

Makerfield is an area in North West England. It is now split between the Metropolitan Borough of Wigan in Greater Manchester, and the Metropolitan Borough of St Helens in Merseyside, both within the historic county boundaries of Lancashire.

Places in the area include Ince-in-Makerfield, Ashton-in-Makerfield and Newton-in-Makerfield.

The western part of Wigan borough constitutes the Makerfield parliamentary constituency.

Naming and History

The name Makerfield, was Macrefeld in 1121 a.d., and later Maserfeld, the Anglo Saxon for Makerfield.

Winwick, in Makerfield, was the location in 642 a.d. of a battle between Penda, assisted by his Welsh ally Cynddylan of the Cornovii, and his brother Eawa. Penda and Eawa were both sons of Pybba. At this battle Penda gained all of Mercia, and Eawa and Oswald (king of Northumbria) both died here according to Nennius and the Annales Cambriae. Nennius gives us both Maserfrith (A.Sax) and Maes Cogwy (OW), which is identified as Makerfield. The death of Oswald is also conflictingly linked with Oswestry, but it is thought that he was buried there rather than died there.

Notes and references

Coordinates: 53°30′N 2°37′W / 53.5°N 2.617°W / 53.5; -2.617

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