List of playwrights by nationality and year of birth

List of playwrights by nationality and year of birth

Dramatists listed in chronological order by country and language:

"See also": List of playwrights; List of early-modern women playwrights; Lists of writers


"See also": List of Assyrian writers
*(born 1952) Rosie Malek-Yonan [Assyria—Iran]
*(born 1954) Monica Malek-Yonan [Assyria—Iran]


*(1912–1988) Kylie Tennant
*(1916–1999) Morris West
*(1917–2000) Jack Davis
*(1923–2002) Dorothy Hewett
*(born 1927) Alan Seymour
*(born 1933) Wendy Richardson
*(born 1941) Kenneth G. Ross
*(born 1942) David Williamson
*(1944–2006) Alex Buzo
*(1948–1997) Roger Bennett
*(born 1948) Jimmy Chi
*(1950–2003) Nick Enright
*(born 1950) Louis Nowra
*(born 1953) Justin Fleming
*(born 1955) Michael Gow
*(born 1959) Richard Frankland
*(born 1960) Jane Harrison
*(1964–1989) Bill Neskovski [Macedonia—Australia] (Macedonian language and English language)
*(born 1969) Wesley Enoch
*(born 1978) Van Badham


"See also": List of German language playwrights; List of German language authors; List of Austrian writers
*(1791–1872) Franz Grillparzer
*(1839–1889) Ludwig Anzengruber
*(1863–1934) Hermann Bahr
*(1866–1945) Richard Beer-Hofmann
*(1885–1969) Franz Theodor Csokor
*(1891–1958) Ferdinand Bruckner
*(1893–1965) Richard Billinger
*(1895–1959) Arnolt Bronnen
*(1897–1930) Hans Chlumberg
*(born 1920) Kurt Besci
*(1921–1988) Erich Fried [Austria—England] (German language and English language)
*(1941–2005) Wolfgang Bauer
*(born 1942) Peter Handke
*(born 1944) Peter Turrini


*(born 1959) Zillur Rahman John
*(born 1976) Samina Luthfa


*(1885–1970) Fernand Crommelynck [Belgium—France] (French language)
*(1898–1962) Michel de Ghelderode (French language)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

"See also": List of Bosnian and Herzegovinian playwrights
*(born 1971) Almir Imširević


"See also": List of Canadian playwrights; List of Canadian writers; List of Quebec writers; List of French Canadian writers from outside Quebec; List of Canadian plays
*(1893–1975) Merrill Denison
*(1909–1999) Gratien Gélinas (French language)
*(1913–1995) Robertson Davies
*(born 1930) Marcel Dubé (French language)
*(born 1959) Zillur Rahman John
*(born 1961) Vittorio Rossi
*(born 1964) David Gow

Czech Republic

"See also": List of Czech writers
*(1884–1968) Max Brod [Czech Republic—Israel] (German language)
*(1890–1938) Karel Čapek
*(born 1936) Václav Havel


