List of Hebrew language poets

List of Hebrew language poets

List of Hebrew language poets:


* King David
* King Solomon
* Jeremiah

Early Middle Ages

* Yose ben Yose
* Yannai
* Eleazar ha-Kalir

Golden Age in Spain

* Joseph ibn Abitur
* Abraham Abulafia
* Meir Halevi Abulafia
* Todros Abulafia
* Levi ibn Altaban
* Yehuda Alharizi
* Judaben Samuel Halevi (born c. 1086Kravitz, Nathaniel, "3,000 Years of Hebrew Literature", Chicago: Swallow Press Inc., 1972, ]
* Joseph ibn Hisdai
* Dunash ben Labrat (Tenth century)Kravitz, Nathaniel, "3,000 years of Hebrew Literature"]
* Santob De Carrion (late Fourteenth century), also a proverb writer
* Abraham ibn Ezra, also known as "Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra" (1088-1167), known mainly for Biblical commentaries and grammar works
* Isaac ibn Ezra
* Moses ibn Ezra (1070-1139)
* Solomon Ibn Gabirol (1021-1058)
* Isaac ibn Ghiyyat
* Yehuda Halevi
* Judah al-Harizi (1190-1240)
* Joseph Kimhi (1105-1170), born in Spain, he fled to Narbonne, Provence, where he became known as a grammarian, exegete, poet, and translator.
* Shmuel haNagid, also known as "Samuel ibn Naghrela" or "Samuel Ha-Naggid" (992-1055)
* Isaac ibn Khalfun
* Isaac ibn Mar Shaul
* Joseph ibn Sahl
* Menahem ibn Saruq
* Joseph ibn Suli
* Joseph ben Jacob ibn Zaddik (died 1149)

Medieval Germany

* Baruch of Worms (early Thirteenth century), liturgical poet and commentatorKravitz, Nathaniel, "3,000 Years of Hebrew Literature", Chicago: Swallow Press Inc., 1972, Appendix B ("Other Hebrew Writers and Scholars"), pp 555-559]
* Meir ben Baruch, known as Ma'aram of Rothenburg (1215-1293), a Talmudist, Tosafist and liturgidal poet ande one of the foremost leadeers of Ashkenazic Jews
* Judah Ben Samuel Halevi (born c. 1086), called the "greatest German-Jewish lyric poet"
* Judah he-Hasid
* Samuel he-Hasid
* Eleazer ben Judah ben Kalonymus of Worms (1176-1238), a Talmudist, Cabalist, moralist, scientist and poet

Medieval France

* Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedersi (1270-1340), a poet, philosopher and physician born in Beziers
* Joseph ben Isaac Bekor Shor (Twelfth century) of Orleans, a Tosafist, exegete and poet

afed, Palestine Cabalists

* Solomon Alkabiz (Sixteenth century)
* Israel ben Moses Najara (c. 1555 - c. 1625)

Italian Renaissance

* Samuel Archevolti
* Deborah Ascarelli (Seventeenth century)
* Rafael da Faenza
* Immanuel Dei Rossi
* Immanuel Frances
* Jacob Frances
* Immanuel the Roman also known as "Immanuel ben Solomon" and "Immanuel of Rome" (1270-1330), a satirical poet and scholar
* Daniel ben Judah (late Fourteenth century), liturgical poet
* Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, also known as Moses Hayyim Luzzatto (1707-1747)
* Judah Leone Modena, also known as: Leon Modena or Yehudah Aryeh Mi-modena (1571-1648), a rabbi, orator, scholar, teacher and poet
* Moses da Rieti
* Sarah Copia Sullam (d. 1641)
* Joseph Zarfati

North Africa and Yemen

* Saadiah ben Amram
* Shimon Labi
* Shalom Shabazi

Jewish Enlightenment (Haskalah)

* Isaac Erter (1792-1851) satirist and poet
* Mordecai Aaron Ginzberg
* Judah Leib Gordon, also known as "Judah Löb ben Asher Gordon" or "Leon Gordon" (1831-1892)
* Abraham Baer Gottlober (1811-1899)
* Abraham Dob Bär Lebensohn (1789-1878)
* Micah Joseph Lebensohn (1828-1852)
* Meir Halevi Letteris (1800-1871)
* Isaac Baer Levinsohn (1788-1860)
* Samuel David Luzzatto (1800-1865)
* Rahel Luzzatto Morpurgo (1790-1871)
* Süsskind Raschkow
* Constantin Shapiro (1841-1900)
* Hermann Wassertrilling
* Naphtali Hirz Wessely (1725-1805)

