Substring index

Substring index

A substring index is a data structure which gives substring search in a text or text collection in sublinear time. If you have a document S of length n, or a set of documents D={S^1,S^2, dots, S^d} of total length n, you can locate all occurrences of a pattern P in o(n) time. (o(n) means less than O(n). See Big O notation.)

The phrase full-text index is also often used for an index of all substrings of a text. But is ambiguous, as it is also used for regular word indexes such as inverted files and signature files. See full text search.

Substring indexes include:

* Suffix tree
* Suffix array
* N-gram index, an inverted file for all N-grams of the text
* Compressed suffix array
* FM-index
* LZ-index

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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