalez Cantu syndrome
* Calloso genital dysplasia
* Callus disease
* Calpainopathy
* Calvarial hyperostosis


* Camera Marugo -Cohen syndrome
* Camfak syndrome
* Campomelia Cumming type
* Camptobrachydactyly
* Camptocormism
* Camptodactyly fibrous tissue hyperplasia skeletal dysplasia
* Camptodactyly joint contractures facial skeletal dysplasia
* Camptodactyly overgrowth unusual facies
* Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 1
* Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 2
* Camptodactyly taurinuria
* Camptodactyly vertebral fusion
* Camptomelic syndrome
* Campylobacter infection
* Camurati Engelmann disease
* Canavan leukodystrophy
* Cancer
* Candidiasis familial chronic
* Candidiasis
* Canga's bead symptom
* Canine distemper
* Cantalamessa Baldini Ambrosi syndrome
* Cantu Sanchez Corona Fragoso syndrome
* Cantu Sanchez Corona Garcia syndrome
* Cantu Sanchez Corona Hernandes syndrome


* Capillary leak syndrome with monoclonal gammopathy
* Capillary venous leptomeningeal angiomatosis
* Caplan's syndrome
* Capos syndrome



* Caratolo Cilio Pessagno syndrome
* Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase deficiency
* Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase I deficiency disease (ornithine carbamoyl phosphate deficiency)
* Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome
* Carbon baby syndrome
* Carbonic anhydrase II deficiency
* Carcinoid syndrome
* Carcinoma of the vocal tract
* Carcinoma, squamous cell of head and neck
* Carcinoma, squamous cell
* Carcinophobia




* Cardiac amyloidosis
* Cardiac and laterality defects
* Cardiac arrest
* Cardiac conduction defect, familial
* Cardiac diverticulum
* Cardiac hydatid cysts with intracavitary expansion
* Cardiac malformation
* Cardiac tamponade
* Cardiac valvular dysplasia, X-linked
* pernambuco viadim


* Cardioauditory syndrome of Sanchez- Cascos
* Cardioauditory syndrome
* Cardiofacial syndrome short limbs
* Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome
* Cardiogenital syndrome
* Cardiomelic syndrome Stratton Koehler type
* Cardiomyopathy:
** Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
** Cardiomyopathic lentiginosis
** Cardiomyopathy cataract hip spine disease
** Cardiomyopathy diabetes deafness
** Dilated cardiomyopathy: Cardiomyopathy dilated with conduction defect type 1, Cardiomyopathy dilated with conduction defect type 2, Cardiomyopathy, familial dilated
** Cardiomyopathy due to anthracyclines
** Cardiomyopathy hearing loss type t RNA lysine gene mutation
** Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: familial
** Cardiomyopathy hypogonadism metabolic anomalies
** Cardiomyopathy spherocytosis
** Cardiomyopathy, fatal fetal, due to myocardial calcification
** Cardiomyopathy, X linked, fatal infantile
** Restrictive cardiomyopathy
* Cardioskeletal myopathy-neutropenia
* Cardiospasm


* Carey Fineman Ziter syndrome
* Carnevale Canun Mendoza syndrome
* Carnevale Hernandez Castillo syndrome
* Carnevale Krajewska Fischetto syndrome
* Carney syndrome
* Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 deficiency
* Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 2 deficiency
* Carnitine palmitoyl transferase deficiency
* Carnitine transporter deficiency
* Carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase deficiency
* Carnosinase deficiency
* Carnosinemia
* Caroli disease
* Carotenemia
* Carotid artery dissection
* Carpal deformity migrognathia microstomia
* Carpal tunnel syndrome
* Carpenter Hunter type
* Carpenter syndrome
* Carpo tarsal osteolysis recessive
* Carpotarsal osteochondromatosis
* Carrington syndrome


* Cartilage-hair hypoplasia
* Cartilage hair hypoplasia like syndrome
* Cartilaginous neoplasms
* Cartwright Nelson Fryns syndrome


* Cassia Stocco Dos Santos syndrome
* Castleman's disease
* Castro Gago Pombo Novo syndrome


* Cat cry syndrome - see Cri du chat
* Cat Eye syndrome
* Cat Rodrigues syndrome
* Cat-scratch disease