*(1901–1961) Kjeld Abell


"See also": List of French playwrights; List of French language authors
*(died ca. 1210) Jean Bodel
*(ca. 1237–ca. 1288) Adam de la Halle
*(ca. 1470/80–ca. 1538/39) Pierre Gringoire
*(1544–1590) Robert Garnier
*(ca. 1570–1632) Alexandre Hardy
*(1595–1676) Jean Desmaretz de Saint-Sorlin
*(1601–1667) Georges de Scudéry
*(1606–1658) Pierre Du Ryer
*(1606–1684) Pierre Corneille
*(1622–1673) Molière
*(1625–1709) Thomas Corneille
*(1635–1688) Philippe Quinault
*(1638–1701) Edme Boursault
*(1639–1699) Jean Racine
*(1640–1723) David-Augustin de Brueys
*(1654–1724) Charles Rivière Dufresny
*(1659–1741) Augustin Nadal
*(1661–1725) Florent Carton Dancourt
*(1674–1762) Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon
*(1680–1754) Philippe Néricault Destouches
*(1688–1763) Pierre de Marivaux
*(1694–1778) Voltaire
*(1709–1777) Jean-Baptiste Louis Gresset
*(1713–1784) Denis Diderot
*(1732–1799) Pierre de Beaumarchais
*(1750–1794) Philippe François Nazaire Fabre d'Églantine
*(1793–1843) Casimir-Jean-François Delavigne
*(1798–1855) Adam Mickiewicz [Poland—France] (Polish language and French language)
*(1799–1850) Honoré de Balzac
*(1802–1870) Alexandre Dumas, père
*(1805–1882) Henri Auguste Barbier
*(1811–1899) Adolphe Philippe d'Ennery
*(1820–1889) Émile Augier
*(1823–1891) Théodore de Banville
*(1824–1895) Alexandre Dumas, fils
*(1837–1899) Henry Becque
*(1840–1897) Alphonse Daudet
*(1842–1908) François Coppée
*(1848–1912) Alexandre Bisson
*(1854–1928) François de Curel
*(1857–1915) Paul Hervieu
*(1858–1922) Alfred Capus
*(1858–1929) Georges Courteline
*(1858–1932) Eugène Brieux
*(1859–1945) Maurice Donnay
*(1861–1949) Lucien Descaves
*(1862–1921) Georges Feydeau
*(1866–1947) Tristan Bernard
*(1867–1942) Georges Berr
*(1868–1918) Edmond Rostand
*(1868–1952) Romain Coolus
*(1868–1955) Paul Claudel
*(1869–1915) Gaston de Caillavet
*(1869–1955) Émile Fabre
*(1872–1922) Henri Bataille
*(1872–1927) Robert de Flers
*(1872–1955) Lucien Besnard
*(1873–1907) Alfred Jarry
*(1875–1937) Henri Duvernois
*(1875–1944) Henri Ghéon
*(1876–1953) Henry Bernstein
*(1877–1937) Francis de Croisset
*(1879–1949) Jacques Copeau
*(1880–1918) Guillaume Apollinaire
*(1882–1944) Jean Giraudoux
*(1882–1962) René Fauchois
*(1884–1973) Alexandre Arnoux
*(1884–1977) Denys Amiel
*(1885–1957) Sacha Guitry
*(1885–1970) Fernand Crommelynck [Belgium—France] (French language)
*(1885–1983) Paul Géraldy
*(1887–1945) Édouard Bourdet
*(1887–1961) Simon Gantillon
*(1888–1972) Jean-Jacques Bernard
*(1889–1963) Jean Cocteau
*(1890–1974) André Birabeau
*(1894–1972) Jacques Deval
*(1895–1970) Jean Giono
*(1896–1948) Antonin Artaud
*(1899–1965) Jacques Audiberti
*(1899–1974) Marcel Achard
*(1900–1998) Julien Green [France—United States] (French language and English language)
*(1902–1967) Marcel Aymé
*(1905–1980) Jean Paul Sartre
*(1906–1989) Samuel Beckett [Ireland—France] (English language and French language)
*(1908–1970) Arthur Adamov
*(1909–1985) Jean Bernard-Luc
*(1909–1992) Eugene Ionesco [Romania—France]
*(1910–1986) Jean Genet
*(1910–1987) Jean Anouilh
*(1913–1960) Albert Camus
*(1914–1996) Marguerite Duras
*(1917–1987) Georges Arnaud
*(born January 1920) Jean Dutourd
*(born August 1920) Jean-Pierre Grédy
*(born 1923) Pierre Barillet
*(born 1924) Armand Gatti
*(1927–1991) François Billetdoux


"See also": List of German language playwrights; List of German language authors
*(1616–1664) Andreas Gryphius [Poland—Germany] (Latin language and German language)
*(1700–1766) Johann Christoph Gottsched
*(1737–1823) Heinrich Wilhelm von Gerstenberg
*(1749–1832) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
*(1759–1805) Friedrich Schiller
*(1788–1857) Baron Joseph von Eichendorff
*(1801–1836) Christian Dietrich Grabbe
*(1811–1878) Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow
*(1813–1837) Georg Büchner
*(1816–1895) Gustav Freytag
*(1866–1933) Paul Ernst
*(1870–1938) Ernst Barlach
*(1882–1961) Leonhard Frank [Germany—United States]
*(1884–1958) Lion Feuchtwanger
*(1886–1969) Johannes von Guenther
*(1887–1936) Reinhard Goering
*(1887–1945) Bruno Frank
*(1888–1960) Curt Goetz
*(1895–1958) Friedrich Forster
*(1898–1956) Bertolt Brecht
*(1906–1970) Stefan Andres
*(1910–1990) Ulrich Becher
*(1921–1947) Wolfgang Borchert
*(born 1925) Tankred Dorst
*(born January 1927) Leopold Ahlsen
*(born October 1927) Günter Grass


