List of Hebrew language authors

List of Hebrew language authors

List of Hebrew language authors:


*Yossi Abolafia
*Dorit Abusch
*Shimon Adaf
*Suzane Adam
*Tamar Adar
*Uri Adelman
*Malka Adler
*Meir Agassi
*Shmuel Yosef Agnon (winner of the Nobel prize for literature in 1966)
*Leah Aini
*Miriam Akavia
*Gila Almagor
*Aharon Almog
*Ruth Almog
*Nissim Aloni
*Shulamit Aloni
*Udi Aloni
*Yossi Alphi
*Alon Altaras
*Nathan Alterman
*Yoav Alvin
*Yehuda Amichai
*Aharon Amir
*Eli Amir
*Gafi Amir
*Gal Amir
*Irit Amit
*Aharon Appelfeld
*Naim Araidi
*Vered Ariel
*Dan Armon
*Meira Asher
*Ehud Asheri
*Aharon Ashman
*Haim Assa
*Yehuda Atlas
*Zvi Atzmon
*David Avidan
*Yemima Avidar-Tchernovitz
*Gabriela Avigur-Rotem
*Yossi Avni
*Motti Awerbuch
*Ora Ayal
*Leah Ayalon
*S. K. Azoulay


*Shimon Ballas
*Peretz-Dror Banai
*Amos Bar
*Asher Barash
*Benny Barbash
*Ron Barkai
*Dvora Baron
*Ortsion Bartana
*Hanoch Bartov
*Hamutal Bar-Yosef
*Yehoshua Bar-Yosef
*Yitzhak Bar-Yosef
*Yosef Bar-Yosef
*Yocheved Bat-Miriam
*Hannah Bat-Shahar
*Ella Bat-Tsion
*Haim Be`er
*Meira Bein
*Maya Bejerano
*Menahem Ben
*Dahn Ben-Amotz
*Uzi Ben-Canaan
*Ehud Ben-Ezer
*Yitzhak Ben-Ner
*Moshe Ben-Shaul
*Dvora Ben-Shir
*Netiva Ben-Yehuda
*Avraham Ben-Yitzhak
*Reuven Ben-Yosef
*Micha Josef Berdyczewski
*Tamar Bergman
*Isaac Dov Berkowitz
*Ilana Bernstein
*Ory Bernstein
*Yaakov Besser
*Haim Nachman Bialik
*Yehoash Biber
*Elisheva Bichovsky
*Yossl Birstein
*Erez Biton
*Ruth Blumert
*Rachel Bluwstein
*Yosef Haim Brenner
*Martin Buber
*Jacob Buchan
*Oded Burla
*Yehuda Burla
*Dror Burstein
*Dudi Busi


*Daniella Carmi
*T. Carmi
*Orly Castel-Bloom
*Ronit Chacham
*Abraham Chalfi
*Rahel Chalfi
*Adir Cohen
*Dalya B. Cohen
*Gerda Cohen


*Amnon Dankner
*Yael Dayan
*Yehiel Dinur
*Ramy Ditzanny
*Moshe Dor
*Lizzie Doron


*Arieh Eckstein
*Amela Einat
*Dov Elbaum
*Anadad Eldan
*Israel Eliraz
*Emuna Elon
*Sagit Emmet
*Alex Epstein
*Haya Esther (Godlevsky)
*Esther Ettinger
*Miriam Ettinger
*Rachel Eytan


*Mordecai Ze`ev Feierberg
*Esther Fein
*Anat Feinberg
*Jacob Fichman
*Naomi Fraenkel
*Alona Frankel
*David Frishman


*Naomi Gal
*Roni Ganor
*Ami Gedalia
*Yehonatan Geffen
*Shira Geffen
*Ofra Gelbart-Avni
*Mordechai Geldman
*Amir Gilboa
*Shulamit Gilboa
*Zerubavel Gilead
*Asher Hirsch Ginsberg (Ahad Haam)
*Roni Givati
*Eytan N. Glass
*Uri Nissan Gnessin
*Shammai Golan
*Leah Goldberg
*Judah Loeb Gordon
*Yitzhak Gormezano-Goren
*Haim Gouri
*Michal Govrin
*Uri Zvi Greenberg (Tur Malka)
*Marina Groslerner
*David Grossman
*Batya Gur
*Zali Gurevitch


*Shimon Halkin
*Avigdor Hameiri
*Israel Hameiri
*Nira Harel
*Orit Harel
*Gayil Hareven
*Shulamith Hareven
*Raya Harnik
*Shmuel Hasfari
*Hava Havushi
*Esty G. Hayim
*Haim Hazaz
*Yehudit Hendel
*Pua Hershlag
*Dalia Hertz
*Amira Hess
*Ayin Hillel
*Yoel Hoffmann
*Shifra Horn
*Daniel Horowitz
*Yaakov Hurgin
*Yair Hurvitz
*Shmuel Thomas Huppert


*Yael Ichilov
*Naphtali Herz Imber
*Anat Israeli
*Boaz Izraeli
*Miron C. Izakson
*Solomon Ibn Gabirol