* Cataract,congenital ichthyosis
* Cataract aberrant oral frenula growth retardation
* Cataract anterior polar dominant
* Cataract ataxia deafness
* Cataract cardiomyopathy
* Cataract congenital autosomal dominant
* Cataract congenital dominant non nuclear
* Cataract congenital Volkmann type
* Cataract congenital with microphthalmia
* Cataract dental syndrome
* Cataract Hutterite type
* Cataract hypertrichosis mental retardation
* Cataract mental retardation hypogonadism
* Cataract microcornea syndrome
* Cataract microphthalmia septal defect
* Cataract skeletal anomalies
* Cataract, alopecia, sclerodactyly
* Cataract, congenital, with microcornea or slight microphthalmia
* Cataract, total congenital
* Cataract-glaucoma


* CATCH 22 syndrome
* Catecholamine hypertension
* Catel Manzke syndrome


* Caudal appendage deafness
* Caudal duplication
* Caudal regression syndrome
* Causalgia
* Cavernous hemangioma
* Cavernous lymphangioma
* Cavernous sinus thrombosis
* Cayler syndrome


* CCA syndrome
* Ccge syndrome
* CDG syndrome type 1A
* CDG syndrome type 1B
* CDG syndrome type 1C
* CDG syndrome type 2
* CDG syndrome type 3
* CDG syndrome type 4
* CDG syndrome
* CDK4 linked melanoma



* Cecato De lima Pinheiro syndrome
* Celiac disease epilepsy occipital calcifications
* Celiac sprue
* Cenani Lenz syndactylism
* Cennamo Gangemi syndrome
* Central core disease
* Central diabetes insipidus
* Central nervous system protozoal infections
* Central serous chorioretinopathy
* Central type neurofibromatosis
* Centromeric instability immunodeficiency syndrome
* Centronuclear myopathy
* Centrotemporal epilepsy
* Cephalopolysyndactyly



* Ceramidase deficiency
* Ceramide trihexosidosis
* Ceraunophobia




* Cerebellar agenesis
* Cerebellar ataxia areflexia pes cavus optic atrophy
* Cerebellar ataxia ectodermal dysplasia
* Cerebellar ataxia infantile with progressive external ophthalmoplegia
* Cerebellar ataxia, dominant pure
* Cerebellar degeneration, subacute
* Cerebellar degeneration
* Cerebellar hypoplasia endosteal sclerosis
* Cerebellar hypoplasia tapetoretinal degeneration
* Cerebellar hypoplasia
* Cerebellar parenchymal degeneration
* Cerebelloolivary atrophy
* Cerebelloparenchymal disorder 3
* Cerebellum agenesis hydrocephaly


* Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Familial
* Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
* Cerebral aneurysm
* Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
* Cerebral calcification cerebellar hypoplasia
* Cerebral calcifications opalescent teeth phosphaturia
* Cerebral cavernous malformation
* Cerebral cavernous malformations
* Cerebral gigantism jaw cysts
* Cerebral gigantism
* Cerebral hypoxia
* Cerebral malformations hypertrichosis claw hands
* Cerebral palsy
* Cerebral thrombosis -
* Cerebral ventricle neoplasm
* Cerebro facio articular syndrome
* Cerebro facio thoracic dysplasia
* Cerebro oculo dento auriculo skeletal syndrome
* Cerebro oculo genital syndrome
* Cerebro oculo skeleto renal syndrome
* Cerebro reno digital syndrome
* Cerebroarthrodigital syndrome
* Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome
* Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome
* Cerebroretinal vasculopathy


* Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 1, infantile
* Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 2, late infantile
* Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 3, juvenile
* Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 4, adult type
* Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 5, late infantile
* Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 6, late infantile
* Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal
* Ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal 4
* Cervical cancer
* Cervical hypertrichosis neuropathy
* Cervical hypertrichosis peripheral neuropathy
* Cervical ribs sprengel anomaly polydactyly
* Cervical vertebral fusion
* Cervicooculoacoustic syndrome




* Chagas disease
* Chalazion
* Chanarin disease
* Chanarin Dorfman syndrome ichthyosis
* Chancroid
* Chandler's syndrome
* Chands syndrome
* Chang Davidson Carlson syndrome
* Chaotic atrial tachycardia


* Char syndrome



CharcotCharcot d
* Charcot diseaseCharcot Marie Tooth disease
* Charcot Marie tooth disease deafness dominant type
* Charcot Marie tooth disease deafness mental retardation
* Charcot Marie Tooth disease deafness recessive type
* Charcot Marie Tooth type 1 aplasia cutis congenita
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1B
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1C
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B1
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B2
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2C
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2D
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4A
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with ptosis and parkinsonism
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, intermediate form
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type A
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type B
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type D
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked type 2, recessive
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked type 3, recessive
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth peroneal muscular atrophy, X-linked


