- Tiotropium
IUPAC_name = (1α,2β,4β,7β)-
7- [(hydroxidi-2-thienylacetyl)oxy] -9,9-dimethyl-
3-oxa-9-azoniatricyclo [,4] nonane
CAS_number = 186691-13-4
ATC_prefix = R03
ATC_suffix = BB04
PubChem = 131950
DrugBank = DB01409
C=19 | H=22 | N=1 | O=4 | S=2 |charge=+
molecular_weight = 490.4
smiles = [Br-] .O=C(OC1C [C@H] 2 [C@@H] 3O [C@@H] 3 [C@@H] (C1) [N+] 2(C)C)C(O)(c1cccs1)c1cccs1
bioavailability = 19.5% (inhalation)
metabolism =hepatic 25%
(CYP2D6 ,CYP3A4 )
elimination_half-life = 5–6 days
excretion =renal
pregnancy_AU = B1
pregnancy_US =
pregnancy_category =
legal_AU = S4
legal_CA =
legal_UK = POM
legal_US = Rx-only
legal_status =
routes_of_administration = inhalation (oral)Tiotropium (pronEng|ˌtaɪəˈtroʊpiəm) (administered as tiotropium bromide) is a long-acting, 24 hour,
anticholinergic bronchodilator used in the management ofchronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Tiotropium bromide (INN) capsules for inhalation are co-marketed byBoehringer-Ingelheim and Pfizer under the trade name "Spiriva".Mode of delivery
The patient removes one tiotropium capsule from the blister pack, places it into the piercing chamber of the inhalation device and closes the mouthpiece.
The capsule is manually pierced, and the medication is inhaled through the mouthpiece. It is recommended that inhalations are repeated 2 to 3 times to ensure all medication is drawn from the capsule. When properly done, the capsule will make a distinctive flutter or rattle, audible to the patient.
Once the powder capsules are removed from the blister pack, it should immediately taken, via through the inhalation device. If a capsule is exposed to the air it will rapidly degrade to the point the dose will become ineffective. Any previously exposed capsules should be discarded.
The capsules cannot be taken orally - they will not be effective as respiratory medication if absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and may have side effects if absorbed via this route.
Mode of action
Tiotropium is a
muscarinic receptor antagonist, often referred to as an antimuscarinic oranticholinergic agent. Although it does not display selectivity for specific muscarinic receptors, on topical application it acts mainly on M3 muscarinic receptors located in the airways to producesmooth muscle relaxation, thus producing abronchodilator y effect.Clinical use
Tiotropium is indicated as a daily, 24 hour, maintenance treatment of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Adverse effects
Adverse effects are mainly related to its antimuscarinic effects. Common
adverse drug reaction s (≥1% of patients) associated with tiotropium therapy include: dry mouth and/or throat irritation. Rarely (<0.1% of patients) treatment is associated with:urinary retention , constipation, acuteangle closure glaucoma , palpitations, and/or allergy (rash,angioedema ,anaphylaxis ) (Rossi, 2006).A study of more than 15,000 patients published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has linked tiotropium and another member of its class ipratropium to increased risk of heart attacks, stroke and cardiovascular death (Singh, 2008)References
*Rossi S, editor.
Australian Medicines Handbook 2006. Adelaide: Australian Medicines Handbook; 2006
*Singh S, Loke YK, Furberg CD. Inhaled anticholinergics and the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. JAMA 2008;300(12)1439-1450.ee also
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease External links
* [http://spiriva.com/ Official SPIRIVA Site]
* [http://www.centerwatch.com/patient/drugs/dru848.html Thomson CenterWatch]Image collection
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.