

Infobox WorldScouting
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ScoutLink is a non profit organization providing a variety of internet services aimed at connecting scouts and guides worldwide in a safe environment in line with the ScoutLink motto "We Connect Scouts and Guides using Internet Services".

coutLink Services

ScoutLink aims to provide several safe chat environments for Scouts and Guides.

* ScoutLink IRC - is a text based service in which users talk to each other by typing messages and receiving replies in real time. The IRC service has multiple channels, for different languages (such as #english) and interests (such as #youth which is for 6 to 21 year olds [cite web | title = Scoutlink Global Youth Rules | url = | accessdate = 2008-04-15] ). This is probably the most well known about service from ScoutLink.
* ScoutLink TeamSpeak - is a voice chat based service in which users talk to each other in real time using their voice. TeamSpeak is organised using the same channels as ScoutLink IRC.
* ScoutLink Forums — ScoutLink has several forums on its different websites.
* ScoutLink on USENET — ScoutLink has its own USENET server ( and newsgroups on USENET. These can be found under
* ScoutLink E-mail lists — ScoutLink has several e-mail lists such as [ ScoutLink community] which is for all users of ScoutLink and [ uk-discuss] which is aimed at UK users.

Radio Jamboree

Radio Jamboree, although not part of ScoutLink, is sponsored by ScoutLink Espanol [cite web | title = Radio Jamboree | url = | accessdate = 2008-04-15] and is DJed by several of the ScoutLink Espanol regulars.

In Radio Jamboree users mix music and information directly to cubs, Scouts, rovers and everyone related to scouting. Directed to people and every scout in every corner of the Spanish speaking world and the news from Radio Jamboree tour the world and strive carry a profound message to the world through the scouting, disseminate the thoughts of scouting, and promoting the lifestyle outdoors. Since the foundation and first broadcast in 2005, Radio Jamboree has and will continue to be attracted to the unique scout spirit. [ RadioJamboree]

coutLink events

The main event of the year for ScoutLink is the World Scout Jamboree On The Internet (JOTI) that is held on the third weekend of October every year. During the 2004 JOTI ScoutLink broke its record and had 4630 simultaneous connections to the network. Fact|date=September 2008

ScoutLink is also the host of World Thinking Day chats in which the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts get together, rather like a mini-JOTI, and celebrate their Founders, Baden-Powell and his wife Lady Baden-Powell.

For the past two years ScoutLink has also been the major host of the Asia Pacific Internet Jamboree (API-JAM) which is held during August each year and is organised by a different National Scout Association of the Asia Pacific Region each time — Australia played host in 2005, Japan in 2006.

During the European Jamboree, Eurojam, organised by the European Regional Office of the World Scout Bureau, ScoutLink had specific channels dedicated for the participants of Eurojam.

Several of the ScoutLink Regions hold IRC Camps. This is where regular ScoutLink users gather together for a camp, to meet each other in real life (IRL) and to catch up on the gossip since the last IRC Camp. The camps that are held regularly are:

* OZANZ - Originally conceived in 1998 by Stx (the then CC Australia) and Sez & Tely (the then joint CCs New Zealand) - This camp is organised is by members of the OZANZ region — Australia, Asia & New Zealand. The camp has no set schedule of occurrence. It is held whenever someone is prepared to organise it and there is enough interest. OZANZ has been held in locations in Australia and New Zealand.
** 1998 Melbourne, Australia
** 1999 Clevedon, New Zealand
** 2000 Perth, Australia
** 2002 Sydney, Australia
** 2004 Adelaide, Australia (held as a meeting at the 20th Australian Jamboree)
** 2005 Alice Springs, Australia
** 2007 [ ScoutLink@AJ2007] , Australia

See the [ ScoutLink Australia OZANZ page] for further information.

* NorthAm - is a camp held for users of ScoutLink services in North America. Previous locations have included.

** 1997 Ontario, Canada
** 1998 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
** 1999 Canada
** 2000 USA
** 2001 Sombra, Ontario, Canada
** 2002 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
** 2006 Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
** 2007 Sombra, Ontario, Canada
** 2008 Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada
** 2009 TBA
** 2010 Chilliwack, British Coloumbia, Canada or Escalante, Utah, USA
** 2011 TBA
** 2012 TBA

See the [ NorthAm] website for further information.

* European Region - The European Region of ScoutLink holds a camp at Easter, in a different country every year.

** 2000 - United Kingdom — IRC-UK
** 2001 - United Kingdom — IRC-UK
** 2002 - the Netherlands — IRCNL
** 2003 - Denmark — IRCScand
** 2004 - Wales, UK — IRCymru
** 2005 - the Netherlands — IRCNL
** 2006 - Belgium — IRCBE
** 2007 - Republic of Ireland — IRC-IE
** 2008 - Germany — IRCDE
** 2009 - Switzerland — IRC-Steg / IRC-CH / IRCH ?
** 2010 - Finland — IRC-FI

The ScoutLink United Kingdom Team also organise a New Years Bash (NYB) in which users from all over Europe gather together in the UK (usually a different location each time) and celebrate the New Year together.

* Online Events

As well as organising real life events, ScoutLink also organises many online events.

** TeamSpeak Night — An evening once a week where users are encouraged to use the TeamSpeak side of ScoutLink. [cite web | title = The ScoutLink UK TeamSpeak Page | url = | accessdate = 2008-04-14]
** SLOPE — A event, announced on 1st April 2008, in which users of ScoutLink are being asked to "produce the most extreme, coolest, most intriguing, or overall most bestest picture involving ScoutLink". [cite web | title = ScoutLink Global Youth Webpage on SLOPE | url = | accessdate = 2008-04-14]

ee also

*Guides on the Air
*World Scout Jamboree

External links

* [ ScoutLink IRC]
* [ ScoutLink Pictures]
* [ ScoutLink Australia]
* [ ScoutLink Finland]
* [ ScoutLink France]
* [ ScoutLink Germany]
* [ ScoutLink Italy]
* [ ScoutLink Switzerland]
* [ ScoutLink Portuguese]
* [ ScoutLink Scandinavia]
* [ ScoutLink United Kingdom (for the United Kingdom and Ireland)]
* [ ScoutLink #dutch channel website]
* [ ScoutLink #espanol channel website]
* [ ScoutLink's #trefoil channel website]
* [ ScoutLink #Papiamento channel website]
* [ ScoutLink Global Youth website]
* [ ScoutLink TeamSpeak (voice chat) help pages]
* [ ScoutLink's JOTI help pages ]
* [ statistics for ScoutLink]
* [ NorthAm Camp Website]
* [ ScoutLink S/ASH]
* [ ScoutLink #dutch mobile internet café]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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