* CHARGE Association
* Charles' Disease
* Charlie M syndrome


* Chavany-Brunhes syndrome


* Chediak-Higashi syndrome
* Cheilitis glandularis
* Chemke Oliver Mallek syndrome
* Chemodectoma
* Chemophobia
* Chen Kung Ho Kaufman Mcalister syndrome
* Cherubism


* Chiari type 1 malformation
* Chiari-Frommel syndrome
* Chickenpox
* Chikungunya
* CHILD syndrome ichthyosis
* Childhood disintegrative disorder
* Childhood pustular psoriasis
* Chimerism
* Chinese restaurant syndrome
* Chitayat Haj Chahine syndrome
* Chitayat Meunier Hodgkinson syndrome
* Chitayat Moore Del Bigio syndrome
* Chitty Hall Baraitser syndrome
* Chitty Hall Webb syndrome
* Chlamydia trachomatis
* Chlamydia
* Chlamydial and Gonococcal Conjunctivitis



* Choanal atresia deafness cardiac defects dysmorphia
* Cholangiocarcinoma
* Cholangitis, primary sclerosing
* Cholecystitis
* Choledochal cyst, hand malformation
* Cholelithiasis
* Cholemia, familial
* Cholera
* Cholestasis pigmentary retinopathy cleft palate
* Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 1
* Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 2
* Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 3
* Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic
* Cholestasis
* Cholestatic jaundice renal tubular insufficiency
* Cholesterol ester storage disease
* Cholesterol esterification disorder
* Cholesterol pneumonia


* Chondroblastoma
* Chondrocalcinosis familial articular
* Chondrocalcinosis
* Chondrodysplasia lethal recessive
* Chondrodysplasia pseudohermaphrodism syndrome
* Chondrodysplasia punctata 1, x-linked recessive
* Chondrodysplasia punctata with steroid sulfatase deficiency
* Chondrodysplasia punctata, brachytelephalangic
* Chondrodysplasia punctata, Sheffield type
* Chondrodysplasia punctata
* Chondrodysplasia situs inversus imperforate anus polydactyly
* Chondrodysplasia, Grebe type
* Chondrodystrophy
* Chondroectodermal dysplasia
* Chondroma (benign)
* Chondromalacia
* Chondromatosis (benign)
* Chondrosarcoma (malignant)
* Chondrysplasia punctata, humero-metacarpal type


* Chordoma
* Chorea acanthocytosis
* Chorea familial benign
* Chorea minor
* Chorea
* Choreoacanthocytosis amyotrophic
* Choreoathetosis familial paroxysmal
* Choriocarcinoma
* Chorioretinitis
* Chorioretinopathy dominant form microcephaly
* Choroid plexus cyst
* Choroid Plexus neoplasms
* Choroidal atrophy alopecia
* Choroideremia hypopituitarism
* Choroideremia
* Choroiditis, serpiginous
* Choroiditis
* Choroido cerebral calcification syndrome infantile



* Christian Demyer Franken syndrome
* Christian Johnson Angenieta syndrome
* Christian syndrome
* Christianson Fourie syndrome
* Christmas disease