*(ca. 525 BC–ca. 456 BC) Aeschylus
*(ca. 495 BC–ca. 406 BC) Sophocles
*(ca. 485 BC–ca. 406 BC) Euripides
*(ca. 445 BC–ca. 385 BC) Aristophanes


*(1912–1998) Félix Morisseau-Leroy


*(1842–1891) Gergely Csíky


*(born 1938) Bahram Bayzai
*(1939–2007) Akbar Radi
*(born 1952) Rosie Malek-Yonan [Assyria—Iran]
*(born 1954) Monica Malek-Yonan [Assyria—Iran]


"See also": List of Irish playwrights; List of Irish dramatists
*(1728–1774) Oliver Goldsmith [Ireland–England]
*(1735–1812) Isaac Bickerstaffe
*(ca. 1820–1890) Dion Boucicault [Ireland—"'United States]
*(1853–1923) William Boyle
*(1877–1963) George Fitzmaurice
*(1878–1957) Lord Dunsany [England—Ireland]
*(1881–1972) Padraic Colum [Ireland—United States]
*(1883–1971) St. John Ervine [Ireland—England]
*(1900–1968) Paul Vincent Carroll [Ireland—Scotland]
*(1906–1989) Samuel Beckett [Ireland—France] (English language and French language)
*(1923–1964) Brendan Behan
*(born 1929) Brian Friel


"See also": List of Hebrew language playwrights
*(1884–1968) Max Brod [Czech Republic—Israel] (German language)


"See also": List of Italian writers
*(1410–1484) Feo Belcari
*(1470–1520) Bernardo Dovizio da Bibbiena
*(1474–1533) Ludovico Ariosto
*(1492–1556) Pietro Aretino
*(1492–1573) Donato Giannotti
*(ca. 1500–ca. 1550) Gigio Artemio Giancarli
*(1503–1584) Anton Francesco Grazzini {"Il Lasca" ["The Roach"] }
*(1504–1573) Giambattista Giraldi Cinthio
*(1507–1566) Annibale Caro
*(1508–ca. 1568) Ludovico Dolce
*(1518–1587) Giovan Maria Cecchi
*(ca. 1525–ca. 1586) Giovanni Battista Cini
*(1532–1619) Vincenzo Giusti
*(1535–1615) Giambattista Della Porta
*(1537–1586) Girolamo Bargagli
*(1538–1612) Gian Battista Guarini
*(1541–1585) Luigi Groto
*(1548–1600) Giordano Bruno
*(ca. 1560–1628) Federico Della Valle
*(1568–1642) Michelangelo Buonarotti, the Younger
*(1707–1793) Carlo Goldoni
*(1720–1806) Carlo Gozzi
*(1728–1787) Ferdinando Galiani
*(1749–1803) Vittorio Alfieri
*(1776–1834) Giovanni Giraud
*(1778–1827) Ugo Foscolo
*(1788–1858) Francesco Augusto Bon
*(1816–1882) Paolo Giacometti
*(1822–1889) Paolo Ferrari
*(1830–1881) Pietro Cossa
*(1839–1915) Luigi Capuana
*(1842–1911) Antonio Fogazzaro
*(1847–1906) Giuseppe Giacosa
*(1852–1927) Giuseppe Baffico
*(1857–1934) Camillo Antona-Traversi
*(1860–1934) Salvatore Di Giacomo
*(1860–1939) Giannino Antona-Traversi
*(1861–1943) Roberto Bracco
*(1863–1938) Gabriele D'Annunzio
*(1867–1936) Luigi Pirandello
*(1868–1912) Enrico Annibale Butti
*(1870–1916) Carlo Bertolazzi
*(1877–1949) Sem Benelli
*(1878–1960) Massimo Bontempelli
*(1880–1947) Luigi Chiarelli
*(1882–1942) Luigi Antonelli
*(1885–1954) Enrico Cavacchioli
*(1891–1949) Gherardo Gherardi
*(1891–1957) Alberto Casella
*(1892–1953) Ugo Betti
*(1898–1992) Valentino Bompiani
*(1899–1999) Enrico Bassano
*(1900–1984) Eduardo De Filippo
*(1901–1959) Silvio Giovaninetti
*(1903–1933) Leo Ferrero
*(1907–1954) Vitaliano Brancati
*(1911–1980) Diego Fabbri


