

"Madōgu" (魔導具), known as psychic devices or elemental weapons in the English versions of the series, are mystical objects in the fictional anime and manga series, "Flame of Recca". "(Please take note that most of the translated names of the madōgu listed here are not official.)"


The madōgu were created in the early days of the Hokage ninja clan, roughly around 400-500 years before the series' present time.cite book |last= Nobuyuki|first= Anzai|title= Flame of Recca Volume 17|chapter= Chapter 162|publisher= Shogakukan] Many of these madōgu break the laws of physics, or at least bend them slightly. Madōgu vary in forms and functions, and most are powered by magical stones that have kanji symbols written on them, which are embedded into the madōgu themselves. While majority of the madōgu are used as weapons or tools for assassination, some like the "Tomoshibi" serve practical purposes.

Kokū and Kaima

Several of the madōgu look very similar, or have similar functions. It is explained later on in the series that there were two madōgu craftsmen in the Hokage clan named Kokū and Kaima, who were bitter rivals and competed to become the greatest madōgu creator. Though their ambition was the same, the two had different principles. While Kokū chose to create madōgu in order to help the clan protect the lives of their loved ones, Kaima made madōgu solely for the purpose of killing people.

List of madōgu

Madōgu created by Kokū

*nihongo|Dosei no Wa|土星の輪|Saturn's Ring - A ring that greatly increases physical strength worn by Domon Ishijima. It also converts willpower and determination directly into physical power. The determination power can be recognized when the ring shines very bright. Its primary stone has the kanji symbol nihongo|"earth"||tsuchi written on it.
*nihongo|Eikai Gyoku|影界玉|Shadow Ball - An orb held by what appears to be dragon's claw, and is used by Kage Hōshi. It allows the user to travel through shadows and can show the past and the present. However, powerful magical fields can block the Eikai Gyoku's effects. It has the symbol nihongo|"shadow"||kage written on it. Its counterpart is the "Kokai Gyoku".
*nihongo|Ensui|閻水|Dark Water - A sword used by Tokiya Mikagami that can control water in all of its forms, such as ice and steam. The blade itself is actually made of mystically condensed water that can cut as if it were made of steel. However, each attack depletes the water stored in the blade, which needs to be dipped in water for it to recharge. The particular fighting style used with Ensui is called "Hyōmon Ken", which is a technique that has to be passed on from master to student. Its primary stone has the symbol Nihongo|"water"||mizu written on it. Its counterpart is the "Hyōma En". The following is a list of various techniques that Tokiya has used in the anime, manga, and video games::* Zettai Reido (Absolute Zero) - This technique involves the Ensui's water blade turning into ice, and anything it cuts will be frozen. In the Playstation 2 game, this is Tokiya's most devastating attack which freezes his opponent, as illustrated by the fact that the opponent's entire screen becomes covered with ice if the attack goes through.:*Tsurara Mai (Dancing Icicles or Icicle Dance) - This technique freezes water from below the ground and causes them to spring up to form icicles. In the anime, the icicles rise into the air and use the humidity above to form more icicles, which rain down, freezing the underground water and launching it skyward. The cycle continues until the enemy is destroyed.:*Hyappon Geki - This technique consists of hundreds of quick straight-froward stabbing blows, used to strikes from the wielded by Daikoku, one of his opponent in the Ura Butō Satsujin. This technique is also used in the GBA game under the name 'Ensui Ranbu'. :*Mizu Kugutsu (Water Puppet) - This technique involves using Ensui's water to create a 'clone' of its wielder, thus giving him the opportunity to strike the opponent from an unknown direction. :* Blood Sword - Tokiya is the only Hyōmon Ken master known to use his blood as Ensui's blade. In his battle against Kai in the Ura Butō Satsujin, he tricked Kai into thinking that he could no longer fight because he used up all of Ensui's water, but in reality, he had used blood to create Ensui's blade and deliver his last attack.:* Mizunaru Hebi (Water-formed Snake) - This technique draws four spheres of water (representing the four directions: North, South, East, and West) into a larger sphere, and a large snake made out of water emerges upon striking this sphere with Ensui's blade.:* Hyōnaru Hebi (Ice-formed Snake) - This technique was used by Kai during the Ura Butō Satsujin, but is also used by Tokiya and Meguri Kyōza in the Playstation 2 game. This is similar to the Mizunaru Hebi, only the snake is formed out of ice.:* Tsuranaru Hebi (Icicle-formed Snake) - This is another technique that Tokiya developed on his own. It involves using the icicles formed by Tsurara Mai to form a snake. Apart from being made of solid ice, this snake has icicles sticking out of its body. Tokiya is the only Hyōmon Ken master who actually manages to manipulate the snake's movement (the snake usually bursts out and heads straight to the opponent, but during the battle against Meguri Kyōza, Tokiya made the snake hold Meguri at bay).