* Chromhidrosis


* Chromomycosis
* Chromophobe renal carcinomaChromosChromosoma
* Chromosomal triplicationChromosomeChromosome 1
* Chromosome 1 ring
* Chromosome 1, 1p36 deletion syndrome
* Chromosome 1, deletion q21 q25
* Chromosome 1, duplication 1p21 p32
* Chromosome 1, monosomy 1p
* Chromosome 1, monosomy 1p22 p13
* Chromosome 1, monosomy 1p31 p22
* Chromosome 1, monosomy 1p32
* Chromosome 1, monosomy 1p34 p32
* Chromosome 1, monosomy 1q25 q32
* Chromosome 1, monosomy 1q32 q42
* Chromosome 1, monosomy 1q4
* Chromosome 1, q42 11 q42 12 duplication
* Chromosome 1, trisomy 1q32 qter
* Chromosome 1, trisomy 1q42 qter
* Chromosome 1, uniparental disomy 1q12 q21Chromosome 10-Chromosome 12
* Chromosome 10 ring
* Chromosome 10, distal trisomy 10q
* Chromosome 10, monosomy 10p
* Chromosome 10, monosomy 10q
* Chromosome 10, trisomy 10p
* Chromosome 10, trisomy 10pter p13
* Chromosome 10, trisomy 10q
* Chromosome 10, uniparental disomy of
* Chromosome 10p terminal deletion syndrome
* Chromosome 11, deletion 11p
* Chromosome 11, partial trisomy 11q
* Chromosome 11-14 translocation
* Chromosome 11p, partial deletion
* Chromosome 11q partial deletion
* Chromosome 11q trisomy
* Chromosome 12 ring
* Chromosome 12, 12p trisomy
* Chromosome 12, trisomy 12q
* Chromosome 12p deletion
* Chromosome 12p partial deletionChromosome 13-Chromosome 15
* Chromosome 13 duplication
* Chromosome 13 ring
* Chromosome 13, partial monosomy 13q
* Chromosome 13p duplication
* Chromosome 13q deletion
* Chromosome 13q trisomy
* Chromosome 13q-mosaicism
* Chromosome 14 ring
* Chromosome 14 trisomy
* Chromosome 14, deletion 14q, partial duplication 14p
* Chromosome 14, trisomy mosaic
* Chromosome 14q, partial deletions
* Chromosome 14q, proximal duplication
* Chromosome 14q, terminal deletion
* Chromosome 14q, terminal duplication
* Chromosome 15 ring
* Chromosome 15, distal trisomy 15q
* Chromosome 15, trisomy mosaicism
* Chromosome 15q, partial deletion
* Chromosome 15q, tetrasomy
* Chromosome 15q, trisomyChromosome 16-Chromosome 1q
* Chromosome 16, trisomy 16p
* Chromosome 16, trisomy 16q
* Chromosome 16, trisomy
* Chromosome 16, uniparental disomy
* Chromosome 17 trisomy
* Chromosome 17 deletion
* Chromosome 17 ring
* Chromosome 17, deletion 17q23 q24
* Chromosome 17, trisomy 17p
* Chromosome 17, trisomy 17p11 2
* Chromosome 17, trisomy 17q22
* Chromosome 18 long arm deletion syndrome
* Chromosome 18 mosaic monosomy
* Chromosome 18 ring
* Chromosome 18, deletion 18q23
* Chromosome 18, monosomy 18p
* Chromosome 18, tetrasomy 18p
* Chromosome 18, trisomy 18p
* Chromosome 18, trisomy 18q
* Chromosome 18, trisomy
* Chromosome 19 ring
* Chromosome 19, trisomy 19q
* Chromosome 1q, duplication 1q12 q21Chromosome 2
* Chromosome 2, monosomy 2p22
* Chromosome 2, monosomy 2pter p24
* Chromosome 2, monosomy 2q
* Chromosome 2, monosomy 2q24
* Chromosome 2, monosomy 2q37
* Chromosome 2, trisomy 2p
* Chromosome 2, Trisomy 2p13 p21
* Chromosome 2, trisomy 2pter p24
* Chromosome 2, trisomy 2q
* Chromosome 2, trisomy 2q37Chromosome 20-Chromosome 22
* Chromosome 20 ring
* Chromosome 20, deletion 20p
* Chromosome 20, duplication 20p
* Chromosome 20, trisomy
* Chromosome 21 monosomy
* Chromosome 21 ring
* Chromosome 21, monosomy 21q22
* Chromosome 21, tetrasomy 21q
* Chromosome 21, uniparental disomy of
* Chromosome 22 ring
* Chromosome 22 trisomy mosaic
* Chromosome 22, microdeletion 22 q11
* Chromosome 22, monosome mosaic
* Chromosome 22, trisomy q11 q13
* Chromosome 22, trisomyChromosome 3
* Chromosome 3 duplication syndrome
* Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p
* Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p14 p11
* Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p2
* Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p25
* Chromosome 3, monosomy 3q13
* Chromosome 3, monosomy 3q21 23
* Chromosome 3, monosomy 3q27
* Chromosome 3, trisomy 3p
* Chromosome 3, trisomy 3p25
* Chromosome 3, trisomy 3q
* Chromosome 3, trisomy 3q13 2 q25
* Chromosome 3, Trisomy 3q2Chromosome 4-Chromosome 5
* Chromosome 4 ring
* Chromosome 4 short arm deletion
* Chromosome 4, monosomy 4p14 p16
* Chromosome 4, monosomy 4q
* Chromosome 4, monosomy 4q32
* Chromosome 4, monosomy distal 4q
* Chromosome 4, partial trisomy distal 4q
* Chromosome 4, Trisomy 4p
* Chromosome 4, trisomy 4q
* Chromosome 4, trisomy 4q21
* Chromosome 4, trisomy 4q25 qter
* Chromosome 5, monosomy 5q35
* Chromosome 5, trisomy 5p
* Chromosome 5, trisomy 5pter p13 3
* Chromosome 5, trisomy 5q
* Chromosome 5, uniparental disomyChromosome 6-Chromosome 7
* Chromosome 6 ring
* Chromosome 6, deletion 6q13 q15
* Chromosome 6, monosomy 6p23
* Chromosome 6, monosomy 6q
* Chromosome 6, monosomy 6q1
* Chromosome 6, monosomy 6q2
* Chromosome 6, partial trisomy 6q
* Chromosome 6, trisomy 6p
* Chromosome 6, trisomy 6q
* Chromosome 7 ring
* Chromosome 7, monosomy 7q2
* Chromosome 7, monosomy 7q21
* Chromosome 7, monosomy 7q3
* Chromosome 7, monosomy
* Chromosome 7, partial monosomy 7p
* Chromosome 7, trisomy 7p
* Chromosome 7, trisomy 7p13 p12 2
* Chromosome 7, trisomy 7q
* Chromosome 7, trisomy mosaicChromosome 8-Chromosome 9
* Chromosome 8 deletion
* Chromosome 8 ring
* Chromosome 8, monosomy 8p
* Chromosome 8, monosomy 8p2
* Chromosome 8, monosomy 8p23 1
* Chromosome 8, monosomy 8q
* Chromosome 8, mosaic trisomy
* Chromosome 8, partial trisomy
* Chromosome 8, trisomy 8p
* Chromosome 8, trisomy 8q
* Chromosome 8, trisomy
* Chromosome 9 inversion or duplication
* Chromosome 9 Ring
* Chromosome 9, duplication 9q21
* Chromosome 9, monosomy 9p
* Chromosome 9, partial monosomy 9p
* Chromosome 9, partial trisomy 9p
* Chromosome 9, tetrasomy 9p
* Chromosome 9, trisomy 9q
* Chromosome 9, trisomy 9q32
* Chromosome 9, trisomy mosaic
* Chromosome 9, trisomyChromosomes
* Chromosomes 1 and 2, monosomy 2q duplication 1p


