

Secretases are enzymes that "snip" pieces off a longer protein that is embedded in the cell membrane. closer to the cell surface than BACE. The non-pathogenic middle fragment formed by an α/γ cleavage sequence is called P3.


The structure of the three secretases varies widely.

* The α-secretase gene has not been conclusively identified but is believed to be a metalloproteinase.

* BACE is a transmembrane protein with an extracellular aspartic acid protease domain.

* γ-secretase is actually a protein complex containing presenilin, nicastrin, ACH-1, and PEN-2. Presenilin is believed to harbor the protease domain and represents an important example of an uncommon type of protease that cleaves targets within the cell membrane.


Besides their involvement in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's, these proteins also have other functional roles in the cell.

γ-secretase plays a critical role in developmental signalling by the transmembrane receptor Notch, freeing the cytoplasmic tail of Notch to travel to the cell nucleus to act as a transcription factor.

Although BACE cleaves the extracellular domains of several transmembrane proteins, its physiological function remains unknown.

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