*nihongo|Fūjin|風神|Wind God - A gauntlet worn by Fūko Kirisawa that gives its user control over, and the power to create wind. There are five small stones embedded in the Fūjin (in the anime series, there are only four small stones), and these surround a larger central stone that was missing when the Fūjin was found by Kage Hōshi. The central stone serves as the "body" of the spirit that resides within it (also called Fūjin). The spirit manifests itself as a small fox-like sprite that speaks and considers the wielder of Fūjin to be its master. In the anime, Fuko used all of the four crystals to fight Mikoto. Fūko finds and restores the Fūjin's central stone later in the manga series. Its central stone has the symbol Nihongo|"wind"||kaze, written on it. Its counterpart is the Raijin. Techniques that Fūko uses while wielding the Fūjin are found below::*Nihongo|Kamaitachi|鎌鼬|Wind Cutter - "Kamaitachi" is a technique wherein the Fūjin focuses wind into a blade-like form that cuts anything in its path.:*Nihongo|Hayate|疾風|Swift Wind - "Hayate" utilizes wind to deliver several slashing/cutting strikes.:*Nihongo|Kazadama|風魂|Wind Spirit - The Fūjin's spirit manifests itself and transforms into a ball that has been described as being made of "solid" wind. This ball, when hurled at an opponent, delivers a considerable amount of damage.:*Nihongo|Kaze no Tsume|風の爪|Wind Claw - In this technique, Fūko combines the madōgu, "Oni no Tsume", with the Fūjin by mounting the "Oni no Tsume's" central stone in depression created to house the Fūjin's central stone. This makes three long claws made of wind to emerge from the top edge of the Fūjin.
*nihongo|Kōgon Anki|鋼金暗器|Golden Blade - A "puzzle madōgu" used by Kaoru Koganei. It is a bladed weapon that can change into six different forms, the last one being only discovered later on in the series. Its primary stone has the symbol Nihongo|"gold/metal"||kin/kane written on it. It appears to be Koku's favorite weapon prior to his becoming into a Flame Dragon, having once seen wielding it as he tries to kill Kaima with it in the flashback. Its six forms are listed in order below::*nihongo|Kiba||Fang - a large pole-arm type weapon similar to a naginata.:*nihongo|Ryū||Dragon - a Kusari-Gama (chain sickle). It is capable of disarming, trapping, or directly harming the enemy from a distance.:*nihongo|Kyoku||Zenith - giant scissors. Koganei often uses this form to disarm his opponents.:*nihongo|Mikazuki|三日月|Crescent Moon - a boomerang. When thrown, the boomerang moves through the air so fast that it creates a buzzing noise. It returns to its users hands both after impact, or after a miss.:*nihongo|An||Darkness - a bow with arrows. Where the arrows are stored and where they come from is not shown, although they are made of the same red and gold material as the rest of the Kōgon Anki.:*nihongo|Mu||Nothing - the illusionary sixth form of the Kōgon Anki. It is achieved by swiftly switching between all five forms in order. Upon achieving the sixth form, the weapon separates into dozens of pieces of the puzzle madōgu, including the main crystal (though it is still attached to the chain). The crystal is thrown at the opponent, and when the user wills it, the Kōgon Anki will to revert to the first form, causing the bulk of it to pass violently through the opponent. This form was only seen in the manga due to the fact that the battle between Koganei and Joker was cut short at the animated series.
*nihongo|Shikigami|式紙|Paper Animator - An orb that is capable of infusing paper with the aura of its user. This paper can then be mentally controlled, transformed, made to move and levitate, and the paper becomes almost impervious to both fire and physical damage. It is used by Saichō of team . Later on in the series, a minor character is shown to also have this madōgu. It has the symbol for nihongo|"paper"||kami written on it. Its counterpart is the "Shikigami" (hair). By using incantations, Saichō was able to create several kinds of attacks using the Shikigami such as::*Paper Crane - Saichō creates an origami crane that can fly towards an enemy and then explode.:*Fuyo Sword - A technique that allows Saichō to transform a spiral of paper into a strong katana. The katana, although made of paper, cannot be damaged because of how much of his aura is imbedded in the paper.:*Cyclone Paper Dance - A technique that uses swirling paper strips to wrap around an object. Or in case of the next attack, people.:*Kamienbu - A variation of the Cyclone Paper Dance that wraps a person up like a mummy.:*Nuno Zarashi - A technique that creates large spirals of paper which generate a strong enough wind to deflect nearly any projectile.:*Thousand Cranes - Misora, Kukai's daughter, made Saichō a thousand origami cranes before he left for Ura Butō Satsujin III. Each crane can fly of its own accord and is as strong as several of his normal ones, capable of taking off the roof of the arena of the Ura Butō Satsujin. Saichō planned on using this as his final attack, putting all of his life force into it.:*Rokka Sen - A technique where Saichō folds up 6 differently shaped origami pieces and flinging them at his foe, where they then embed themselves. Each of the six is named after a famous Japanese philosopher.
*nihongo|Tetsugan|鉄丸|Iron Ball - A small sphere used by Domon Ishijima that, when swallowed, turns the user's body as hard as steel. Its effect only has a short duration, and drains its user's stamina in the process. Apparently, its powers could be accessed by the user from the point of its consumption. Its counterpart is the "Sekichū".

