Japanese military attachés in foreign service

Japanese military attachés in foreign service

List of Japanese military attachés in foreign service


*Hisaichi Terauchi:- Assistant Military Attaché, Austria, December 1911
*Tomoyuki Yamashita:- Military Attaché (LtCol), Austria--and Hungary, concurrently February 1927


*Tetsuzan Nagata:- Military Attaché, Sweden, June 1921


*Yuitsu Tsuchiachi:- Military Attaché, France--and, concurrently, Belgium, August 1937


*Tetsuzan Nagata:- Language Officer, Denmark, June 1915;


*Masaharu Homma:- Resident Officer, also military student, England, August 1918 (and served as observer with British forces in France)
*Hitoshi Imamura:- Assistant Military Attaché, England, October 1918
*Ando Rikichi:- Resident Officer, England, January 1919
*Shizuichi Tanaka:- Resident officer, England, March 1919
*Seiichi Kita:- Resident Officer, England, September 1927
*Torashiro Kawabe:- Member, Japanese Delegation, London Conference, 1929-May 1930
*Shigenori Kuroda:- Resident Officer, England, January 1922


*Keisuke Fujie:- Assistant Military Attaché, France, August 1917
*Naruhihiko Higashikuni:- Resident Officer, France, studying military tactics, April 1920
*Kanji Nishihara:- Resident Officer, France, February 1926
*Korechika Anami:- official duty, France, August 1927
*Ishiro Shichida:- Resident Officer, France, May 1931
*Takushiro Hattori:- Resident Officer, France, June 1934; observer, Italo-Ethiopian War, October 1935
*Yuitsu Tsuchiachi:- Military Attaché, France--and, concurrently, Belgium, August 1937


*Toshizo Nishio:- Language Officer, Germany, August 1912
*Tetsuzan Nagata:- Language Officer, Germany, October 1913
*Hideki Tojo:- official duty, Germany, July 1921;
*Yoshio Kozuki:- Language Officer, Germany, November 1921
*Heitaro Kimura:- Resident Officer, Germany, January 1922
*Kenzo Kitano:- Resident Officer, Germany, September 1922
*Kanji Ishihara:- Language Officer, Germany, July 1922
*Takeo Yasuda:- Resident Officer, Germany, January 1922;
*Mitsuo Nakazawa:- Resident Officer, Germany, July 1923;
*Sosaku Suzuki:- Resident Officer, Germany, March 1923
*Isamu Yokoyama:- Resident Officer, Germany (Major), August 1924
*Takuma Shimoyama:- Resident Officer, Germany, March 1925
*Masakazu Kawabe:- Military Attaché Germany, August 1929
*Kioji Tominaga:- official duty, Germany, December 1935
*Hiroshi Oshima:- stationed in Berlin as Military Attaché working for alliance between Japan and Nazi Germany (Anti-Comintern Pact, 1937; Tripartite Alliance, 1940); Ambassador to Germany, 1940
*Kitsuju Ayabe:- Member, Military Observer Mission to Germany and Italy (under LtGen Yamashita), December 1940-July 1941


*Shigetaro Shimada:- Assistant Naval Attaché Italy, August 1936; Naval Attaché, same country, December 1917


*Masakazu Kawabe:- Resident Officer, Switzerland, April 1918,
*Hideki Tojo:- official duty, Switzerland, August 1919,
*Yoshijiro Umezu:- Military Attaché, Switzerland, November 1919
*Kioji Tominaga:- Member, Japanese Delegation to General Disarmament Conference, Geneva, December 1931
*Kanji Ishihara:- Member, Japanese Delegation to Geneva Conference, October 1932
*Keisuke Fujie:- member of Japanese Delegation, General Disarmament Conference, Geneva, August 1931


*Tomoyuki Yamashita:- Military Attaché (LtCol), Austria--and Hungary, concurrently February 1927


*Kiichiro Higuchi:- Military Attaché, Japanese Legation, Poland, May 1925
*Haruyoshi Hyakutate:- Resident Officer, Poland, December 1925
*Arao Okikatsu:- Assistant Military Attaché Poland, March 1936
*Masataka Yamawaki:-Military Attaché to Warsaw 1934 - 1935

oviet Union

*Sadao Araki:- Language Officer, Russia, November 1909; Military Attaché, Russia, May 1913
*Mitsumasa Yonai:- Resident Naval Officer, Russia, 1915
*Kioji Tominaga:- Assistant Military Attaché, USSR, December 1928
*Torashiro Kawabe:- Resident Officer,Riga,Latvia(studying Soviet military affairs), January 1926, Military Attaché, U.S.S.R., February 1932 April 1934
*Saburo Hayashi:- Served in Soviet Union during 1938 as a language officer,later in 1939 was Assistant Military Attaché in Moscow.
*Michitake Yamaoka:- Military Attaché to the Soviet Union (1940 - 1943)