"See also": List of Japanese writers
*(1653–1725) Chikamatsu Monzaemon


*(1964–1989) Blagoje "Bill" Neskovski [Macedonia—Australia] (Macedonian language and English language)


"See also": List of Moroccan writers
*(born 1938) Abdelkebir Khatibi
*(born 1938) Tayeb Seddiki (Arabic language and French language)
*(born 1953) Abdallah Zrika


"See also": List of Norwegian writers
*(1828–1906) Henrik Ibsen
*(1832–1910) Bjornstjerne Bjornson
*(1902–1943) Nordahl Grieg


"See also": List of Polish language authors
*(1616–1664) Andreas Gryphius [Poland—Germany] (Latin language and German language)
*(1793–1876) Aleksander Fredro
*(1798–1855) Adam Mickiewicz [Poland—France] (Polish language and French language)
*(ca. 1800–ca. 1855) Solomon Ettinger (Hebrew language and Yiddish language)
*(1809–1849) Juliusz Słowacki [Poland—France]
*(1811–1899) Abraham Dov Ber Gottlober [Ukraine—Poland] (Hebrew language and Yiddish language)
*(1812–1859) Zygmunt Krasiński [Poland—France]
*(1820–1869) Apollo Korzeniowski
*(1860–1921) Gabriela Zapolska
*(1868–1927) Stanisław Przybyszewski (Polish language and German language)
*(1869–1907) Stanisław Wyspiański
*(1874–1915) Jerzy Żuławski
*(1880–1957) Sholem Asch [Poland—United States] (Yiddish language)
*(1885–1939) Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz {"Witkacy"}
*(1904–1969) Witold Gombrowicz [Poland—Argentina]
*(1920–2005) Karol Wojtyła {Pope John Paul II} [Poland—Vatican]


"See also": List of Portuguese language authors
*(1465–1536) Gil Vicente
*(1799–1854) João Batista de Almeida Garrett
*(1906–1997) António Gedeão
*(born 1922) José Saramago


"See also": List of Romanian writers
*(1821–1890) Vasile Alecsandri
*(1840–1908) Abraham Haim Lipke Goldfaden [Ukraine—Romania—United States] (Hebrew language and Yiddish language)
*(1852–1912) Ion Luca Caragiale
*(1858–1918) Barbu Delavrancea


"See also": List of Russian writers
*(ca. 1745–1792) Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin
*(1795–1829) Aleksandr Griboyedov
*(1809–1852) Nikolay Gogol
*(1856–1909) Innokenty Fyodorovich Annensky
*(1860–1904) Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
*(1863–1920) S. Anski (Russian language and Yiddish language)
*(1868–1936) Maxim Gorky
*(1871–1919) Leonid Nikolayevich Andreyev
*(1880–1921) Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok
*(1891–1940) Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov
*(1894–1941) Isaak Emmanuilovich Babel
*(1904–1941) Aleksandr Nikolayevich Afinogenov
*(1908–1986) Aleksey Nikolayevich Arbuzov


"See also": List of Slovenian playwrights
*(1831–1887) Fran Levstik
*(1871–1962) Fran Saleški Finžgar
*(1876–1918) Ivan Cankar
*(1878–1949) Oton Župančič
*(1901–1949) Slavko Grum
*(1930–1987) Gregor Strniša
*(born 1948) Drago Jančar