Madōgu created by Kaima

*nihongo|Hyōma En|氷魔閻|Ice Demon - A slightly-curved metal blade used by Kai of Uruha Kurenai that can control and create ice. It also displays a degree of sentience, as it constantly cries for its wielder to kill others and desires to drink the blood of who it cuts. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"ice"||kōrī written on it. Its counterpart is the "Ensui".:*Tsurara Mai (Dancing Icicles or Icicle Dance) - Not unlike the technique used with "Ensui", it causes icicles to burst forth from the ground in a line toward the opponent. However, the icicles created by "Hyōma En" are much larger and have many smaller icicles on their surface.:*Hisame (Hail) - This technique consists of large chunks of ice being formed out of the moisture in the air and then are rained down on a target with tremendous force.:*Tou Kekkai (Ice Barrier) - This technique coats the weilders entire body with a thick shell of ice, protecting them from most attacks.
*nihongo|Kōkai Gyoku|光界玉|Light Ball - Known to be the most evil madōgu, it is an orb attached to the bottom of a telescoping baton, and is used by Rasen. It can erase anything from existence, even those that don't exist physically. However, it takes away something of equal value from its user. The orb has the symbol nihongo|"light"||hikari written on it.
*nihongo|Raijin|雷神|Thunder God - A gauntlet owned by Raiha which allows its user to control and generate electricity. However, unlike most madōgu, in order for the Raijin to work at full strength, it forcefully attaches a proboscis-like extension into its user's nervous system and uses up his or her life force to boost its attacks. In this sense, Raijin is a madōgu that uses its master, not the other way around. Because of its nature, Raiha tries as much as possible to avoid using the Raijin, even to the point of sealing it using the primary stone of the Fūjin. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"thunder"||ikazuchi/kiminari written on it. It is the rival madōgu of the Fūjin.
*nihongo|Sekichū|石冑|Stone Sphere - A spherical madōgu that is attached to a chain, and is used by Sekiō. It attracts stone to its user's body, acting as a sort of armor. The stones can also be ripped off and flung with great force. It has the symbol nihongo|"stone"||ishi written on it. It is the brother madōgu of the "Sekikon" and the counterpart of the "Tetsugan".
*nihongo|Sekikon|石棍|Stone Staff - A short staff used by Gao which, when stuck into the ground, allows the user to create and control stone. Like the Sekichū, the Sekikon's main stone has the symbol nihongo|"stone"||ishi written on it. It is the brother madōgu of the Sekichū.
*nihongo|Shikigami|式髪|Hair Animator - An orb that turns strands of hair into weapons by hardening them into needle-like objects. Menō Sakura of Uruha Maboroshii has a Shikigami implanted inside her body so she can also control the growth and movement of her hair. Later on in the series, it is revealed that Kage Hōshi has a Shikigami of her own, probably the same one she used in the flashbacks. It has the symbol nihongo|"hair"||kami written on it. Its counterpart is the "Shikigami" (paper).
*nihongo|Tendō Jigoku|天堂地獄|Heaven and Hell - The ultimate madōgu, it appeared as a mass of sentient, floating demonic eyes that has the power to grant eternal life to its user. The form of the user after integration with the madōgu is horrific and inhuman, but anyone he or she consumes who had innate capabilities will grant them the same power. For example, if the user consumes a flame master, he will gain the power to create flames, and will be more resistant to fire.