*Tadamichi Kuribayashi:- Military Attaché, Canada, April 1930

United States

*Tadamichi Kuribayashi:- Resident Officer, United States, September 1927
*Kumaichi Teramoto:- Assistant Military Attaché, United States, December 1928
*Hisaichi Tanaka:- Language Officer, United States
*Shuizuichi Tanaka:- Military Attaché, United States, May 1932
*Joichiro Sanada:- Official duty, United States, September 1936-September 1937
*Masafumi Yamauchi:Military Attaché to USA 1938 - 1939
*Hideo Iwakuro: special Duty, United States, 1941


*Otosaburo Yano:- Japanese Military Attaché,Hsinking,Manchukuo
*Tadashi Hanaya:- (Head) Japanese Military Attaché,Hsinking,Manchukuo
*Shun Akifusa:- (Head) Harbin Military Attaché Mission,Manchukuo


*Shizuichi Tanaka:- Military Attaché, Mexico, May 1926


*Jo Iimura:- Military Attaché, Turkey, January 1930;
*Kingoro Hashimoto:- Attaché duty, Japanese Embassy, Turkey


*Gen Sugiyama:- Military Attaché India, February 1915
*Masaharu Homma:- Resident Officer, India, August 1922
*Hitoshi Imamura:- Resident Officer, India, April 1927
*Ando Rikishi:- Military Attaché, India, August 1925
*Hideyoshi Obata:- Resident officer, India, November 1937
*Shigenori Kuroda:- Military Attaché, India, August 1935


*Shigeru Honjo:-Military Attaché to China
*Seiichi Kita:- Resident Officer, China, February 1921, Resident Officer, China, May 1927
*Kenji Doihara:- official duty, China, December 1922
*Teiichi Suzuki:- Assistant Military Attaché, China, December 1929
*Yuitsu Tsuchiachi:- concurrently Military Attaché, China, December 1940


*Gen Sugiyama:- official duty, Philippines, February 1912
*Masafumi Yamauchi:Official tor to the Philippines 1934 - 1935


*Gen Sugiyama:- official duty, Singapore, October 1912

Military attaches in Diplomatic missions

Concurrent Mission to Europe

*Shizuo Yokoyama:- official duty, Europe, September 1934
*Joichiro Sanada:- official duty, Europe, September 1936-September 1937
*Hitoshi Imamura:- official duty, Europe, August 1920
*Shunroku Hata:- official duty, Europe, December
*Kenji Doihara:- official duty, Europe, May 1921
*Ando Rikishi:- official duty, Europe, September 1921

Assistant to Peace Conference February 1919

* Jo Iimura:- member, Plenipotentiary's Suite, Peace Conference, February 1919
* Shunroku Hata: member, Plenipotentiary's Suite, Peace Conference, February 1919

Assistant to Mission to League of Nations,1920-23

*Heisuke Yanagawa:-Member of the Japanese Military Mission to League of Nations during 1920-23 period

Assistant to London Conference 1929-May 30

*Heitaro Kimura: Member, Japanese Delegation, London Conference, 1929-May 1930

Assistant to General Disarmament Conference,Geneva 1931-32

*Keisuke Fujie: member of Japanese Delegation, General Disarmament Conference, Geneva, August 1931
*Kioji Tominaga: Member, Japanese Delegation to General Disarmament Conference, Geneva, December 1931
*Kanji Ishihara: Member, Japanese Delegation to Geneva Conference, October 1932

Assistant to Ho-Umezu Agreement June 1935

*Yoshihiro Umezu: Commanding General, China Garrison Army, March 1934 (Ho-Umezu Agreement, June 1935);

Member in Yamashita s Mission to Europe(Germany and Italy),December 1940-July 1941

*Kitsuju Ayabe:Member, Military Observer LtGen Yamashita´s Diplomatic Mission to Germany and Italy,in December 1940-July 1941

pecial Milittary Attache in Germany

*Kazuo Otani: Special Milittary Attaché in Germany,official representant for buying armaments,also heavy supporter and liaison with the Nazis

Army attache in Matsuoka's mission to Europe and Russia

*Yatsuji Nagai: Army attaché in Matsuoka's Diplomatic Mission to Europe and Russia

Army diplomatic support to Washington diplomatic mission

*Hideo Iwakuro: Army Foreign Affairs officer, provided diplomatic support to the Washington mission

pecial aide to Nomura Mission to Washington

*Kaname Wakasugi: special aide to Nomura Mission to Washington

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