"See also": List of Spanish language authors
*(ca. 1469–1530) Juan del Encina
*(1474–1542) Lucas Fernández
*(1547–1616) Miguel de Cervantes
*(ca. 1550–1610) Juan de la Cueva
*(1562–1635) Lope de Vega
*(1587–1650) Luis de Belmonte y Bermúdez
*(1569–1631) Guillén de Castro y Bellvís
*(1579–1648) Tirso de Molina
*(1596–1661) Álvaro Cubillo de Aragón
*(1600–1681) Pedro Calderón de la Barca
*(1611–1652) Antonio Coello y Ochoa
*(1625–1687) Juan Bautista Diamante
*(1662–1704) Francisco Antonio Bances y López-Candamo
*(1676–1750) José de Cañizares
*(1731–1794) Ramón de la Cruz
*(1734–1787) Vicente Antonio García de la Huerta
*(1737–1780) Nicolás Fernández de Moratín
*(1760–1828) Leandro Fernández de Moratín
*(1793–1861) Antonio Gil y Zárate
*(1796–1873) Manuel Bretón de los Herreros
*(1813–1884) Antonio García Gutiérrez
*(1832–1916) José Echegaray
*(1863–1917) Joaquín Dicenta y Benedicto
*(1866–1936) Ramón del Valle-Inclán
*(1866–1943) Carlos Arniches y Barrera
*(1866–1954) Jacinto Benavente
*(1871–1938) Serafín Álvarez Quintero
*(1873–1944) Joaquín Álvarez Quintero
*(1877–1958) Jacinto Grau Delgado
*(1891–1962) Luis Fernández Ardavín
*(1898–1936) Federico García Lorca
*(1902–1999) Rafael Alberti
*(1903–1965) Alejandro Casona
*(1905–1993) Joaquín Calvo-Sotelo
*(1912–1985) José Antonio Giménez Arnau y Gran
*(1916–2000) Antonio Buero Vallejo
*(born 1932) Fernando Arrabal
*(born 1943) Alfonso Vallejo


"See also": List of Catalan-language writers
*(1845–1924) Àngel Guimerà


"See also": List of Swedish language writers
*(1883–1931) Hjalmar Bergman
*(1918–1997) Werner Aspenström
*(1923–1954) Stig Dagerman
*(born 1928) Lars Forssell


*(1911–1991) Max Frisch
*(1921–1990) Friedrich Dürrenmatt (German language)


*(born 1987) P. J. Chapsky


*(1811–1899) Abraham Dov Ber Gottlober [Ukraine—Poland] (Hebrew language and Yiddish language)
*(1840–1908) Abraham Haim Lipke Goldfaden [Ukraine—Romania—United States] (Hebrew language and Yiddish language)
*(1853–1909) Jacob Gordin {"Yan"} [Ukraine—United States] (Russian language and Yiddish language)

United Kingdom

"See also": List of British playwrights; British playwrights since 1950; List of early-modern women playwrights (UK)