* Chronic berylliosis
* Chronic demyelinizing neuropathy with IgM monoclonal
* Chronic erosive gastritis
* Chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome
* Chronic fatigue syndrome
* Chronic granulomatous disease
* Chronic hiccup
* Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
* Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
* Chronic mountain sickness
* Chronic myelogenous leukemia
* Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
* Chronic necrotizing vasculitis
* Chronic neutropenia
* Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
* Chronic polyradiculoneuritis
* Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
* Chronic renal failure
* Chronic spasmodic dysphonia
* Chronic, infantile, neurological, cutaneous, articular syndrome


* Chudley Lowry Hoar syndrome
* Chudley Rozdilsky syndrome
* Chudley-Mccullough syndrome
* Churg-Strauss syndrome
* Chylous ascites


* Cicatricial pemphigoid
* Ciguatera fish poisoning
* Ciliary discoordination, due to random ciliary orientation
* Ciliary dyskinesia, due to transposition of ciliary microtubules
* Ciliary dyskinesia-bronchiectasis
* Cilliers Beighton syndrome
* Cinchonism
* Circumscribed cutaneous aplasia of the vertex
* Circumscribed disseminated keratosis Jadassohn Lew type
* Citrullinemia



* Clarkson disease
* Clayton Smith Donnai syndrome




Cleft h-Cleft l

* Cleft hand absent tibia
* Cleft lip and palate malrotation cardiopathy
* Cleft lip and/or palate with mucous cysts of lower
* Cleft lip palate abnormal thumbs microcephaly
* Cleft lip palate deafness sacral lipoma
* Cleft lip palate dysmorphism Kumar type
* Cleft lip palate ectrodactyly
* Cleft lip palate incisor and finger anomalies
* Cleft lip palate mental retardation corneal opacity
* Cleft lip palate oligodontia syndactyly pili torti
* Cleft lip palate pituitary deficiency
* Cleft lip palate-tetraphocomelia
* Cleft lip with or without cleft palate
* Cleft lip
* Cleft lower lip cleft lateral canthi chorioretinal

Cleft p-Cleft u

* Cleft palate cardiac defect ectrodactyly
* Cleft palate colobomata radial synostosis deafness
* Cleft palate heart disease polydactyly absent tibia
* Cleft palate lateral synechia syndrome
* Cleft palate short stature vertebral anomalies
* Cleft palate stapes fixation oligodontia
* Cleft palate X linked
* Cleft palate
* Cleft tongue syndrome
* Cleft upper lip median cutaneous polyps


