Spanish Pre-Romanesque art and architecture

Spanish Pre-Romanesque art and architecture

The Pre-Romanesque art and architecture of Spain (in Spanish, "arte prerrománico") refers to the art of Spain after the Classical Age and before Romanesque art and architecture; hence the term "Pre"-Romanesque. Although Spain as a nation did not exist during this period, the term is used here to describe the artwork that occurred within the geographic boundaries of what is today the Spanish nation.

Visigothic art, the art of the Visigoths to 711, is usually classified as Migration Period art by art historians to emphasis its Germanic connections and origins; but can also classified as Pre-Romanesque, particularly in Spain, to emphasis its lineage in Spanish history.

The main styles (based on chronological and geographic considerations) of the Spanish Pre-Romanesque were:

*Visigothic art
*Asturian art, the art of the Kingdom of Asturias from 718 through the 10th century
*Mozarabic art, art of mixed Arab-Spanish heritage made by the Mozarabs, the Christians under the Islamic rule.
*Repoblación art and architecture (Spanish, "arte de repoblación"), art on the increasing Christian frontierlands. Most of the formerly called Mozarabic buildings receive nowadays also this denomination.

In Catalonia and Aragón, a style ancestral to the Romanesque developed early in parallel with the region of Lombardy and it has become common to refer the formerly called late Catalan Pre-Romanesque as "first Romanesque" after the suggestions of Josep Puig i Cadafalch.

External links

* [ Spanish Pre-Romanesque Art Guide; General Characteristics of the Asturian Art]

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