*(1495–1563) John Bale
*(1535–1577) George Gascoigne
*(1558–1592) Robert Greene
*(ca. 1560–1634) George Chapman
*(1563–1631) Michael Drayton
*(1564–1593) Christopher Marlowe
*(1564–1616) William Shakespeare
*(ca. 1572–1632) Thomas Dekker
*(1579–1625) John Fletcher
*(ca. 1585–1616) Francis Beaumont
*(ca. 1585–after 1639) John Ford
*(ca. 1590–ca. 1653) Richard Brome
*(1606–1668) William Davenant
*(1631–1700) John Dryden
*(ca. 1635–1691) George Etherege
*(1640–1689) Aphra Behn
*(ca. 1640–ca. 1703) John Crowne
*(ca. 1667–1723) Susannah Centlivre
*(1670–1729) William Congreve
*(1671–1757) Colley Cibber
*(1672–1719) Joseph Addison
*(ca. 1678–1707) George Farquhar
*(1685–1732) John Gay
*(1707–1754) Henry Fielding
*(1717–1779) David Garrick
*(1720–1777) Samuel Foote
*(1728–1774) Oliver Goldsmith [Ireland–England]
*(1732–1794) George Colman the Elder
*(1732–1811) Richard Cumberland
*(1788–1824) George Gordon Byron
*(1803–1873) Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
*(1812–1889) Robert Browning
*(1836–1911) W. S. Gilbert
*(1848–1914) Sydney Grundy
*(1852–1932) Lady Gregory
*(1853–1931) Hall Caine
*(1856–1950) George Bernard Shaw [Ireland—England]
*(1860–1937) Sir James Matthew Barrie [Scotland—England]
*(1867–1931) Arnold Bennett
*(1867–1933) John Galsworthy
*(1877–1946) Harley Granville-Barker
*(1878–1942) Rudolph Besier
*(1878–1957) Lord Dunsany
*(1882–1937) John Drinkwater
*(1882–1958) Harold Brighouse
*(1883–1971) St. John Ervine [Ireland—England]
*(1884–1915) James Elroy Flecker
*(1886–1962) Clifford Bax
*(February 1888–1965) Clemence Dane
*(September 1888–1965) T. S. Eliot [United States—England]
*(1889–1946) John Colton [United States—England]
*(1890–1976) Agatha Christie
*(1899–1973) Noel Coward
*(1904–1991) Graham Greene
*(1907–1973) W. H. Auden [England—United States]
*(1907–2005) Christopher Fry
*(1921–1988) Erich Fried [Austria—England] (German language and English language)
*(1924–1995) Robert Bolt
*(born 1924) David Campton
*(1926–2001) Anthony Shaffer
*(born 1926) Peter Shaffer
*(1926–1999) Jim Allen
*(born 1930) John Arden
*(born 1930) Harold Pinter
*(born 1933) Michael Frayn
*(born 1937) Tom Stoppard
*(born 1939) Shelagh Delaney
*(1971–1999) Sarah Kane
*(born 1974) Leo Butler
*(born 1976) Paul Vincent Randall


"See also": List of Scottish writers
*(1860–1937) J. M. Barrie [Scotland—England]
*(1888–1951) James Bridie
*(1900–1968) Paul Vincent Carroll [Ireland—Scotland]
*(born 1951) Peter May

