Agi Mishol

Agi Mishol

Agi (Agnes) Mishol (1947 - ) is a Hungarian-born Israeli poet, the only daughter of Holocaust survivors.

The family immigrated to Israel when she was four. Her parents ran a grocery store in Gedera and spoke mainly Hungarian at home. Mishol holds a BA in literature from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and an MA in Hebrew literature from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Mishol runs poetry workshops at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Alma College in Tel Aviv. She has won the Tel Aviv Foundation Award (1991), the Yehuda Amichai Poetry Prize (2002), the Prime Minister's Prize, and the Dolitzky Prize for Poetry (2007).

Mishol is married to Giora Fried and lives on a farm in Kfar Mordechai. They have two children, Maya and Uri. [ [ Character lines - Haaretz - Israel News ] ]


*"Things Happen", Hakibbutz Hameuhad & Mossad Bialik [Korim Dvarim]
*"Nanny and Both of Us", Ekked, 1972 [Nanny Ve-Shneinu]
*"A Cat's Scratch", Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1978 [Srita Shel Hatul]
*"Gallop", Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1980 [Gallop]
*"Plantation Notes", Keter, 1986 [Yoman Mata]
*"Fax Pigeon", Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1991 [Yonat Faximilia]
*"The Interior Plain", Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1995 [Ha-Shfela Ha-Pnimit]
*"See" (edited by Nathan Zach), Helikon-Tag, 1997 [Hineh]
*"Look There," Helikon-Tag, 1999 [Re`eh Sham]
*"Dream Notebook," Even Hoshen, 2000 [Machberet Ha-Chalomot]
*"Wax Flower", Even Hoshen, 2002 [Nerot Netz Ha-Chalav]
*"Selected and New Poems," Mossad Bialik & Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2003 [Mivchar Ve-Chadashim]
*"Moment," Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2005


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