- Added mass
fluid mechanics , added mass or virtual mass is theinertia added to a system because an accelerating or decelerating body must move somevolume of surroundingfluid as it moves through it, since the object and fluid cannot occupy the same physical space simultaneously. For simplicity this can be modeled as some volume of fluid moving with the object, though in reality "all" the fluid will be accelerated, to various degrees.The
dimensionless added mass coefficient is the added mass divided by the displaced fluid mass — i.e. fluiddensity times the volume of the body. In general, the added mass is a second-ordertensor , relating the fluid accelerationvector to the resultingforce vector on the body. [Cite book | last=Newman | first=John Nicholas | authorlink=John Nicholas Newman | title=Marine hydrodynamics | date=1977 | publisher=MIT Press | location=Cambridge, Massachussets | isbn=0-262-14026-8 , §4.13, p. 139.] The concept of added mass can be thought of as a classical physics analogue of the quantum mechanical concept of quasiparticles. It is, however, not to be confused with relativistic mass increase.History
Friedrich Bessel proposed the concept of added mass in 1828 to describe the motion of a pendulum in a fluid. The period of such a pendulum increased relative to its period in a vacuum (even after accounting for buoyancy effects), indicating that the surrounding fluid increased the effective mass of the system [cite journal | authorlink=George Gabriel Stokes | author=G.G. Stokes | journal=Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | title=On the effect of the internal friction of fluids on the motion of pendulums | volume=9 | pages=8 | year=1851] .Virtual mass force
Unsteady forces due to acceleration of the relative velocity of a body submerged in a fluid can be divided into two parts: the virtual mass effect and the
Basset force .The origin of the force is that the fluid will gain kinetic energy at the expense of the work done by an accelerating submerged body.
It can be shown that the the virtual mass force, for a spherical particle submerged in an inviscid, incompressible fluid is [C. Crowe et al., Multiphase flows with droplets and particles, CRC Press, 1998, ISBN 0-8493-9469-4, p. 81]
mathbf{F}=frac{ ho_cV_p}{2}left(frac{Dmathbf u}{Dt}-frac{dmathbf v}{dt} ight),
where bold symbols denote
vectors , ho_c is themass density of thefluid (continous phase), V_p is the volume of the particle, and D/Dt denotes thematerial derivative .The origin of the notion "virtual mass" becomes evident when we take a look at the momentum equation for the particle.
m_pfrac{dmathbf v_p}{dt}=summathbf F + frac{ ho_cV_p}{2}left(frac{Dmathbf u}{Dt}-frac{dmathbf v}{dt} ight),
where summathbf F is the sum of all other force terms on the particle, such as
gravity ,pressure gradient ,drag ,lift ,basset force , etc.Moving the derivative of the particle velocity from the right hand side of the equation to the left we get
left(m_p+frac{ ho_cV_p}{2} ight)frac{dmathbf v_p}{dt}=summathbf F + frac{ ho_cV_p}{2}frac{Dmathbf u}{Dt},
so the particle is accelerated as if it had an added mass of half the fluid it displaces, and there is also an additional force contribution on the right hand side due to acceleration of the .
The added mass can be incorporated into most physics equations by considering an effective mass as the sum of the mass and added mass. This sum is commonly known as the "virtual mass".
A simple formulation of the added mass for a spherical body permits Newton's classical second law to be written in the form
:F = ma becomes F = (m + m_ ext{added})a.
One can show that the added mass for a sphere (of radius r) is 2/3) pi r^3 ho_{fluid}. For a general body, the added mass becomes a
tensor (referred to as the induced mass tensor), with components depending on the direction of motion of the body. It should be noted that not all elements in the added mass tensor will have dimension mass, some will be mass*length and some will be mass*length2.All bodies accelerating in a fluid will be affected by added mass, but since the added mass is dependent on the density of the fluid, the effect is often neglected for dense bodies falling in much less dense fluids. For situations where the density of the fluid is comparable to or greater than the density of the body, the added mass can often be greater than the mass of the body and neglecting it can introduce significant errors into a calculation.
For example, a spherical air bubble rising in water has a mass of 4/3) pi r^3 ho_{air} but an added mass of 2/3) pi r^3 ho_{water}. Since water is approximately 800 times denser than air (at RTP), the added mass in this case is approximately 400 times the mass of the bubble.
See also
Basset force :* Response Amplitude Operator for the use of added mass in ship design.:*Keulegan–Carpenter number for a dimensionless parameter giving the relative importance of the drag force to inertia inwave loading .References
External links
* [http://web.mit.edu/2.016/www/labs/L01_Added_Mass_050915.pdf MIT OpenCourse Ware]
* [http://authors.library.caltech.edu/233/01/BRE052.pdf Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.