* Clefting ectropion conical teeth


* Cleidocranial dysplasia micrognathia absent thumbs
* Cleidocranial dysplasia


* Cloacal exstrophy
* Clouston syndrome
* Cloverleaf skull bone dysplasia
* Cloverleaf skull micromelia thoracic dysplasia
* Clubfoot
* Cluster headache


* CMV antenatal infection



* Coach syndrome
* Coal workers' pneumoconiosis
* Coarctation of aorta dominant
* Coarse face hypotonia constipation
* Coats disease
* Cocaine antenatal infection
* Cocaine fetopathy
* Coccidioidomycosis
* Cochin Jewish Disorder
* Cockayne syndrome type 1
* Cockayne syndrome type 2
* Cockayne syndrome type 3
* Cockayne's syndrome
* Codas syndrome
* Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase deficiency of
* Coffin-Lowry syndrome
* Coffin-Siris syndrome
* COFS syndrome


* Cogan-Reese syndrome
* Cogan syndrome
* Cohen Hayden syndrome
* Cohen Lockood Wyborney syndrome
* Cohen syndrome



* Colavita Kozlowski syndrome
* Cold agglutination syndrome
* Cold agglutinin disease
* Cold antibody hemolytic anemia
* Cold contact urticaria
* Cold urticaria
* Cole carpenter syndrome
* Coleman Randall syndrome
* Colitis
* Collagen disorder
* Collagenous colitis
* Collins Pope syndrome
* Collins Sakati syndrome


* Coloboma chorioretinal cerebellar vermis aplasia
* Coloboma hair abnormality
* Coloboma of choroid and retina
* Coloboma of eye lens
* Coloboma of iris
* Coloboma of lens ala nasi
* Coloboma of macula type B brachydactyly
* Coloboma of macula
* Coloboma of optic nerve
* Coloboma of optic papilla
* Coloboma porencephaly hydronephrosis
* Coloboma uveal with cleft lip palate and mental retardation
* Coloboma, ocular
* Colobomata unilobar lung heart defect
* Colobomatous microphthalmia heart disease hearing
* Colobomatous microphthalmia
* Colon cancer, familial nonpolyposis
* Colonic atresia
* Colonic malakoplakia
* Color blindness
* Colorado tick fever
* Colver Steer Godman syndrome


* Combarros Calleja Leno syndrome
* Combined hyperlipidemia, familial
* Common cold
* Common mesentery
* Common variable immunodeficiency
* Compartment syndrome
* Complement component 2 deficiency
* Complement component receptor 1
* Complete atrioventricular canal
* Complex 1 mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency
* Complex 2 mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency
* Complex 3 mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency
* Complex 4 mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency
* Complex 5 mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency
* Complex regional pain syndrome



* Conductive deafness malformed external ear
* Conductive hearing loss
* Condyloma acuminatum
* Condyloma
* Cone dystrophy
* Cone rod dystrophy amelogenesis imperfecta
* Cone rod dystrophy