Madōgu that have not been attributed to either of the two creators

"(These madōgu have not specifically attributed to Kokū or Kaima in the series. This does not necessarily mean that they were not created by either of them, as there has been no mention of any other madōgu creators.)"

*nihongo|Bakuju|縛呪|Spellbound - A mask-shaped madōgu that has been possessed by the soul of its original user. It can fly limitedly, and take over a person's mind and body. It starts by erasing the victim's memories, then controlling the victim's body. When the body is dead, the fighter can still fight because of Bakuju even though it is a walking corpse. Also, once it takes over, the body starts to decay slowly, so it must always search for new bodies to use.
*nihongo|Dokumashin|毒魔針|Poison Nails - A madōgu that is made up of ten separate pieces which are worn on the fingernails, all bearing madogu stones on them. It is worn by Mikoto (the puppet). The pointed tips contain a mix of every poison and toxin in all existence, making it incurable through normal means. Each piece of the Dokumashin has a small stone with the symbol nihongo|"poison"||doku written on it.
*nihongo|Fukyō Waon|不狂和音|Dissonance - An orb madōgu that can store, amplify, and redirect sound waves to cut things, crush them, or cause explosions. It has the symbol nihongo|"sound"||oto written on it. Neon of Uruha Oto uses it to turn her flute into a deadly weapon. Fukyō Waon can also store huge amounts of energy to the extent of infinity which can be used to do a very powerful self-destruct attack. The attacks Neon used with it are::*Quartet - A straightforward attack.:*Prelude - An attack that moves in an arc.:*Concerto - An attack that bounces off the Yamabiko.:*Rhapsody - An attack that causes big explosion to the ground by releasing a bomb like attack.:*Serenade - A straightforward attack using three notes.:*Fugue - An energy blast attack that spreads out to attack wider area.:*Requiem - An attack that unleashes all of the vast energy stored in the Fukyō Waon. It's designed to kill the attacker, the victim, and just about anyone within the general vicinity.
*nihongo|Gedokugan|解毒丸|Antidote Ball - A madōgu that takes the form of several small green pills, which can cure any kind of poison. Mikoto of Uruha Kurenai always brings it with her to counteract the effects of the Dokumashin in case of an accident.
*nihongo|Hōkishin|砲鬼神|Soul Cannon - A weapon that resembles the Kuchibashi-Ō, initially used by Kirin. It is a claw attached to the user's arm and launches smaller claws which can be controlled by the user. Near the end of the series, Kage Hōshi gets to use the Hōkishin after it was given to her by the former owner.
*nihongo|Hōmashin|砲魔神|Dread Cannon - A bazooka-like madōgu used by Magensha of Uruha Ma, that uses spirits of the dead and fires them at the opponent. A shot from this gun is invariably lethal, if it connects. Jisho was killed by this weapon but the same weapon was defeated by Domon Ishijima
*nihongo|Idaten|韋駄天|Great Runner - A pair of boots worn by Miki of Uruha Oto that bestows great speed on its user. Each boot has a stone with the symbol nihongo|"leather"||somu written on it.
*nihongo|Jigenkai Gyoku|次元界玉|Dimension Ball - A large sphere used by Magensha of Uruha Ma, that allows its user to send objects to any place by opening a wormhole. Alternatively, it could also be used to trap people in the Jigenkai Gyoku's dimension, which is an empty, dark space, with breathable air but no gravity. It is in this place where the real Jigenkai Gyoku resides, and can only be controlled from the real world through Magensha's mask, which is an extension of the Jigenkaigyoku. The mask's primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"world"||kai written on it.
*nihongo|Jisōtō|磁双刀|Magnetic Swords - A madōgu that consists of two swords, the N and the S swords, both of which have magnetic properties. They are used by throwing one and it being attracted by the other. Jisho of Uruha Kurogane, and Neon later on in the series uses it.
*nihongo|Kagenui|影縫い|Shadow Stitch - Small throwing needles that can pin an opponent's shadow to the ground, preventing their movement. A person trapped can force himself or herself free, but will get injured in the process. Each needle has a small stone with the symbol nihongo|"sew/stitch"||nui written on it.