*Amnon Jacont


*Aharon Avraham Kabak
*Yehudit Kafri
*Amalia Kahana-Carmon
*Miriam Kainy
*Yaacov Kamin
*Yoram Kaniuk
*Yonadav Kaploun
*Shmuel Katz
*Yoav Katz
*Judith Katzir
*Ori Katzir
*Yitzhak Katzenelson
*Amos Kenan
*Yehoshua Kenaz
*Rivka Keren
*Etgar Keret
*Dov Kimche
*Alona Kimhi
*Levin Kipnis
*Ephraim Kishon
*Zahava Kor
*Yeshayahu Koren
*Admiel Kosman
*Abba Kovner
*Asher Kravitz


*Tsruya Lahav
*Yizhak Lamdan
*Yitzhak Laor
*Haim Lapid
*Shulamit Lapid
*Yair Lapid
*Iris Leal
*Micah Joseph Lebensohn
*Haim Lensky
*Motti Lerner
*Ron Leshem
*Hezy Leskly
*Eleonora Lev
*Yigal Lev
*Hanoch Levin
*Menashe Levin
*Yoav Levitas Halevy
*Itamar Levy
*Irena Liebman
*Savyon Liebrecht
*Baruch Linda
*Irit Linoor
*Hana Livne
*Tzvi Livneh
*Marcela London


*Mira Magen
*Rivka Magen
*Abraham Mapu
*Edna Mazya
*Yael Medini
*Ioram Melcer
*Aharon Megged
*Eyal Megged
*Mira Meir
*Sabina Messeg
*Sami Michael
*Reuven Miran
*Rivka Miriam
*Agi Mishol
*Hillel Mittelpunkt
*Mendele Mocher Sefarim
*Shula Modan
*Igal Mossinsohn
*Josef Mundy


*Haim Nagid
*Eshkol Nevo
*Gidi Nevo
*Shlomo Nitzan
*Kobi Niv
*Yitzhak Noy


*Ofra Ofer
*Aliza Olmert
*Dvora Omer
*Amir Or
*Ram Oren
*Yitzhak Oren
*Dorit Orgad
*Jacob Orland
*Uri Orlev
*Yitzhak Orpaz-Auerbach
*Amos Oz
*Kobi Oz


*Dan Pagis
*Oded Peled
*Alexander Penn
*Isaac Loeb Peretz
*Lily Perry
*Israel Pincas (Anton)
*Hava Pincas-Cohen
*Elisha Porat
*Gabriel Preil


*Esther Raab
*Ozer Rabin
*Dorit Rabinyan
*Naomi Ragen
*Yonathan Ratosh
*Dahlia Ravikovitch
*Orit Raz
*Simcha Raz
*Janice Rebibo
*Abraham Regelson
*Asher Reich
*Aharon Reuveni
*Yotam Reuveny
*David Rokeah
*Galila Ron-Feder-Amit
*Yael Roseman
*Roee Rosen
*Ruvik Rosental
*Judith Rotem
*Miriam Roth
*Tuvya Ruebner

*Rami Saari
*Chayim Sabato
*Pinhas Sadeh
*Yishay Sarid
*Igal Sarna
*Moshe Sartel
*Harold Schimmel
*Ilan Schoenfeld
*David Schutz
*Nava Semel
*Yonat and Alexander Sened
*Dan Benaya Seri
*Aharon Shabtai
*Yaakov Shabtai
*Nathan Shaham
*Orit Shaham-Gover
*David Shahar
*Gershon Shaked
*Elinoam Shalev
*Meir Shalev
*Zeruya Shalev
*Shin Shalom
*Yitzhak Shami
*Moshe Shamir
*Anton Shammas
*Amnon Shamosh
*Yosef Sharon
*Avner Shats
*Dan Shavit
*Ofer Shelach
*Tami Shem Tov
*Itzhak Shenhar
*Tzur Shezaf
*Shin Shifra
*David Shimoni
*Youval Shimoni
*Avraham Shlonsky
*Zalman Shneour
*Gershon Shofman
*Matityahu Shoham
*Irit Shoshani
*Ephraim Sidon
*Dvora Silverstein
*Aryeh Sivan
*Moshe Smilansky
*Shoham Smith
*Peretz Smolenskin
*Eliezer Smoli
*Michal Snunit
*Yehoshua Sobol
*Ronny Someck
*Jacob Steinberg
*Yehuda Steinberg
*Esther Streit-Wortzel
*Yossi Sucary
*Albert Suissa


*Mordechai Tabib
*Chaim Tadmon
*Rachel Talshir
*Benjamin Tammuz
*Shlomo Tanny
*Gadi Taub
*Udi Taub
*Shaul Tchernichovsky
*Yona Tepper
*Ben-Zion Tomer
*Avner Treinin
*Noga Treves
*Dan Tsalka
*Shai Tubali
*Uri Tzaig


*Orit Uziel


*Naomi Vishnitzer
*David Vogel


*Yona Wallach
*Uzi Weill
*Meir Wieseltier


*Yehuda Yaari
*Miriam Yalan-Shteklis
*Itamar Yaoz-Kest
*Abraham B. Yehoshua
*Avoth Yeshurun
*S. Yizhar
*Natan Yonatan


*Natan Zach
*Nurit Zarchi
*Benny Ziffer
*Shimon Zimmer
*Klil Zisapel
*Eda Zoritte-Megged
*Shiri Zuck
*Zvi Yair

ee also

*List of Hebrew language poets
*List of Hebrew language playwrights
*Culture of Israel

External links

* [ author biographies at the Institute for Translation of Hebrew Literature]

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