Congenital a-Congenital b
* Congenital absence of the uterus and vagina
* Congenital adrenal hyperplasia type 1
* Congenital adrenal hyperplasia type 2
* Congenital adrenal hyperplasia type 3
* Congenital adrenal hyperplasia type 4
* Congenital adrenal hyperplasia type 5
* Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
* Congenital afibrinogenemia
* Congenital alopecia X linked
* Congenital amputation
* Congenital aneurysms of the great vessels
* Congenital antithrombin III deficiency
* Congenital aplastic anemia
* Congenital arteriovenous shunt
* Congenital articular rigidity
* Congenital benign spinal muscular atrophy dominant
* Congenital brain disorder
* Congenital bronchobiliary fistulaCongenital c-Congenital g
* Congenital cardiovascular disorder
* Congenital cardiovascular malformations
* Congenital cardiovascular shunt
* Congenital constricting band
* Congenital contractual arachnodactyly
* Congenital contractures
* Congenital craniosynostosis maternal hyperthyroiditis
* Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
* Congenital cystic eye multiple ocular and intracranial anomalies
* Congenital cytomegalovirus
* Congenital deafness
* Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
* Congenital erythropoietic porphyria
* Congenital facial diplegia
* Congenital fiber type disproportion
* Congenital gastrointestinal disorder
* Congenital generalized fibromatosis
* Congenital giant megaureterCongenital h-Congenital l
* Congenital heart block
* Congenital heart disease ptosis hypodontia craniostosis
* Congenital heart disease radio ulnar synostosis mental retardation
* Congenital heart disorder
* Congenital heart septum defect
* Congenital hemidysplasia with ichtyosiform erythroderma and limbs defects
* Congenital hemolytic anemia
* Congenital hepatic fibrosis
* Congenital hepatic porphyria
* Congenital herpes simplex
* Congenital hypomyelination neuropathy
* Congenital hypothyroidism
* Congenital hypotrichosis milia
* Congenital ichthyosis, microcephalus, quadriplegia
* Congenital ichthyosis
* Congenital ichtyosiform erythroderma
* Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
* Congenital kidney disorder
* Congenital limb deficiency
* Congenital lobar emphysemaCongenital m-Congenital s
* Congenital megacolon
* Congenital megalo-ureter
* Congenital mesoblastic nephroma
* Congenital microvillous atrophy
* Congenital mitral malformation
* Congenital mitral stenosis
* Congenital mixovirus
* Congenital mumps
* Congenital muscular dystrophy syringomyelia
* Congenital myopathy
* Congenital nephrotic syndrome
* Congenital nonhemolytic jaundice
* Congenital rubella
* Congenital short bowel
* Congenital short femur
* Congenital skeletal disorder
* Congenital skin disorder
* Congenital spherocytic anemia
* Congenital spherocytic hemolytic anemia
* Congenital stenosis of cervical medullary canal
* Congenital sucrose isomaltose malabsorption
* Congenital syphilisCongenital t-Congenital v
* Congenital toxoplasmosis
* Congenital unilateral pulmonary hypoplasia
* Congenital vagal hyperreflexivity
* Congenital varicella syndrome


* Congestive heart disease


* Conjunctivitis ligneous
* Conjunctivitis with Pseudomembrane
* Conjunctivitis


* Connective tissue dysplasia Spellacy type
* Connexin 26 anomaly
* Conn's syndrome
* Conotruncal heart malformations
* Conradi-Hünermann syndrome
* Constitutional growth delay
* Constrictive bronchiolitis
* Continuous muscle fiber activity hereditary
* Continuous spike-wave during slow sleep syndrome
* Contractural arachnodactyly
* Contractures ectodermal dysplasia cleft lip palate
* Contractures hyperkeratosis lethal
* Contractures of feet-muscle atrophy-oculomotor apraxia
* Conversion disorder
* Convulsions benign familial neonatal dominant form
* Convulsions benign familial neonatal


* Cooks syndrome
* Cooley's anemia
* Copper deficiency familial benign
* Copper transport disease
* Coproporhyria


* Cor biloculare
* Cor pulmonale
* Cor triatriatum


* Cormier Rustin Munnich syndrome
* Corneal anesthesia deafness mental retardation
* Corneal cerebellar syndrome
* Corneal crystals myopathy neuropathy
* Corneal dystrophy
* Corneal endothelium dystrophy
* Cornelia de Lange syndrome
* Corneodermatoosseous syndrome
* Coronal synostosis syndactyly jejunal atresia
* Coronaro-cardiac fistula
* Coronary arteries congenital malformation
* Coronary artery aneurysm
* Coronary heart disease


* Corpus callosum agenesis
* Corpus callosum dysgenesis
* Corsello Opitz syndrome
* Cortada Koussef Matsumoto syndrome
* Cortes Lacassie syndrome
* Cortical blindness mental retardation polydactyly
* Cortical degeneration of the cerebellum parenchymatous
* cortical dysplasia
* Cortical hyperostosis syndactyly
* Corticobasal degeneration


* Costello syndrome
* Costochondritis (otherwise Costal chondritis)
* Costocoracoid ligament congenitally short
* Cote Adamopoulos Pantelakis syndrome
* Cote Katsantoni syndrome
* Cousin Walbraum Cegarra syndrome
* Count Choculitis
* Covesdem syndrome
* Cowchock Wapner Kurtz syndrome
* Cowden's disease
* Cowpox
* Coxoauricular syndrome




