Lewis Campbell

Lewis Campbell

Lewis Campbell (3 September 1830– 25 October 1908), British classical scholar, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.

His father, Robert Campbell, R.N., was a first cousin of Thomas Campbell, the poet. He was educated at the Edinburgh Academy, and Glasgow and Oxford universities, He was fellow and tutor of Queen's College, Oxford (1855–1858), vicar of Milford, Hampshire (1858–1863), and professor of Greek at the University of St Andrews (1863–1894). In 1894, he was elected an honorary fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. From 1894-96 he gave the Gifford Lectures, which were published in 1898.

As a scholar he is best known by his work on Sophocles and Plato. His published works include:
*"Sophocles" (2nd ed., 1879)
*Plato, "Sophistes" and "Politicus" (1867)
*"Theaetetus" (2nd ed., 1883)
*"Republic" (with Benjamin Jowett, 1894)
*"Life and Letters of Benjamin Jowett" (with EA Abbott, 1897)
*"Letters of B. Jowett" (1899)
*"Life of James Clerk Maxwell" (with W Garnett, new ed., 1884)
*"A Guide to Greek Tragedy for English Readers" (1891)
*"Religion in Greek Literature" (1898)
*"On the Nationalisation of the Old English Universities" (1901)
*"Verse translations of the plays of Aeschylus" (1890)
*"Sophocles" (1896)
*"Tragic Drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Shakespeare" (1904)
*"Paralipomena Sophoclea" (1907).

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