*nihongo|Kaigetsu|海月|Ocean Moon - A boomerang-like sword, used by Tsukishiro of Uruha Ma. a curved blade similar to Persian swords. It is used very much like Mikazuki form of the Kōgon Anki, and has no major power beyond its boomerang throw. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"moon"||tsuki written on it.
*nihongo|Katakugutsu|形傀儡|Puppet Form - An orb used by Ganko Morikawa that attaches invisible strings on any object (or living thing) and allows its user to control the object's movements like a puppet. It could also be attached to inanimate objects to make them move and act on their own. The Katakugutsu has the symbol nihongo|"form"||katachi written on it.
*nihongo|Hizanu|飛斬羽|Winged Death - A pair of strap-on feathered wings used by Hanemaru. It allows its user to fly relatively fast. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"feather"||hane written on it.
*nihongo|Kesshu|血種|Blood Seed - A living madōgu that looks and functions like a human heart. It is used by Hiruko, and is attached to his back. It transforms its user's blood into "Demon Blood", which he or she can manipulate mentally. The user can control the circulation and coagulation of his or her blood, and can even absorb the blood of other humans with the same blood type. Unfortunately, much like the Ensui, the Kesshu can onlyt access a limited supply of blood from its user, and thus must rely on other sources for additional supplies of blood
*nihongo|Kodama|木霊|Tree Spirit - An orb used by Mokuren Nagai that allows its user to control the growth of plants. Later on in the series, the Kodama is implanted inside Mokuren's body, allowing him to become plant-like in many aspects. It has the symbol nihongo|"tree"||ki written on it.
*nihongo|Kotodama|言霊|Word Spirit - A choker worn by Aki of Uruha Oto that allows its user to create illusions only by stating what he or she wants. Only the intended targets of the illusions can see them. The illusions are powerful enough to physically affect their targets and if the illusions were meant to hurt the target, the target's body will hurt itself. Kotodama can be willed away by a person with strong willpower. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"word"||gen written on it.
*nihongo|Kuchibashi-Ō|嘴王|Beak King - A mentally-controlled metal beak on a massive chain, initially worn by Kuchibashimaru. Once mastered, its user can wield it like an extension of himself. After Kuchibashimaru's defeat, Domon Ishijima takes possession of the Kuchibashi-Ō and uses it in most of his battles for the rest of the series. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"beak"||kuchibashi written on it.
*nihongo|Kuraō|蔵王|Storage King - A small sphere that can store any one item inside. It is used by Domon Ishijima to store the Kuchibashi-Ō. It has the symbol nihongo|"warehouse"||kura/ written on it.
*nihongo|Magagumo|凶蜘蛛|Foul Spider - A retractable "spider armor" worn by Gashakura of Uruha Ma that can be used to attack and defend at the same time. It has six large "tentacles" made of steel that can be mentally controlled by its user.
*nihongo|Mikoto|魅虚斗|Mikoto - A "puppet madōgu", a machine being capable of operating separately from its user. It is used by Mikoto of Uruha Kurenai. It has a compartment inside where Mikoto hides in at most time, only leaving if necessary. Its appearance is similar to that of a main character of a Noh drama.
*nihongo|Mugen|夢幻|Dream - A staff used by Genjuro of Uruha Maboroshii that allows its user to shrink living things by affecting its cellular structure. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"illusion"||maboroshi written on it.
*nihongo|Mumiyō|無名|Nameless and nihongo|Mongamae|門構|Gate - Mumiō is a unique madōgu because it can't do anything on its own. It's just a crystal orb similar to those found in most madōgu except that it isn't marked by a kanji that would usually describe the madōgu's abilities. It's used by Kadotsu, alongside the Mongamae, a pair of marked bracers that when put side by side, forms the symbol nihongo|"gate"||kado. Also, when put side by side, the Mongamae reveals a slot at center of the symbol, where Kadotsu places the "Mumiyō". When combined, the user can perform a variety of attacks, each represented by a kanji symbol that is derived from the symbol nihongo|"gate"||kado. The five attacks that Kadotsu used with these two madōgu were::*nihongo|An||Darkness - Covers the entire area with darkness.:*nihongo|Sen||Flash - Blinds enemies with a flash of light.:*nihongo|Mon||Gate - Summons a huge gate.:*nihongo|Kai||Open - The summoned gate opens and sucks in enemies.:*nihongo|Hei||Close - The summoned gate closes and traps the captured enemies in another dimension.