Modern Hebrew


* Shimon Adaf (b. 1972), Israeli poet and author
* Nathan Alterman, also known as Natan Alterman (1910-1970), Israeli journalist, translator and popular poet
* Yehudah Amichai (1924-2000) Israeli poet and one of the first to write in colloquial Hebrew
* Vered Ariel
* Tirtza Atar
* David Avidan
* Reuben Avinoam (1905-)


* Maya Bejerano
* Menahem Ben (Braun)
* Yakir Ben Moshe
* Haim Nachman Bialik (1873-1934)
* Erez Biton
* Miri Ben Simhon


* Abraham Chalfi
* Rahel Chalfi
* T. Carmi
* Shlomit Cohen-Assif
* Sami Shalom Chetrit
* Jacob Cohen (1881-1960)


* M. M. Dolitzki (1858-1931)


* David Edelstadt (1866-1892), workers poet and one of the first Jewish poets in the United States
*Israel Efrat
*Shelley Elkayam


* Jacob Fichman (1881-1958) a critic, essayist and poet

*Larry Friefeld (Elazar)
*Lois Friefeld
* Simeon Samuel Frug (1860-1922), wrote in Russian, Yiddish and Hebrew


*Mordechai Geldman
*Orit Gidali
*Amir Gilboa
* Simon Ginzburg (1890-1944)
*Haim Gouri
*Leah Goldberg (1911-1970), born in Lithuania, emigrated to Israel
*Uri Zvi Greenberg (Tur Malka)


*Simon Halkin
*Avigdor Hameyeri (1886-1970), born in Carpato-Russ and emigrated to Israel in 1921; also a novelist
*Haim Hazaz
*Judah he-Hasid
*Samuel he-Hasid
*Ayin Hillel
*Yair Hurvitz


* Naphtali Herz Imber (1856-1909), the author of "Hatikvah" ("The Hope"), called "the Jewish national hymn"


*Ben Kalman, "see" Abraham Reisen
*Yitzhak Katzenelson, alternate English spelling, "Isaac Katzenelson" (1886-1944), perished in Auschwitz, where he wrote a famous poem about the extermination of the Jews
*Admiel Kosman
*Abba Kovner


* Isaac Lamdan (1899-1954)
* Yitzhak Laor(b. 1948) Israeli poet, author, and journalist
* Haim Lensky
* Hezy Leskly
* Judah Lob Levin (1845-1925)
* Ephraim Lisitzky (1885-1962)


* Meir Leibush Malbim (1809-1879), notable Russian Bible commentator who wrote some poetry in Hebrew
* Solomon Mandelkern (1846-1902), Ukrainian poet and scholar; author of the Hebrew concordance, Hekal Hakodesh
* Mordecai Zevi Manne (1859-1886)
*Sabina Messeg
*Agi Mishol (b. 1947) Hungarian-born Israeli poet


*Jacob Orland
*Amir Or


*Dan Pagis
*Alexander Penn
* Isaac Loeb Peretz (1851-1915) wrote in Hebrew and Yiddish
*Elisha Porat
* Daniel Preil (1911- )


*Rachel (1887-1959)
*Yonathan Ratosh
*Dahlia Rabikovitch
*Janice Rebibo
*Abraham Regelson
*Asher Reich
*Abraham Reisen (1870-1953) Russian native who emigrated to the United States; prolific poet and prose writer; pen name: Ben Kalman
*Aharon Reuveni
*Tuvya Ruebner

* Yossi Sarid
* Zalman Schnaiur (1887-1959), novelist and poet
* A. A. Schwartz (1846-1931)
* Aharon Shabtai
* Yaakov Shabtai
* Amnon Shamossh
* Rina Shani
* Zalman Shazar
* Naomi Shemer
* David Shimonowitz, also known as "David Shimoni" (1886-1956)
* Abraham Shlonsky
* Roni Someck
* Jacob Steinberg (1887-1948)


*Shaul Tchernichovsky, also known as Saul Tchernihowsky* (1875-1943)
*Ben-Zion Tomer


*David Vogel


*Yona Wallach
*Rafi Weichert
*Meir Wieseltier


*Miriam Yalan-Shteklis
*Avoth Yeshurun
*Natan Yonatan


* Nathan Zach
* Nurit Zarchi
* Zelda
* Eliezer Zebi Zweifel (1815-1888), also a Russian scholar, comentator and defender of Hassidism
* Eliakum Zunser (1836-1913) wrote in Hebrew and Yiddish
* Stephan Zweig (1881-1942), born in Vienna; also a biographer and dramatist
* Zvi Yair


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