- Pressurised heavy water reactor
A pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) is a nuclear power reactor, commonly using unenriched
natural uranium as its fuel, that usesheavy water (deuterium oxide D2O) as itscoolant and moderator. The heavy water coolant is kept under pressure in order to raise its boiling point, allowing it to be heated to higher temperatures without boiling, much as in a PWR. While heavy water is significantly more expensive than ordinary light water, it yields greatly enhancedneutron economy , allowing the reactor to operate without fuel enrichment facilities (mitigating the additionalcapital cost of the heavy water) and generally enhancing the ability of the reactor to efficiently make use of alternate fuel cycles.The reactors are used in
nuclear power plant s to producenuclear power fromnuclear fuel .History
The first commercial PHWRs were of the Canadian
CANDU design built byAECL . Marketed world-wide, 29 are in currently in use as of 2008. TheNuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has built and operates 13 PHWR units. Initially these indigenously built reactors were reverse-engineered from the CANDU design, but later models have diverged significantly.Siemens has also offered a PHWR design in the past, completing one unit inArgentina and partially completing a second, larger version at the same site.Purpose of using heavy water
nuclear reactor physics ,nuclear fission andheavy water . The key to maintaining anuclear reaction within anuclear reactor is to use the neutrons being released during fission to stimulate fission in other nuclei. With careful control over the geometry and reaction rates, this can lead to a self-sustaining chain reaction, a state known as "criticality". Natural uranium consists of a mixture of variousisotope s, primarily 238U and a much smaller amount (about 0.72% by weight) of 235U. 238U can only be fissioned by neutrons that are fairly energetic, about 1MeV or above. No amount of 238U can be made "critical", however, since it will tend to parasitically absorb more neutrons than it releases by the fission process. 235U, on the other hand, can support a self-sustained chain reaction, but due to the low natural abundance of 235U, natural uranium cannot achieve criticality by itself. The "trick" to making a working reactor is to slow some of the neutrons to the point where their probability of causing nuclear fission in 235U increases to a level that permits a sustained chain reaction in the uranium as a whole. This requires the use of aneutron moderator , which absorbs some of the neutrons'kinetic energy , slowing them down to an energy comparable to the thermal energy of the moderator nuclei themselves (leading to the terminology of "thermal neutron s" and "thermal reactors"). During this slowing-down process it is beneficial to physically separate the neutrons from the uranium, since 238U nuclei have an enormous parasitic affinity for neutrons in this intermediate energy range (a reaction known as "resonance" absorption). This is a fundamental reason for designing reactors with discrete solid fuel separated by moderator, rather than employing a more homogeneous mixture of the two materials. Water makes an excellent moderator; the hydrogen atoms in the water molecules are very close in mass to a single neutron, and thus have a potential for high energy transfer, similar conceptually to the collision of two billiard balls. However, in addition to being a good moderator, water is also fairly effective at absorbing neutrons. Using water as a moderator will absorb enough neutrons that there will be too few left over to react with the small amount of 235U in the fuel, again precluding criticality in natural uranium. Instead,light water reactor s first enhance the amount of 235U in the uranium, producingenriched uranium , which generally contains between 3% and 5% 235U by weight (the waste from this process is known asdepleted uranium , consisting primarily of 238U). In this enriched form there "is" enough 235U to react with the water-moderated neutrons to maintain criticality. One complication of this approach is the requirement to build anuranium enrichment facility, which are generally expensive to build and operate. They also present anuclear proliferation concern; the same systems used to enrich the 235U can also be used to produce much more "pure"weapons-grade material (90% or more 235U), suitable for producing anuclear bomb . This is not a trivial exercise, by any means, but feasible enough that enrichment facilities present a significant nuclear proliferation risk. An alternative solution to the problem is to use a moderator that does "not" absorb neutrons as readily as water. In this case potentially all of the neutrons being released can be moderated and used in reactions with the 235U, in which case there "is" enough 235U in natural uranium to sustain criticality. One such moderator isheavy water , or deuterium-oxide. Although it reacts dynamically with the neutrons in a similar fashion to light water (albeit with less energy transfer on average, given that heavy hydrogen, ordeuterium , is about twice the mass of hydrogen), it already has the extra neutron that light water would normally tend to absorb.Advantages and Disadvantages
The use of heavy water moderator is the key to the PHWR system, enabling the use of natural uranium as fuel (in the form of ceramic UO2), which means that it can be operated without expensive uranium enrichment facilities. Additionally, the mechanical arrangement of the PHWR, which places most of the moderator at lower temperatures, is particularly efficient because the resulting thermal neutrons are "more thermal" than in traditional designs, where the moderator normally runs hot. This means that a PHWR is not only able to "burn" natural uranium and other fuels, but tends to do so more effeciently as well.
Pressurised heavy water reactors do have some drawbacks. Heavy water generally costs hundreds of dollars per kilogram, though this is a tradeoff against reduced fuel costs. It is also notable that the reduced energy content of natural uranium as compared to enriched uranium necessitates more frequent replacement of fuel; this is normally accomplished by use of an on-power refuelling system. The increased rate of fuel movement through the reactor also results in higher volumes of
spent fuel than in reactors employing enriched uranium; however, as the unenriched fuel was less reactive, the heat generated is less, allowing the spent fuel to be stored much more compactly. [ [http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11320&page=50 High-level waste repository development for LWR and PHWR spent fuel] ]References
* [http://www.cised.org/EconomicsofNuclearPowerfromHeavyWaterReactors.pdf Economics of Nuclear Power from Heavy Water Reactors]
* [http://www.dae.gov.in/publ/ar0203/chap1.pdf Nuclear Power Program - Stage1 - Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor]ee also
*List of nuclear reactors
*Heavy water reactor
*Pressurized water reactor
* [http://www.aecl.ca/ Official website of AECL]
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