*nihongo|Nehan|涅槃|Nirvana and nihongo|Shiguma|死愚魔|Foolish Demon of Death - Shiguma is a living madōgu made from Mori Kōran's cells after he fused with the Tendō Jigoku. Shiguma is a dragon-like monster that can fire very powerful blasts of energy. Nehan is a bracelet worn by Kirito (on his right hand) that allows its user to control Shiguma.
*nihongo|Nisebi|偽火|Fake Fire - A glove embedded with a large stone on it, and is used by Kashamaru of Uruha Ma. It can copy the abilities of a flame master to a certain extent. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"fire"||hi written on it.
*nihongo|Oboro||Hazy Moon - A cloak of pure white linen made from mystic thread, and is used by Tsukishiro of Uruha Ma. It can make the user invisible by diverting light and vision away from them. However, if the cloak is soiled (by blood for example), it is rendered ineffective. It has the symbol nihongo|"haziness"||oboro written on it.
*nihongo|Oni no Tsume|鬼の爪|Demon's Claw - A five-pointed gauntlet that could cut through almost anything. It can be used for bashing but its five points can also act like an open-closing hand and is initially used by Tsumemaru. After Tsumemaru's defeat, Fūko Kirisawa takes possession of the Oni no Tsume and uses its primary stone by socketing it into the Fūjin to perform the technique nihongo|"Kaze no Tsume"|風の爪|Wind Claw. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"claw"||tsume written on it.
*nihongo|Ōtobide|大飛出|Giant Rook - The third "puppet madōgu" used by Mikoto, it is stronger than its predecessors.
*nihongo|Rinne|輪廻|Life Cycle - A bracelet with a small bell attached worn by Kirito (on his left hand), that allows its user to change his or her age at will. Both the physical and the mental age of the user changes, which result to some unwanted side-effects like slight memory loss (some memories can only be remembered when the user returns to same age the memory was obtained) and schizophrenia.
*nihongo|Shingan|心眼|Mind's Eye - A ring worn by Kirin that allows its user to read as well as transmit thoughts to people nearby. Its user can choose whose thoughts to read, but not which thoughts to read.
*nihongo|Shinryo Shikō|神慮思考|Divine Thought - An armband endowed with three crystal spheres worn by Aoi. It allows the user to alter memories, given that he or she knows the memories to be altered. It can only keep a certain amount of memories altered, regardless on how many people it was used on. So in order to use the "Shinryo Shikō" on a new memory, some of the old memories it altered might need to be returned to their previous states.
*nihongo|Shinryo Shintō|神慮伸刀|Divine Extending Swords - A pair of bladed tonfa that could extend and retract at will. It is used by Hisui, and later on Fūko Kirisawa after Hisui gives one of blades to her. Each blade has a stone with the symbol nihongo|"extend"||nobu written on it.
*nihongo|Shirahige|白髭|White Beard - A "puppet madōgu" similar to Mikoto (puppet) used by Mikoto as a replacement after her old madōgu got destroyed. It is stronger the its predecessor and has a psychic link with its user. Its appearance is similar to that of a main character of a Kabuki play.
* - An elongating whip that can grip opponents, and will tighten even more when the opponent struggles. Marie uses it to whip Pochi and uses it to battle Domon and Recca. Recca destroys it using Nadare.
*nihongo|Taishaku Kaiten|帝釈廻天|Emperor's Domain - A large spear used by Joker of Uruha Kurenai. It has the power to create spheres of variable gravity, making everything caught inside lighter or heavier. It can even create miniature black holes.
*nihongo|Tamasui no Tsubo|魂吸いの壷|Jar of Souls - A huge jar carried by Sōkakusai that can trap any person inside. Time passes by quickly inside the jar, where an hour spent outside is equivalent to a day inside the jar. It is impossible for most people who get trapped inside to get out. Fuuko was sucked inside this, and Raiha came to rescue her, he manages to destroy it using his sword. Its primary stone has the symbol nihongo|"seal"|| written on it.
*nihongo|Tomoshibi||Lamp - A small orb that continuously produces a yellowish light. It does not need an energy source to function and can stay active for an unlimited amount of time.
*nihongo|Yamabiko|矢魔彦|Echo - A shield mirror madōgu which can reflect anything, including sound waves. It is used by Miki of Uruha Oto in conjunction with Neon's sound attacks.