* Cramer Niederdellmann syndrome
* Cramp-fasciculations syndrome



* Crandall syndrome
* Crane-Heise syndrome



* Cranio osteoarthropathyCranioa-Craniom
* Cranioacrofacial syndrome
* Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
* Craniodigital syndrome mental retardation
* Cranioectodermal dysplasia
* Craniofacial and osseous defects mental retardation
* Craniofacial and skeletal defects
* Craniofacial deafness hand syndrome
* Craniofacial dysostosis arthrogryposis progeroid appearance
* Craniofacial dysostosis
* Craniofacial dysynostosis
* Craniofaciocardioskeletal syndrome
* Craniofaciocervical osteoglyphic dysplasia
* Craniofrontonasal dysplasia
* Craniofrontonasal syndrome Teebi type
* Craniometaphyseal dysplasia dominant type
* Craniometaphyseal dysplasia recessive type
* Craniomicromelic syndromeCranios-Craniot
* Craniostenosis cataract
* Craniostenosis with congenital heart disease mental retardation
* Craniostenosis
* Craniosynostosis alopecia brain defect
* Craniosynostosis arthrogryposis cleft palate
* Craniosynostosis autosomal dominant
* Craniosynostosis cleft lip palate arthrogryposis
* Craniosynostosis contractures cleft
* Craniosynostosis exostoses nevus epibulbar dermoid
* Craniosynostosis fibular aplasia
* Craniosynostosis Fontaine type
* Craniosynostosis Maroteaux Fonfria type
* Craniosynostosis mental retardation clefting syndrome
* Craniosynostosis mental retardation heart defects
* Craniosynostosis Philadelphia type
* Craniosynostosis radial aplasia syndrome
* Craniosynostosis synostoses hypertensive nephropathy
* Craniosynostosis Warman type
* Craniosynostosis, sagittal, with Dandy-Walker malformation and hydrocephalus
* Craniosynostosis
* Craniotelencephalic dysplasia


* Crawfurd syndrome


* Creatine deficiency
* Creeping disease
* CREST syndrome (Calcinosis Raynaud's Esophagus Sclerodactyly Telangiectasia)
* Cretinism athyreotic
* Cretinism
* Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
* Cri du chat
* Crigler-Najjar syndrome
* Crisponi syndrome
* Criss cross syndrome
* Criswick-Schepens syndrome
* Crohn's disease of the esophagus
* Crohn's disease
* Crome syndrome
* Cronkhite-Canada disease
* Crossed polydactyly type 1
* Crossed polysyndactyly
* Croup
* Crouzon syndrome
* Crouzonodermoskeletal syndrome
* Crow-Fukase syndrome


* Cryoglobulinemia
* Cryophobia
* Cryptococcosis
* Cryptogenic organized pneumopathy
* Cryptomicrotia brachydactyly syndrome excess fingers
* Cryptomicrotia brachydactyly syndrome
* Cryptophthalmos-syndactyly syndrome
* Cryptorchidism arachnodactyly mental retardation
* Cryroglobulinemia
* Crystal deposit disease



* Culler Jones syndrome
* Curly hair ankyloblepharon nail dysplasia syndrome
* Currarino triad
* Curry Hall syndrome
* Curth-Macklin type ichthyosis hystrix
* Curtis Rogers Stevenson syndrome
* Cushing syndrome, familial
* Cushing's symphalangism
* Cushing's syndrome


* Cutaneous anthrax
* Cutaneous larva migrans
* Cutaneous lupus erythematosus
* Cutaneous photosensitivity colitis lethal
* Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
* Cutaneous vascularitis
* Cutis Gyrata syndrome of Beare and Stevenson
* Cutis gyratum acanthosis nigricans craniosynostosis
* Cutis laxa, recessive
* Cutis laxa corneal clouding mental retardation
* Cutis laxa osteoporosis
* Cutis laxa with joint laxity and retarded development
* Cutis laxa, dominant type
* Cutis laxa, recessive type 1
* Cutis laxa, recessive type 2
* Cutis laxa
* Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
* Cutis verticis gyrata mental deficiency
* Cutis verticis gyrata thyroid aplasia mental retardation
* Cutis verticis gyrata
* Cutler Bass Romshe syndrome


* Cyclic neutropenia
* Cyclic vomiting syndrome
* Cyclosporosis
* Cypress facial neuromusculoskeletal syndrome
* Cystathionine beta synthetase deficiency
* Cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung
* Cystic angiomatosis of bone, diffuse
* Cystic fibrosis gastritis megaloblastic anemia
* Cystic fibrosis
* Cystic hamartoma of lung and kidney
* Cystic hygroma lethal cleft palate
* Cystic hygroma
* Cystic medial necrosis of aorta
* Cystin transport, protein defect of
* Cystinosis
* Cystinuria
* Cystinuria-lysinuria
* Cytochrome C oxidase deficiency
* Cytomegalic inclusion disease
* Cytomegalovirus
* Cytoplasmic body myopathy
* Czeizel Losonci syndrome
* Czeizel syndrome

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