United States

"See also": List of playwrights from the United States; List of African-American writers; List of Jewish American playwrights
*(1766–1839) William Dunlap
*(1784–1842) Samuel Woodworth
*(1784–1858) James Nelson Barker
*(1806–1854) Robert Montgomery Bird
*(1810–1858) Robert Taylor Conrad
*(1817–1880) Tom Taylor
*(ca. 1820–1890) Dion Boucicault [Ireland—United States]
*(1823–1890) George H. Boker
*(1830–1876) George Aiken
*(1838–1899) Augustin Daly
*(1840–1908) Abraham Haim Lipke Goldfaden [Ukraine—Romania—United States] (Hebrew language and Yiddish language)
*(1853–1909) Jacob Gordin {"Yan"} [Ukraine—United States] (Russian language and Yiddish language)
*(1853–1931) David Belasco
*(1855–1937) William Gillette
*(1865–1909) Clyde Fitch
*(1866–1935) George Pierce Baker
*(1866–1944) George Ade
*(1874–1938) Zona Gale
*(1874–1956) Owen Davis
*(1876–1962) Jules Eckert Goodman
*(1878–1942) George M. Cohan
*(1878–1958) Rachel Crothers
*(1880–1957) Sholem Asch [Poland—United States] (Yiddish language)
*(1881–1972) Padraic Colum [Ireland—United States]
*(1882–1948) Susan Glaspell
*(1882–1961) Leonhard Frank [Germany—United States]
*(1883–1967) Martin Flavin
*(1886–1958) Zoë Akins
*(1887–1968) Edna Ferber
*(1887–1995) George Abbott
*(1888–1959) Maxwell Anderson
*(1888–1953 Eugene Gladstone O'Neill
*(1888–1965) T. S. Eliot [United States—England)
*(1889–1946) John Colton (United States—England]
*(1889–1954) John Lloyd Balderston
*(1890–1980) Marc Connelly
*(1890–1984) Frances Goodrich
*(1891–1957) Philip Dunning
*(1893–1966) Russel Crouse
*(1893–1973) S. N. Behrman
*(1894–1962) E. E. Cummings
*(1894–1981) Paul Green
*(1895–1966) Joseph Fields
*(1896–1949) Philip Barry
*(1896–1974) Lawrence Riley
*(1900–1998) Julien Green [France—United States] (French language and English language)
*(1903–1987) Clare Boothe
*(1904–1972) Arthur Arent
*(1905–1964) Marc Blitzstein
*(1906–1963) Clifford Odets
*(1907–1973) W. H. Auden [England—United States]
*(1907–1981) Mary Coyle Chase
*(1908–1981) William Saroyan
*(1909–1981) Ketti Frings
*(1911–1983) Tennessee Williams
*(1911–2004) Jerome Chodorov
*(1913–1973) William Inge
*(born 1914) William Gibson
*(1915–2005) Arthur Miller
*(born 1917) Robert W. Anderson
*(1918–1993) Louis O. Coxe
*(1922–1999) William Alfred
*(1922–2003) George Axelrod
*(1922–2006) Jay Presson Allen
*(1923–1981) Paddy Chayefsky
*(1923–1995) Michael V. Gazzo
*(1924–1970) William Archibald
*(1924–1987) James Baldwin
*(1925–1995) Charles Gordone
*(born 1925) Frank D. Gilroy
*(1927–1998) James Goldman
*(born 1928) Edward Albee
*(born 1929) Jules Feiffer
*(born 1930) Bruce Jay Friedman
*(1930–1965) Lorraine Hansberry
*(1932–2003) Jack Gelber
*(born 1934) Imamu Amiri Baraka
*(born 1935) John Guare
*(born 1935) Mart Crowley
*(1943–1987) Charles Ludlam
*(born 1945) Mac Wellman
*(born 1947) David Mamet
*(born 1956) Tony Kushner
*(born 1958) Jane Shepard
*(born 1962) Michael Hollinger
*(born 1981) Rick Kunzi

Puerto Rico

"See also": List of Puerto Rican writers
*(1783–1873) María Bibiana Benítez
*(1876–1944) Luis Lloréns Torres
*(1919–1979) René Marqués
*(born 1936) Luis Rafael Sánchez
*(1944–2004) Pedro Pietri (English language)
*(1946–1988) Miguel Piñero (English language)
*(born 1955) José Rivera (English language)

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  • List of Russian people — The Millennium of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod, featuring the statues and reliefs of the most celebrated people in the first 1000 years of Russian history …   Wikipedia

  • List of Russian explorers — The Russian Empire at its peak in 1866, including the spheres of influence; this territorial expansion largely corresponds to the extent of contiguous exploration by Russians. This is a list of explorers from the Russian Federation, Soviet Union …   Wikipedia

  • List of cosmonauts — A Soviet space skafander in the Museum of Cosmonautics, Moscow. This is a list of cosmonauts who have taken part in the missions of the Soviet space program and the Russian Federal Space Agency, including ethnic Russians and people of other… …   Wikipedia

  • Apollo Korzeniowski — Infobox Writer name = Apollo Korzeniowski imagesize = 266px caption = Apollo Korzeniowski pseudonym = birthdate = birth date|1820|02|21|mf=y birthplace = Honoratka, Russian Empire (present day Ukraine) deathdate = death date and… …   Wikipedia

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

  • Republic of Ireland — This article is about the sovereign state. For the island, see Ireland. For other uses, see Republic of Ireland (disambiguation). Ireland[a] Éire (Irish) …   Wikipedia

  • Ukraine — /yooh krayn , kruyn , yooh krayn/, n. a republic in SE Europe: rich agricultural and industrial region. 50,684,635; 223,090 sq. mi. (603,700 sq. km). Cap.: Kiev. Russian, Ukraina. Formerly, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. * * * Ukraine… …   Universalium

  • literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… …   Universalium

  • HEBREW LITERATURE, MODERN — definition and scope beginnings periodization …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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