ee also

*Flame of Recca
*List of Flame of Recca characters


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  • Fūko Kirisawa — Infobox animanga character color = #B7410E color text = #FFF name = Fūko Kirisawa series = Flame of Recca caption = Fūko Kirisawa as she appears on the cover of volume 30 of the Flame of Recca manga first = Volume 1, Chapter 3 Episode 2 last =… …   Wikipedia

  • List of GARO characters — This is a list of the various characters throughout the Japanese tokusatsu series GARO . These characters play a major role within the series and often influence many key events. The characters within the series are split into six groups; Makai… …   Wikipedia

  • Episodios de Soul Eater — Anexo:Episodios de Soul Eater Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Esta es una lista de episodios del anime Soul Eater. # Título Estreno 1 «La resonancia del alma ¿Se convertirá en un Death Scythe?» «Tamashii no kyōmei ~Sōru iitā, Desu Saizu ni naru?~»… …   Wikipedia Español

  • List of Garo characters — This is a list of the various characters throughout the Japanese tokusatsu series Garo. These characters play a major role within the series and often influence many key events. The characters within the series are split into six groups; Makai… …   Wikipedia

  • Anexo:Episodios de Soul Eater — Esta es una lista de episodios del anime Soul Eater. Contenido 1 Lista de Episodios 1.1 Prologo 1.2 Shibusen 1.3 El despertar del Kishin …   Wikipedia Español

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